FHL Indiana

The blessings of serving

There are days when something amazing happens when you least expected. Here are a few examples that happened in 10 days.

Warehouse for re-distribution

Warehouse for re-distribution

On March 6th, I decided to move the re-distribution of food from the FHL parking lot to a warehouse that is being rented by one of our partnering food pantry Pastors. We normally divide the food that we receive from Midwest Food Bank to 5 food pantries. Because of the numerous logistics, I have to admit that I was anxious. However, many of my anxious thoughts were wrong! The training went very well at our partner’s building while we were waiting for the arrival of the 24-footer box truck containing the food. Our partner’s warehouse has at least 6 docks, a lift truck and a hand truck. The Lord worked it out that we were able to unload 9 pallets in just a few minutes. Within an hour, the food were redistributed to 5 food pantries. It normally takes us to do all this in 3-4 hours!

Forklift for unloading and loading trucks

Forklift for unloading and loading trucks

In addition, our partner is considering allowing us use some space for storage! This may seem insignificant but the warehouse space with loading docks, lift truck, hand truck and more centralize location is huge for FHL at this time! I’ll share more on this soon.

On March 12th, I conducted a Latino refresher course for food pantry operation at Monte de Sion Hispanic Wesleyan Church. I ended the teaching with role playing to present the Gospel during food pantry days and also anywhere they see opportunities. The participants were all excited to use their newly acquired revelation.

Experiential training

Experiential training

A few days later on March 15th, I visited the food pantry at that same place, Monte de Sion. As soon as I got there, many people are being served and were being prayed for.  One of the couples who participated at the training on the 12th shared with me that they led 2 people to the Lord! They were so excited and I noticed that their faith was rising up as they are experiencing the blessing of sharing the Gospel.

Earlier that day, I was expecting a hectic schedule for the opening of our newest food pantry at the corner of Washington & State streets. Opening a new site takes a lot of planning and preparation. When I got to the site, the Pastor of this mobile food pantry was already. The food were placed on tables, volunteers were at their station and were already engaging in conversations with people at this street corner.

At Washington and State St., Indianapolis

At Washington and State St., Indianapolis

This particular food distribution area is one of the depressed areas in Indy. This site had become a “stand by” place for “Labor For Hire”. They hang out at this corner waiting for people to hire them for a day! This is a strategic place to give away food, offer free coffee and sandwiches for the men waiting for work. We’ll see how the Lord would have us serve in this place in the future – maybe more than just giving groceries once a month.

At Beech Grove B&G

At Beech Grove B&G

My last stop that day was at B&G Pantry of Hope. I was amazed to see how they have become a self-sufficient. Here’s a video of their story as told by their current food pantry director who was one of this pantry’s recipients a few years ago.

I am blessed to witness His goodness and the miracles along the way. I told a Pastor who visited one of the pantries that I receive blessings through serving. I would like to challenge you this coming weeks to count your blessings as you serve in the Name of the Lord; it will revolutionize your outlook in life.

John 12:26, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

God bless you!


Merlin GonzalesThe blessings of serving
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Mercy Missionaries

Jesus of Nazareth reaching out to Peter

Jesus Christ of Nazareth reaching out to Peter

I love the sculpture on my desk. Jesus looks very calm and loving during a critical and emergency time in Peter’s life (Peter sinking fast in a turbulent lake). I’d like to send you this short message that I believe is critical. No, it’s not about the sub zero temperatures and snow. Although these are critical as well, there are looming disasters and crises that are so subtle that make us feel they are not emergencies. These are already taking a toll in our communities.

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a 2.5 days Disaster and Crisis Relief training in Evansville, IN. Immediately after the training, I found out why I was supposed to be there. I felt God told me that we don’t need to wait for disasters and emergency to come (as we know it). In a sense, some of our neighborhoods are already in crisis and in emergency state. For example, hunger is on the rise. While you are reading this article, thousands of people in metro Indy will not have 3 square meals and many more are starving from spiritual food. Our communities are experiencing some of the greatest challenges in recent years.

