Merlin Gonzales


Merlin founded Faith Hope and Love Intl., which collaborates with churches crossing denominational lines. He has developed the concept of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” to unify the Body of Christ by bringing the love of God into the community. Merlin’s messages and teachings are about raising up a generation passionate for God to build a legacy of transformation. He is an Advisory Council Member for the State of Indiana Office of the Faith-based and a co-host for Religion in the News. Merlin speaks at churches, businesses, government, educational institutions and faith based organizations to encourage people to live out their faith. He is a church consultant helping pastors reach out in their communities to raise and train leaders. Merlin and his wife Annie live in Noblesville, Ind.

Evangelism training in preparation of July19th FHL Festival on the Circle

FHLIconWith Donna Cherry At Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

Come join Donna Cherry as she trains and empowers the body of Christ to reach the lost. Donna will be teaching how to use a SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE evangelism tool that clearly presents the gospel and leads people through the sinner’s prayer. Revival Ministries International developed the tool and has seen close to a million souls saved in only a few years. Donna is experienced in evangelism on the street and off. She has seen souls come to Christ in Indianapolis, Louisville, Chicago, and Phoenix.

Be ready for 2 hours of soul winning on the streets of Indianapolis during Black Expo!!

At Cornerstone Christian Fellowship952 N. Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 687-0075

Saturday, July 18th

Training is from noon to 2 p.m. Activation is from 2 to 4 p.m.

Other training dates are July 8th at 7pm at Bread of Life 7510 E. C. R.100 N. Avon IN 46123

Free will offering taken to cover supplies . Pre-register at or call 318-888-4014 .  Walk in’s welcome but pre-register ensures supplies.

Merlin GonzalesEvangelism training in preparation of July19th FHL Festival on the Circle
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Citywide Prayer & Worship – June 13 th

Citywide Prayer & Worship – June 13 thJune13

Come and join us on the eastside with other churches to

PRAY, PRAISE & WORSHIP together for our city

as we bless the eastside and Indianapolis!

June 13th at 7pm

The host church this month is

Fervent Prayer Church – 898-2751

10512 East 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46235

We welcome all dancers, flags and shofars.

It is a radical time to celebrate all that God is doing in our city.

Intercessors come at 5:30pm to the sign up table. There you will receive further instructions.

A free-will offering will be taken.

FHL Festival – JULY 19th

Come and hear about this exciting event

Located again this year on the Circle in downtown Indianapolis.

It will be a time of city intercession

with worship and praise, shofar blowers, dancers and a prayer walk for FHL Week.

There will also be an outreach time in the streets set up at the park

only a few blocks from the Black Expo.

Preparation and equipping time July 17th-18th

Drum circle – bring your drums .

More information to come.

Needed Items:

Canopies, water and financial donations – contact Merlin Gonzales

Street Evangelism – contact Donna Cherry

Shofar players, intercessors and dancers – contact Jodi Smith

Donna Cherry, FHL Citywide Prayer Coordinator,

Merlin GonzalesCitywide Prayer & Worship – June 13 th
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Faith Hope and Love Habitat House

By Merlin Gonzales, Pres., Faith Hope and Love

Recently, Habitat for Humanity asked Faith Hope and Love to partner with them to build a house for a Hispanic family. FHL President, Merlin Gonzales thought it would be good that the house be built by different nationalities. Ralph Taylor, International Affairs Coordinator for Indianapolis Mayors office agreed to call a meeting at WFYI Ch 20 on Monday, May 11th.

FHL and Habitat Meeting

The meeting resulted with several ethnic groups to partner in building the house in the Martindale-Brightwood area starting June 3- July 11. The immediate need is to staff the June 3th –June 5th house build days. Two shifts are offered, from 7:30am to 11:30am and from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. Please contact 317-578-3370 to get involved in this community house build.

Merlin GonzalesFaith Hope and Love Habitat House
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Garden of Hope

By Merlin Gonzales, President, Faith Hope and Love

There are many stagnant, vacant lands in our city. A question was asked, ‘What if we turn the vacant land into farming and gardening?’ GardenHopeThis question stirred many hearts in our city.

Last summer, many volunteers gathered in Fortville, IN and provided raised garden beds in the neighborhoods. Earlier this year, Faith Hope and Love (FHL) partnered with the refugees to cultivate the gardens in Fortville. On Monday, the 10th of May, the refugees farmers harvested their first crop.

Recently, FHL partnered with Midwest Food Bank in cultivating an acre of land next to the food bank. The idea was to turn the land into a small farming site. The Chin people (Burmese) agreed to provide labor in exchange of sharing the harvest of the land.

There were numerous people in attendance among them are Merlin Gonzales, President of Faith Hope and Love, Ralph Taylor, International Affairs Coordinator for the Indianapolis Mayor’s Office, John Whitaker, Executive Director of Midwest Food Bank and Pastor Bhawerain of the Chin people.

In the next few days, FHL will be offering opportunities to adopt hens at the Fortville farm.  You can adopt a hen for $10 one time investment and $4 every month for feed. In return, the sponsors will benefit by receivingMenFarm fresh farm eggs on a monthly basis and can experience being a farmer.

If you are interested in being part of the FHL initiatives, please call 317-578-3370 for more information.

It is said that unemployment is about 10%. What if the 90% of the population who are blessed with a job provide incentive and encouragement for the 10% unemployed who want and need a loving and dignified assist?  Our job framework has shrunk so it can’t support everyone with a job at this time. So being out of work is not always a choice these days.

Merlin GonzalesGarden of Hope
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Faith Hope and Love Mother’s Day Celebration 2009

By Merlin Gonzales, President, Faith Hope and Love (FHL International, Inc.)

Faith Hope and Love (FHL) joined the Mother’s Day Celebration presented by La Voz de Indiana on Saturday, May 9th. The celebration included FHL MobMomDayFaceile Food Pantry, which provided groceries to more than 1000 people. It was truly a collaborative pantry, including many volunteers from different cultures of the world, such as Hispanics, Asians and Europeans. The FHL Mobile Food Pantry is a monthly service that is held at different parts of the city to reach out those who cannot travel far and to encourage the active participation of local communities. The food pantry is joined by churches, businesses, government and education institutions in serving the least, the lost and the last. You are encouraged to serve with FHL by volunteering or by sponsoring families. Your contribution of $15 will feed a family of 5 for a day.

Earlier the same day, as part of the Mother’s Day celebration, Faith Hope and Love provided free oil changes at four Indianapolis locations: Post Road Christian Church on the east side, Chapel Rock Christian Church on the west, and Hubler Express Collision in the North and South locations. More than 100 single moms received free oil changes. Through this community outreach, many volunteers were thankful that their passion was used to serve others. FHL is now looking for volunteers who like to do routine maintenance and minor repair on vehicles. FHL is expanding its car ministry to 4 locations in Indianapolis.

In addition to food pantry and oil changes, the FHL Street Evangelism team shared the Gospel in the 10th Street/RuralMomDayLine area. As a result, an individual at a bus stop accepted the Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. The individuals involved in this team have been preaching the gospel in the local area for more than 2 years now.

Faith Hope and Love partnered with the Pacer Entertainment–Indiana Fever WNBA to provided indoor entertainment to the disadvantaged families and their friends. FHL is asking the community to sponsor children for the game at Conseco Fieldhouse on June 27th 7pm. A ticket is $14, which includes entrance to the game, vouchers for a free hotdog, a bag of chips, a drink and a t-shirt. Contact FHL at 317-578-3370 for information in sponsoring the disadvantaged.

Merlin GonzalesFaith Hope and Love Mother’s Day Celebration 2009
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