A Few God stories

Here are a few stories how God used the FHL ministry to share the tangible expression of God’s love:
• In the past 6 weeks, we have received 5 donated vehicles; 3 were already donated to those in need.
• The largest single project (self-funded) during FHL Week is the 3 church build for Haiti (parts are gping to be bought and constructed in Noblesville FHL Area) plus 25,000 meals pack costing about $22,000+
• We are planning to have our biggest-ever Prayer Walk/Celebration on July 24th 3p at University Park. Please join us if you can, you will be blessed.
• We are planning to do foot washing and 500 shoes giveaway on July 30th 4p at HHOOT to the homeless
• We have planted a self-sustained Food Pantry at Boys & Girls Club at Troy Ave., Indianapolis. The pantry is open every 3rd Saturday from 2-4p. I would like to invite you to join us this month.
• We are now looking for creative ways to reach the hungry through a ‘village pantry’ model. We are aiming to start 2 of these pantries during FHL Week.
• 24/7 Prayer Room available at My Father’s House church in Broadripple during FHL Week.
• Our partnership with a non-profit organization for a 4-acre land Grassroots farm right in the Lafayette Sq Mall vicinity. We are expecting 7-10 different nationalities to farm.
• Check out my Podcasts to hear more how the Lord is blessing others through our ministry

God had given FHL grace to connect those in need with those who have resources. He is using us to mobilize hundreds of volunteers and to accomplish many projects and services with a small budget. Here’s what Indianapolis Mayor Ballard say about FHL.

God bless you!

Merlin GonzalesA Few God stories

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