FHL Week 2012: Day 4

What an amazing day! I had the opportunity to visit a few sites today:

My first stop was at Martindale-Brightwood Area. Their main project today was Job Fair.  I met several local leaders and a national leader, Phil Tom. He is the National Director for Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, US Dept. of Labor. The fair held at IPS School 51 and was attended by numerous people-employers, potential candidates and job resources such as assistance in writing resumes. This was our first Job Fair project and it was a great success of connections and relationships.

My next stop was at the trailer home remodeling. I was surprised to see that the piles of brushes and over grown weeds and small trees were cleared by noon. One of our Partners, Global Constructors brought his back hoe and bobcat to clear the 1-acre yard. Thanks, Kent!

The last stop was to pick up 11 volunteers from The Poster-Display who signed up to volunteer for the Cloverleaf Apartment outreach. The management of the Cloverleaf Apartment complex decided to coincide their Residents’ Appreciation Day with FHL Week. The event included food, live Christian Music, kid’s games and many more. They estimated that about 400-500 adults and children were feed in 2.5 hours. We would to extend our sincere appreciation to David, Toni and their team.

This is now the mid point of FHL Week. So much has been done and many people accepted Jesus in their and still more days to go. Tomorrow is another day of great expectations! Tune in for more of the FHL Week stories of hope, compassion, encouragement and love.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 4

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