In 2012 Merlin Gonzales wrote the book The Kingdom In Our Midst, which challenges the reader to operate in the supernatural realm of faith. He founded Faith Hope and Love in 2005 out of his passion to disciple and to bring the love of God to local communities through acts of kindness. Through God’s inspiration to unify the Body of Christ, Merlin developed the concepts of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” and “Missional Food Pantry.” He is a co-host for Wish TV 8′s “Religion In The News” program while serving as a Guest Speaker and Church Consultant. He is the President of the board of Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition and a board member of the Church Federation of Greater Indianapolis. Merlin Gonzales was born in the Philippines and now lives with his wife, Annie, in Noblesville, IN. He has two children, Kayla and Andrew.
Merlin Gonzales
A moment at Starbucks
Last Thursday 03/20/14, I was walking hurriedly to get to the door of Starbucks in Castleton, Indiana for a meeting. All of a sudden, an early 30’s man got in my way to the door. “Hi, my wife and I are going to downtown and need a few cents so we can pay our bus fare”, said the man. Immediately, my guard went up and my mind reminded me of numerous times of this “ploy.” I saw his wife coming near us, wearing ragged dirty clothes.
I reached in my pocket and give him all the coins I had. He thanked me and I immediately turn towards the door for my appointment. Without thinking at all, I suddenly stop walking, turned around to the man and asked him if I can pray for them. Hesitantly, he said, “Oh, sure!” while his wife was looking at both of us.
I prayed for God to bless them and shared with them that God loves them very much, He wants to provide for them and He will be sending people to them who would be helping them in their situation, but they have to be willing to listen to Him. At that time, I noticed tears flowing through their cheeks. I sensed that they felt uncomfortable being in front of the entrance of Starbucks with tears in their eyes. So I gave them a hint that we’re done.
They thanked me and I received “God bless, you” from both of them. They rushed to the Bus Stop as they were wiping their tears. I could have ask them if they know Jesus, but I sensed that the timing was not right: they have to catch the bus, we were blocking the front door of Starbucks and they were surprised that someone would take the time to pray for them during morning rush hour.
Small caring gestures could open one’s heart to the eternal. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
The blessings of serving
There are days when something amazing happens when you least expected. Here are a few examples that happened in 10 days.
On March 6th, I decided to move the re-distribution of food from the FHL parking lot to a warehouse that is being rented by one of our partnering food pantry Pastors. We normally divide the food that we receive from Midwest Food Bank to 5 food pantries. Because of the numerous logistics, I have to admit that I was anxious. However, many of my anxious thoughts were wrong! The training went very well at our partner’s building while we were waiting for the arrival of the 24-footer box truck containing the food. Our partner’s warehouse has at least 6 docks, a lift truck and a hand truck. The Lord worked it out that we were able to unload 9 pallets in just a few minutes. Within an hour, the food were redistributed to 5 food pantries. It normally takes us to do all this in 3-4 hours!
In addition, our partner is considering allowing us use some space for storage! This may seem insignificant but the warehouse space with loading docks, lift truck, hand truck and more centralize location is huge for FHL at this time! I’ll share more on this soon.
On March 12th, I conducted a Latino refresher course for food pantry operation at Monte de Sion Hispanic Wesleyan Church. I ended the teaching with role playing to present the Gospel during food pantry days and also anywhere they see opportunities. The participants were all excited to use their newly acquired revelation.
A few days later on March 15th, I visited the food pantry at that same place, Monte de Sion. As soon as I got there, many people are being served and were being prayed for. One of the couples who participated at the training on the 12th shared with me that they led 2 people to the Lord! They were so excited and I noticed that their faith was rising up as they are experiencing the blessing of sharing the Gospel.
Earlier that day, I was expecting a hectic schedule for the opening of our newest food pantry at the corner of Washington & State streets. Opening a new site takes a lot of planning and preparation. When I got to the site, the Pastor of this mobile food pantry was already. The food were placed on tables, volunteers were at their station and were already engaging in conversations with people at this street corner.
This particular food distribution area is one of the depressed areas in Indy. This site had become a “stand by” place for “Labor For Hire”. They hang out at this corner waiting for people to hire them for a day! This is a strategic place to give away food, offer free coffee and sandwiches for the men waiting for work. We’ll see how the Lord would have us serve in this place in the future – maybe more than just giving groceries once a month.
My last stop that day was at B&G Pantry of Hope. I was amazed to see how they have become a self-sufficient. Here’s a video of their story as told by their current food pantry director who was one of this pantry’s recipients a few years ago.
I am blessed to witness His goodness and the miracles along the way. I told a Pastor who visited one of the pantries that I receive blessings through serving. I would like to challenge you this coming weeks to count your blessings as you serve in the Name of the Lord; it will revolutionize your outlook in life.
John 12:26, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
God bless you!
History of FHL Food Pantry
In the fall of 2006, Merlin Gonzales and a few volunteers agreed to do the first FHL Mobile Food Pantry. FHL partnered with a Hispanic business that allowed us to give the food in the grocery store. One of our partners owned one of the Latino newspapers in town and she did a half-page ad at no cost to us.
The pantry attracted almost 100 families. The first pantry had less than 10 volunteers but was able to give a lot of grocery items from a food bank and other sources. For the next 2 years, FHL food pantries were held in churches, schools and parking lots. FHL did not have problems in attracting recipients because of the follow up system.
After 2 years, FHL introduced prayers at pantries. The recipients seem open and soon it became a regular part of each pantry. Through the process of partnering with different organizations at different locations, FHL developed procedures overtime. The leaders learned how to interact with different denominations, ethnic groups and traditions. The Lord walked the organization through many on-the-job training that were vital to the development creative evangelism. The leaders learned more how to interact with the different segments of our society.
