Merlin’s Speaking Engagements and Conferences
Please contact Merlin for your next Church or organizational speaking event.
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I speak with both passion and practicality. I try to bring Kingdom principles closer to the person. I try to use Scripture to bring greater truth to a specific topic.

My training is practical and down to earth. I use thought-provoking questions to engage the audience and to encourage them to take action.

I’ve experienced the challenges of start-ups to growing an organization that has touched thousands of lives through developing leaders.

As a personal coach, I will guide you to learn fundamentals that are essential in a fulfilling life. I will assist you in discovering your passion to realize your potential.
The KIOM Experiential Study…
Start a Home Group or Bible Study Group with friends or your Church. “What a great group to be with. I had the honor to lead their book study on “The Kingdom In Our Midst “ Session 3 – Kingdom Worldview.” – Merlin Gonzales, Instructor
Join the classWho and what is behind KIOM …
“Merlin Gonzales believes in the power of kindness. As founder and president of Faith Hope and Love Community Inc., he demonstrates this belief by addressing food insecurity in Indianapolis. In this, IUPUI is Gonzales’s perfect partner considering the value we place on service, engagement, and community. Paw’s Pantry, the university’s student-created and student-run food pantry within the Division of Student Affairs, was a natural collaboration between Gonzales and the IUPUI campus.” – Faces of IUPUI: 50 Year Anniversary.
Faces of IUPUI: Merlin GonzalesTHE KIOM BLOG
There’s something you can do and its right in your own community: serving others and showing them what the Kingdom of God looks like in their lives. Watch as Merlin speaks on the Visions Streams Network about KIOM and FHL. ⇒ Become an FHL Missional Food Pantry Volunteer