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FHL Indiana
Kingdom perspective from Police dept Chaplain
[gigya src=”http://boos.audioboo.fm/swf/fullsize_player.swf” flashvars=”mp3=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F677932-kingdom-perspective-from-police-dept-chaplain.mp3%3Fsource%3Dwordpress&mp3Author=fhlinternational&mp3LinkURL=http%3A%2F%2Faudioboo.fm%2Fboos%2F677932-kingdom-perspective-from-police-dept-chaplain&mp3Time=03.46pm+21+Feb+2012&mp3Title=Kingdom+perspective+from+Police+dept+Chaplain” width=”400″ height=”160″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]
It’s be a few months since I visited my Blog. I will try to be more present on my blog. Thank you for all who has been following me and for your encouraging Comments. Lots to share with you but we’ll start with the core of the following Blogs.
What would you community look like if you could say, “The Presence of God is here!”
In the past few weeks, I had the privilege to interview several Mayors of Central Indiana, Corporate Executives, Medical professionals, Spiritual leaders and people on the streets regarding the topic to see their perpectives from their own world. Please visit http://fhlinternational.org/category/podcasts/ and https://www.facebook.com/FHL.International for the audio and video interviews.
Noblesville Mayor Ditslear said that God is already present in his city but it would be better if more people are aware of IT. Then I read Genesis 28:16, “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
I wonder how many people are asleep and would not wake up to see that “the Kingdom of God is at hand”. How many Jacobs are out there not being aware of the Lord right in front of them.
As a community, we need to be catalysts of the awareness of the Kingdom of God in our Midst. It could be just asking the question above or be the representative of the Kingdom wherever you are.
What would your neighborhood look like if more people are aware of the Presence of God in your community and marketplace? So, what would your community look like if you could say, “The Kingdom of God is here!” We’d like to hear your perpective.
Monday am, 7/25 Obedience accesses Faith
My day starts with my daily Bible devotion, tending my garden, checking FHL web, email, etc. I was just reminiscing how the Lord had rescued us from the extreme heat yesterday.
Early Sunday morning, I asked the Lord to provide us cooler weather, with some sprinkling of rain to cool us down and cloudy.
By 1pm, the cloud starting to form and at 1:30p it rained. (Indianapolis had not had rain and it had been in the 90’s in the past several days) I grabbed the mike and asked everyone at University Park to agree with me in prayer that the event will not be stopped by heavy rain. I also announced that we worship the Lord anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Our ministry leader showed me through his iPhone the current forecast with the cloud of rain just circling around the park. Within a few minutes of rain, all of a sudden, the temperature change to 15-20 degrees cooler, with breeze and the cloud lingered.
I heard from others who just came at 2-2:30p that just a mile or two from the park was a downpour and heavy rain.
The Bible states that the Lord gave the Israelites cloud by day to keep them cool and fire by night to keep them warm.
Lord, thank you for honoring our prayer and for showing us your Glory through the changing of the atmosphere and by blessing our land.
Looking forward for more miracles today. “Obedience access faith and faith access grace. Miracles happen because of the grace of God.”
Praise the Lord!
The next stage
2 Chronicles 30:12, “Also in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the LORD.” – NIV
Only by God’s blessings can we experience the true meaning of UNITY and we can carry out what FHL was called to. If we are to teach and preach unity, it needs to start from within us and from our leadership. We model who and what we are for.
Since early part of this year, my spirit has been anticipating new things coming in May (ministry-being more focused, resources/financial blessings):
- in May and June we received 5 donated cars and in June alone, our income/donations was 3 times more than normal.
- I sense that after our 7th FHL Week, we have to be ready for unexpected blessings and increased harvests from the years of sowing. We have been proven and tried. Our new season is coming. However, there is price to pay and we need to position ourselves for the growth and for new assignments.
- 2011 is the preparation for 2012 – (I’ll expound later in this)
Be ready. We will be harvesting where we did now sow and the reaper will overtake the harvesters. From the mountain of the Lord will flow Rivers of Living Water. Streams of Living Water will flow through us and we will continue to be conduits of God’s blessings to His people.
I’m looking forward to this upcoming FHL Week. Although the Official FHL Week is July 24-30th, our Noblesville area area starting early on Thursday, July 21st and a couple of other areas are extending till July 31st.
Thank you for coming alongside FHL, the ministry that God had birth out of His love for Indianapolis and beyond.