FHL Week 2012: Day 5

During FHL Week, office paperwork and reporting continue. My first stop for the day is at FHL office to catch up on US mail, voice mails and balance checkbook. I met with our Bookkeeper regarding accounting and paying bills. Of course, we also deposited several checks donated by our donors and partners.

While I was at the office, there were several youth and adults from Anderson who helped out in a Southside project including helping  at Midwest Food Bank. At the end of their day in Indy, they had de-briefing. Here’s what a Youth Leader has to say about their experience yesterday and today: Sarah wrote, “Sometimes you get to see the fruit of your labor before your eyes, and other times, you don’t know what God is doing, but when you look into a little childs eyes and tell them just how beautiful they are and that Jesus made them special, and you see them look deep into your soul with a plea for you to keep talking to them in the truth of Gods love, you cant help but to know that every moment we breath is a moment Gods love can be poured into someones life.  You know at that moment that the seeds you planted took root and the fruit will follow.

Next, I visited Storehouse Ministries who are continuing their clean ups in preparation for tomorrow’s shelving constructions. My last stop was to visit the There’s Hope project. They are coming along well with the flooring of 3 rooms, organizing the garage and started the painting of the outside of the house.

My day ended at the FHL office and later at my house to finish this Blog. Each day is different and brings blessings in unique way. God bless,

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 5

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