However, setting up and tearing down of food pantry sites at different location became a hindrance to serve more people and to share the Gospel. The idea of starting a food pantry at churches and other sites became obvious. FHL would be able to serve more people and would be able to share its experience with others.
The informal training and partnership emerged. Horizon Christian Fellowship Central was the first food pantry that FHL helped start. It is now a vital part of the Fountain Square neighborhood in Indianapolis.
Through prayers and hard work, God had birth the FHL Food Pantry Incubation. It is now that mission of FHL to incubate food pantries in central Indiana.
The FHL Food Pantry School became a work in progress document. In the class, you will learn that practical and spiritual application of the Bible. You will see that your friends and/or congregation can be a part of the tapestry of a food pantry. Young and old, rich and poor has a place in a food pantry such as the Outreach Team, Prayer Team and Community Relations Team.
An idea of feeding the hungry and reaching out to those in need had evolved to be a powerful tool to engage the community in sharing the love of God. The end result is that the hungry are fed, the Gospel is being shared and more people are becoming Christ-like in their communities. The food pantries are becoming missional communities.
Be aware, be prepared
We are living in critical hours and our neighborhoods are in turmoil. Mark 13:7-8, “When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” (NIV) Here are some examples of recent events relating to the verses above.
- The most recent famine was in North Korea when the government implemented the “Military First” policy, which placed the needs of the military above common people. Then heavy flooding occurred in the country and within the 4-year period (1994-1998), about 3 million people died. (
- The year 2011 had the most disasters in recorded history. (Ex. from Global Post):
- The massive 8.9 earthquake was one of the strongest ever recorded in history but the tsunami and the nuclear meltdown that followed had the most lasting damage.
- The drought in East Africa resulted in more than 30,000 children died
- The flood in Thailand that started to rise in July and continued through December killed about 800 people.
- A massive tornado in Oklahoma in May, 2013 packed with 200 miles/hr wind and 12 miles path killed 24 people.
- The strongest recorded typhoon, Haiyan in central Philippines in November, 2013 packed 235 miles per hour wind killing nearly 6,000 and displaced 3.5 million people. (World Vision, worst natural disasters of 2013)
- In the past several weeks in the oil-rich nation of Venezuela, the people are rallying to resolve problems ranging from the rising crime to the unprecedented 56% unemployment. (
- After several protest against the government of Ukraine, almost 100 people had died already. They are now trying to control the crowd from vandalism, banditry and a coup d’etat. (BBC News)
“I can’t believe this would happen in my neighborhood”
On the night of Feb. 20th and early Feb 21st this year (2014) eight people were murdered in metro Indy. Many of our neighborhoods are under attack from the kingdom of this world. Some of our neighborhoods are in disaster, in crisis, even emergencies. We do not need to go somewhere else because our own backyards need us.
Which kingdom do you belong?
In the midst of all of these, we need to be reminded which kingdom we belong. We are from the kingdom that is unshakable. Hebrews 12:26-27, “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.”
Isaiah 2:2, “In the last days,
the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
and all nations will stream to it.”
The government of heaven will rule over all the earth. Christians are commissioned to expand heaven on earth. God has given us delegated authority to influence the world with kingdom principles. In these critical hours, our neighborhoods are waiting and watching for the Bible to become alive in the lives of the Christians.
Feeding the hungry is not enough
According to Feeding America, 1 in 6 Americans struggle with hunger. Many charitable organizations, churches and ministries are mobilizing people and resources to feed the hungry.
In John 6, many supernatural events were told. Thousands of people followed Jesus because they see miraculous signs He had performed. Then, they witnessed something that they have never seen before! Jesus and His disciples fed 5000 men and the rest of the crowd by multiplying 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish that came from a little boy – through the hands of the disciples! They were rejoicing about the miracles and they were fed. Later, the disciples went in a boat to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. That night, Jesus walked on water.
The crowd followed Jesus to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As soon as they found Jesus, they asked Him how He got there since there was only one boat available the night before. Interestingly, Jesus did not answer their question but told them: “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.” – John 6:26 (NIV)
Jesus revealed the real motive of people; they wanted just groceries! Then, Jesus taught them that He is the bread that came down from heaven. He told them they must eat His flesh and drink His blood. Jesus was telling the people to hunger and thirst for Christ. Once we hunger and thirst for Christ, we will be satisfied physically and spiritually. We must be set apart for Him and, He is all we need. Then the thousands left Him except the twelve.
Jesus knew that the multitude did not understand His message and His teachings even though they had been following Him. They are following Him because of the groceries! This is an example that feeding people and giving groceries should not be the focus of food pantries. Jesus is saying that giving away food at food pantries is not enough and, if that becomes the focus of food pantries, we are missing the point. It’s all about Jesus.
Food pantries that are intimate and personal are focused on people rather than food. It values relationship over physical resources. The end result is: more people are being discipled, the Gospel is being shared and the community is being engaged to participate. Similar to the early Christians, we gather together in smaller groups to worship, to pray and to share our resources. People would want to get involved. – Acts 11:27-30
In the next several years, there will be more micro gatherings since people want to be personal and want to know each other. We have the most opportune time to share the Gospel with our neighborhoods. History tells that there is an increase of grace during crisis. You can also see that people in crisis are more open to hear about God and about their eternal destiny. The light is brighter where there is more darkness. We have opportunities to reach out to the community in these critical times through simple food pantries. We can raise up more disciples by inviting our congregations and our clients to be a part of solutions. And, as we become more aware of heaven here on earth, we can be prepared before the next shaking happens in our neighborhoods.
God bless you!
Merlin Gonzales