An unusual day

I still remember when the government first announced the severity of the spread of the pandemic.

A historical event

March 13, 2020, was the date that many of us will remember. It was the day when President Trump declared a nationwide emergency due to COVID-19. As I was trying to keep up with the news on Thursday, March 19th, I watched a TV broadcast about a priest who was doing a drive-by confession.

“He might do it”

The next day March 20, 2020, I stopped by my church to visit my wife; she works there. The streets were clear of traffic for a Friday morning. In the church building, there were only a few people around. “The pandemic is real”, I told myself as I was phasing back and forth on a church hallway. As my pastor was passing by, I told him how innovative was the priest who came up with a drive-by confession. He smiled as he said (because he said I might do it) that a vacant Starbucks building at an intersection close to the church could a great drive-thru prayer. However, even before he finished his sentence, I thought came to mind that it would be a great drive-thru food pantry.

A burning building

The thought of a drive-thru food pantry stayed with me for the next 2 hours until I decided to drive by the building to check it out. I have been to that same building several times when it was open. It had been vacated and empty for about 2 years. I remembered when they closed it, the leader of the missional food pantry at my church came to me and asked for my advice if he should ask the manager to donate the coffee tables and chairs. He found out that they were giving it away since they want to have new coffee shop furniture at their new location – no more than 100 feet away from that building! But that day was different. I had a feeling of certainty. I parked my car in front of the building.

It seemed to me that the building was burning… in my heart.

I saw a sign in the front of the building that it was for lease and the number to call. Without any hesitancy, I called the number. A leasing agent answered me. I told him that I would like to turn the building into a drive-thru food pantry since many people have been laid off and it would be a strategic location since it is one of the busiest intersections in that part of town.

He said that he will speak with the Starbucks contact and will get back to me. I thought he was just trying to get me off the phone. I said to myself, “That was the end of my vision”, and I did not expect any callback.

The bush was not burning!

By around 4 pm, my phone rang! The leasing agent said he has someone in line to speak with me. I had mixed emotions at that point… “Was my idea a flop or is it from God?” As I was being introduced to an executive from Starbucks in Seattle, Washington, my head was computing data at the speed of light!

After a brief introduction of all the parties involved, I share my vision with the Starbucks executive, “We are not asking for money”, I said. I shared my vision that it would be a great community service if his company would allow us to use the vacant building as a drive-thru food pantry. “It would be a great help to the residents of the community where they’re doing business”, I added.

To my surprise, the executive said that he will speak with their legal department for consideration.

Merlin GonzalesAn unusual day

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