Update on the Classes

When you’re having fun, things and events seem to go fast. The Session #5 is coming up May 1st. We will spend half of our time about the 7 Influencers of a society and about some practical applications such as preparing a Project Proposal and Plan. In this session, students will learn how to identify needs, resources and how to mobilize volunteers. You don’t want to miss it.

It has been my intention to make my classes available online. The class at Martindale Church of Christ became our launching pad to publish the class online with the ArtSees Diner. Thanks to my friend Mary who have worked hard unconditionally to make it happen.

The teachings are now available via YouTube through Artsees Diner. We are still working on finding the right device for better sound. Please let us know if you have suggestions.

I am thinking of expanding my teachings that will span for a few months starting in Fall of 2013. Please pray for our team for the Lord’s direction. However, our next regular class may start as early as mid or late May.

For the meantime, I am offering personal coaching, mentoring and training to a few individuals who want to experience more on Living in God’s Dominion here one Earth. You can contact me to set up a for personal assessment via [email protected]

Don’t ask for a miracle; be the miracle!

Merlin GonzalesUpdate on the Classes