Automatic Faucet

I was blessed to meet a couple last Friday when I went to my Men’s Bible study. Our guests was brother who was just released from a several years of imprisonment. He brought his entire family, his wife and 2 children at the Bible study. I had a chance to talk to him:

He said that Indianapolis had changed a lot, people seemed to be in a rush. One thing that he shared with me was the convenience of an automatic faucet; 10 years ago, no one would ever thought about this new technology-just put your hand under the faucet and water comes out!

Last Monday, he and his family stopped by the FHL office and we gave him some frozen food, bread, milk and shoes. This coming Saturday, they are planning to go to the Pantry of Hope to receive more food and supplies.

I would like to encourage you that your don’t have to go far to be in a mission field. To volunteer at other organizations or to partner with FHL on various ways to serve others, contact 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

Visit my Daily Podcast at to hear my interviews with people on the street. God bless you,

Merlin GonzalesAutomatic Faucet