At the training, I also heard the term “Mercy Missionaries.” They are ordinary people who have big hearts and faith that can move mountains. At FHL Food Pantries, our focus is the people, not the food. Ironically, more people are being fed, more volunteers are reaching out and relationships are established. Our mercy missionaries are encouraged to model the life of Jesus to reach out with our hearts and to bring the compassion of God. The Holy Spirit is raising up passionate missionaries for this critical hour.

Starting on February 25th, FHL will hold a Food Pantry Class. This one of a kind class consists of 3-session classroom teachings, 2 field trips and (if qualified) 6 months on-the-job training.  Topics include developing missional communities, ministering to the poor (physically & spiritually) and how to become mercy missionaries.

For more information regarding the FHL Food Pantry Class and how to become Mercy Missionaries, visit www.fhlcommunity.org or 317-578-3370

Merlin GonzalesMercy Missionaries
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Simple Kingdom Living

Welcoming 2014 with you

Welcoming 2014 with you


There’s a nice pizza place in Noblesville that I visit whenever I want to relax and have a good pizza. Just a few days before Christmas, my wife, my son and myself stopped by to have pizza and to finalize FHL’s Christmas Greetings. When it’s time to pay our bill, the  owner came and said that a company gave them a Christmas gift so they can give away some Christmas dinner! My son said, “This always happens to you!”

CHRISTMAS BIKES  for children

Two weeks ago, one of my FB friends Inboxed me and said that the restaurant that gave bikes last year is doing it again. They give bikes to children of less fortunate families. I thought of asking one of FHL’s food pantry Directors. Sure enough, her grandchildren do not have any Christmas presents this year. On Dec. 22nd, her 2 grandchildren received bikes. They were so thankful. Here’s the text that I received from the grandmother, “Thank you, this means the world to me.”


On Christmas Eve, my parents asked me to bring them to a restaurant to eat. The temperature was in the teens. However, I sensed that they needed to get out of the house, so I brought them to a restaurant. My mother had stroke 2 years ago and my father has a progressive dementia. They live with us for about 3 years now. We enjoyed our lunch and I asked the waiter to bring our bill. He told us that someone had paid our dinner! I found out that one of my friends saw us coming in the restaurant and he paid for our lunch! I thanked my friend and he said, “You serve many people; you are being honored today!” I gave our waiter tip almost the same amount as our bill. By the way, this is the same restaurant that donate 100 bags a week for use for our food pantries.


The day after Christmas, I went to the office intending to work on some odds and ends stuff  (yeah, right).  I was getting immersed in cleaning my Inbox when I saw the FedEx man. He is the same man who asked for prayers a few months ago for the issues of his life including the selling of his house. I greeted in outside of the lobby and asked him how’s the selling of his house. All of a sudden, his demeanor changed and said that his house was just sold after 2 years in the market. He was praise God for answering his prayers.


I  wanted to share these short stories with you to encourage you that Kingdom living is simple. Just be yourself and as a saying says, “Be supernaturally natural.” You don’t need to be weird to be spiritual. Just be yourself. You’ll be surprised when you see the unexpected things happen in front of your eyes…without striving.  Those are the miracles! Kingdom principles applied anywhere, anytime.

It’s fascinating to see the supernatural becoming an everyday occurrence in your life…which is supposed to be. We are created to be Kingdom people, to spread the Good News and the freedom we have in Christ including seeing the supernatural in the natural. It’s not complicated; it’s simple.

If you are in doubt, I challenge you to plug in with the creator of the universe. You are the pinnacle of His creation! You are the reason why God sent His one and only Son to the earth to live among us.  You are the reason.You are the reason why Christ died on the cross. You have eternal life in Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are created in His image.

You are the most WONDERFUL person!

If you agree, then you are the most wonderful person here on earth! You have everything including the endless inheritance in heaven. However, if you have any questions about your identity in Christ, please contact me because you may be being deceived by the great enemy.

God bless you and May you have a Blessed NEW YEAR! Keep in mind, God is continually looking for people who would expand His Kingdom and to redistribute His blessings here on earth. Please check out this video to see how a simple Kingdom living can be blessings to others.


