
It’s be a few months since I visited my Blog. I will try to be more present on my blog. Thank you for all who has been following me and for your encouraging Comments. Lots to share with you but we’ll start with the core of the following Blogs.

What would you community look like if you could say, “The Presence of God is here!”
In the past few weeks, I had the privilege to interview several Mayors of Central Indiana, Corporate Executives, Medical professionals, Spiritual leaders and people on the streets regarding the topic to see their perpectives from their own world. Please visit and for the audio and video interviews.

Noblesville Mayor Ditslear said that God is already present in his city but it would be better if more people are aware of IT. Then I read Genesis 28:16, “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”

I wonder how many people are asleep and would not wake up to see that “the Kingdom of God is at hand”. How many Jacobs are out there not being aware of the Lord right in front of them.

As a community, we need to be catalysts of the awareness of the Kingdom of God in our Midst. It could be just asking the question above or be the representative of the Kingdom wherever you are.

What would your neighborhood look like if more people are aware of the Presence of God in your community and marketplace? So, what would your community look like if you could say, “The Kingdom of God is here!” We’d like to hear your perpective.

Merlin GonzalesAwareness

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