Merlin Gonzales


Merlin founded Faith Hope and Love Intl., which collaborates with churches crossing denominational lines. He has developed the concept of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” to unify the Body of Christ by bringing the love of God into the community. Merlin’s messages and teachings are about raising up a generation passionate for God to build a legacy of transformation. He is an Advisory Council Member for the State of Indiana Office of the Faith-based and a co-host for Religion in the News. Merlin speaks at churches, businesses, government, educational institutions and faith based organizations to encourage people to live out their faith. He is a church consultant helping pastors reach out in their communities to raise and train leaders. Merlin and his wife Annie live in Noblesville, Ind.

Sunday service at the Midtown Vineyard: “Joy” Dec. 13, 2009

Hi everyone!

I’m so excited for the 12/13 10am Sunday service at the Midtown Vineyard. The topic is you know what, JOY to tie-in with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This topic has been a popular request lately…I wonder why. I am expecting miracles, healings and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. In the past several weeks, we have been seeing healings, the Holy Spirit manifestation and deliverance at the CityWide Prayers and at a church that I spoke at 2 weeks ago.

“Come Holy Spirit! We want more of you, reign on earth as it is in Heaven. We are hungry  for more of you and we want to experience your Presence. We receive your commission to us…to be your ambassadors, and to continue the works of Jesus here on earth. Halellujah!”

I’d like to thank all of you again for your prayers and support. We present the Gospel with both proclamation and demonstration – the model of Jesus. We obey what we are commissioned to. We present the full message of the Gospel7As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a]drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. – Matthew 10:7-8.

NOTE: If you are available, a group of us will be travelling to Anderson, IN this Saturday 5pm to Glory Ministry. I will be speak at a ministry there; they have been experiencing God’s physical manifestations. I am scheduled speak at Abundant Life Church this Sunday 6p but have not get the final confirmation yet. If this does not work out, we will have a service at the FHL office instead.

God bless you,


Merlin GonzalesSunday service at the Midtown Vineyard: “Joy” Dec. 13, 2009
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Hello Friends,

This is my first post and I want to welcome you!  FHL is excited to announce the new options in communication and technology that we are implementing to better serve you.  We have just relaunched our new web site and are now introducing blogs  for you to communicate directly with us and our ministry leaders and staff.  These blogs are powerful means to get feedback from you, our readers, and for you to hear directly from us about the really important “backyard mission work” , helping your own city and communities, your own neighborhoods that we are led by the Lord to do.  We want to partner with people like you right now. So feel free to jump in and leave a comment or suggestion here.

All of our recent upgrades brought to mind the following thoughts:  Someone said that knowledge is power but another said that knowledge unused is powerless. Same thing with technology and countless resources that God gave us…if unused and not utilized will be just a sore thumb sticking out and wasted. We can’t stand still or we’ll get ran over.

I look forward to hearing from you!

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales


©Merlin Gonzales, President, FHL International, Inc., 2009

Merlin GonzalesWelcome!
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FHL Announcements: September 2009 Volunteer Opportunities!!

FHL Logo

Opportunities to get involved and to volunteer as of September 2009:

Prayer at the Circle on 8/30/09 3pm

This prayer group will have a brief worship, communion and prayer for Indianapolis

FHL Kindness Days

  • on 8/29/09 :00pm

at 10th St & Rural, Indianapolis; There will be 4 Groups reaching out: Passing out cold drinks, picking up trash, street evangelism and Prayer Tent.

  • on 9/11/09

There will be several projects at Martindale-Brightwood area (clean up, light construction) and in Castleton. We are expecting more than 60 volunteers to come together in serving our communities.

  • on 10/17/09

This day will be focused on Cars of Clay Ministry. More details to come.

FHL Refugees & Farm Ministry

FHL has (3) farms that have been producing food for the community. A church in Greenwood, IN is donating 20 acres land for farming. There will be vision-casting luncheon at Midwest Food Bank on Saturday, September 12 from 11am to 1pm; Lunch is provided. There are opportunities to partner and to volunteer. Contact Wili de la Rosa at [email protected].

Street Evangelism 9/26/09

Meet at Cornerstone Baptist Church located at 952 N. Pennsylvania at 11am to 3pm. Please contact Bill Lamb 317-549-5238 for more info.

FHL Mobile Food Pantry on 9/26/09 3:00pm-4:30pm

Experience the blessing around the city!

Volunteer from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Contact Ethan Crane (317) 578-3370 for more info.

Citywide Prayer 9/27/09

Citywide Prayer/Worship.  Contact Donna Cherry at 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

Jehoshua House, LLC

Offender, Re-entry ministry. Contact Bob Irvin at 317-578-3370 or [email protected] | Jehoshua

Cars of Clay

Car Ministry. Contact Jim Raftery at 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

FHL Corporate Office
Located at 8383 Craig Street, Suite 335, Indianapolis, IN 46250.

Exciting and rewarding volunteer positions available. Contact Merlin Gonzales at (317)578-3370 for more info.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Announcements: September 2009 Volunteer Opportunities!!
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FHL Week 2009 Recap

[youtube=]Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!  What a privilege to work alongside all of you in these past few months. FHL Week 2009 was the largest impact we had in terms of number of salvations, people we touched,  and projects completed and generated.  The  overall value of our projects and services in all categories saw significant improvement.  It truly became a Year of Hope for many in Indianapolis and the hope within us became the tangible expression of God’s love to His people.  Heaven came down and His Presence was evident in our communities.

Words cannot adequately express the miracles that happened (and are still happening) during of Faith, Hope and Love Week 2009. But here is a partial list below:

  • 2 communities were transformed both spiritually & physically (Riverwood & Elizaville)
  • 25 individuals were brought to salvation
  • Creative miracles were witnessed, such as:
    • people who were in wheelchairs started to gain strength in their legs and started pushing their own wheelchair (or jumped)
    • transformed individuals
  • Countless projects were generated for continuance after FHL Week 2009
  • Numerous new relationships were started
  • FHL reached out even farther to areas such as:
    • Lebanon
    • Avon
    • North of Noblesville
  • More businesses provided resources
  • The Indianapolis Deputy Mayor preached the Gospel at the Circle in front of the general public


Thank you so much for allowing me to serve with you. As I mentioned in the past, FHL Week is just a beginning of the continued flow of God’s blessings to our communities. In the weeks to come, I would like to touch base with you to see FHL could serve with you or how you could join us in serving together.

I am sure that it is almost impossible for me to thank everyone personally so please extend my sincere gratitude. It’s been and will be my honor to work alongside with you again!

FHL Week 2010 is July 25-31, The Year of Love

Eph. 6:23-24, “Peace to the brothers (and sisters), and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”

Merlin Gonzales

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2009 Recap
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