Merlin GonzalesSimple Kingdom Living
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The Paradox of Giving

Doing illegal thing while driving a car

An Indy policeman giving so much of himself for others

In Acts 20:35, Apostle Paul wrote – “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Many things had transpired in the past few days:

  • 4 food pantries
  • 4 Kindness Days
  • Ride along with IMPD Police Officer at one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Indy
    • I’ve seen people put in jail, smoking marijuana while driving, small children in a car without car seats, theft, domestic violence, hunger, homelessness, etc.
  • I have shared MORE DETAILS here

Just in 10 days of seeing the hurts and the needs surrounding us, the verse above spoke to me in a deeper level. I thought of asking you rhetorical questions. Feel free to make Comments on this Blog as well.

  • Which one would you rather be:
    • a person who has the ability to donate food and time or a person who rely on others for the next meal?
    • a legally blind person living by yourself or a person who has good sets of eyes and able to help a blind person?
    • a person who can help someone to do strenuous physical activities or someone who is hindered physically?
    • a person who give his/her time, talent & treasure because God had graced you or a person with different circumstances who receives from you?

Keep in mind that it could be reversed. For example, by helping those who are “weak”, you realized you are strong. By giving of yourself to others without expecting anything in return, you suddenly receive blessings in unexpected ways.

I’m actually writing this to remind myself of the paradox of giving. Sometimes, I question myself, “Why am I doing all these?” It’s easy for us complain and make excuses rather than see the blessings in disguise. And, in many instances, transcendence happens in the act of giving one’s self.

In the next few weeks, ask yourself:

  • “Who can I bless today?”
  • “Where is God calling me to gather resources for others?”
  • “How can I see the blessing in disguise?”

God bless you!


Merlin GonzalesThe Paradox of Giving
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Hunger and Crime in Our Midst

An example of Missional Community

An example of a Missional Community

I came to the US in 1984 to work for a cruise ship based in Miami. After a year, I moved to Indianapolis with a huge dream and a pocket with just a few dollars in it. I thought I can have anything I want if I just work hard, after all, I will be a citizen in the Land of Opportunity. After 3 years, I found myself working 3 jobs and hardly sleeps. In less than 12 years, I found myself broke and depressed.

Many of us have big dreams but then, life happens. When you walk in the streets of a super power country – the United States, you will meet the new poor and a multitude of hungry people, both physically and spiritually hungry.

According to the latest US Census Bureau, the number of children living in poverty in Marion County is up 81% since 2000. This means an estimated 62,287 children under the age of 18 are living in poverty, that’s 1 out of 4 children in the county . Two of Indianapolis neighborhoods are listed in the top 25 Most Dangerous neighborhoods in the US. Yes, poverty and crime are closer than you think. You don’t need to cross the oceans to be in a mission field. They’re here!

What if we start looking together for resources right here in our own backyard. What if we can connect those in need and those who have more than enough? What if our food pantries become a place where food comes second only to relationships?

In less than 3 years, Faith Hope and Love helped start and incubate 14 food pantries. The idea for these pantries are to be self-sustained in 6 months. This means that each of them should have developed a strong community that watch after each other’s back. They should have developed relationships in and around their neighborhoods so they will have a volunteer base willing to help at least once a month, build connections and active support from different organizations such as businesses, churches and other non-profits and, they have engaged their neighborhoods so they can reach out to those in need and receive assistance from those who have more than enough.

This will be the focus of FHL in the coming years, to build missional communities that work together not only to address physical hunger but also the spiritual hunger. We believe in the grassroots movement instead of the top down approach. We believe that missional communities are possible if we embrace relationship over programs. We believe that the answer to hunger and crime is not food and guns, but relationships.

In authentic relationships, you find acceptance, you will find people that work with their hearts, not with their hands and you will see a community similar to that of the Book of Acts.  That’s why the volunteers at FHL are very excited to share with you the energized mission at the breakfast at Maggiano’s on 11/6 7:30a. You will find more info Here.

Authentic relationships with God and with others (The Greatest Commandment) will solve the hunger and the crime in our midst.

Merlin GonzalesHunger and Crime in Our Midst
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