07/22/13 Testimonial during the 24/7Indy

FHL Week 2013

FHL Week 2013

I pray that you will be blessed as you read this story that happened on 24/7Indy. This was from one of our partners, Patty. Send me your testimonial and any encouraging message.

God showed me to divide the time into one hour slots and each hour focus on different topics. We did 20 minutes of worship, 20 minutes of declaring along with a testimony regarding that area from a testimony book from supernatural school at Bethel and 20 minutes of soaking. The time just flew and the Presence of God came in a wonderful way.

When we were in the 3rd hour of praying a group of young people came in from the camp. So I explained to them what we were doing and that they could join us. We all worshipped together and then got in a circle to pray for the government. I shared a testimony of healing I had had and offered individual prayer for anyone who wanted it. Becky, who was praying with us saw us touching each one of them and saying a blessing over them. We had them get in a circle and then 6 of us went around the circle and touched each one of the young people and the 2 leaders and spoke words of blessing and prophesy from God. One young man was on his knees the whole time and was overcome by the presence of the Lord! We were getting some powerful words for him. He is the one who God touched later with the joy of the Lord and he saw Jesus tickling him! God was doing a mighty and glorious work in him.

Then most of them left except for 5 who came to us for more prayer. It was 3 young people and 2 leaders. They each got prayer for specific things and one young man had scoliosis and we saw him get talller and one young girl had back pain and she received healing! The leaders also got prayer and were  touched by God!

Jeri, Deborah, Becky, Kathy and Matthew from FHL prayed during this time. It was a wonderful and moving and exciting time with Jesus!

Merlin Gonzales07/22/13 Testimonial during the 24/7Indy

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