a Study on God’s Dominion

Session 2: The Possibility of Kingdom Living

Session Two

Session Two

It was a blessing to worship the Lord with Lirios de los Valle (Lillies of the Valley). Bilingual worship was powerful! As a part of experiential study, there will be different worship teams coming throughout the entire class. In heaven, there’s no division between Americans and Latinos or Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

Bilingual worship

Bilingual worship

Group discussion is an important part of learning

Group discussion is an important part of learning

Our consciousness and our awareness of the promises of God affect our lives and our approach towards others, the next generations and beyond. At the group discussion, we shared our thoughts about our understanding of Genesis 28:10-22. We also learned about the definition of a kingdom and some of the characters of God as we study how we live out the Kingdom in our everyday lives.

In Session 3, we will discuss about the Kingdom worldview. We will look at how Jesus operated His life while He was here on earth and how we can be supernaturally natural through working with the Holy spirit within us.

At the end of each class, we pray for each other and speak blessings over our group.

At the end of each class, we pray for each other and speak blessings over our group.

Genesis 28:16, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it.

Assignment for Session 3

Kingdom Worldview

Kingdom Worldview

Read pages 22-55 of “The Kingdom In Our Midst” and answer the Group Discussion questions in Session 3. Read Act Chapters 1 and 2.

Contemplation: Meditate on the topics about the Kingdom of God in the Bible

Experiential: Make a conscious effort to increase your awareness of the Lord’s presence in your life. What is He doing in your family, neighborhood and work places?

Listen to Parts 1 and 2

Part 1:

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 2

God bless you!



Merlin GonzalesSession 2: The Possibility of Kingdom Living
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Session 1: Introduction to a study on Living in God’s Dominion here on Earth


Two nights before the first session, we were blessed by IHOPE ministry through leading a prophetic and intercessory worship.

Prophetic and Intercessory worship

Prophetic and Intercessory worship

Wonderful worship led by Tree of Life Ministries

Wonderful worship led by Tree of Life Ministries

Then, Tree of Life Ministries blessed us with their worship at the start of our first session!

For our Second session, Lirios de los Valles (Lilies of the Valleys church) will lead the worship. Worship is a part of this class.

Psalm 22:3, “Yet you are holy,
    enthroned on the praises of Israel.” 

All the class participants had the opportunity to introduce themselves and to get to know each other. The class is designed to be relational, interactive and conversational. It will also include group discussions, contemplation, assignments and practical/experiential application of the Biblical principles and values.

What would our neighborhoods look like if we could say, "The Kingdom of God is here"

What would our neighborhoods look like if we could say, “The Kingdom of God is here”

“We will challenge ourselves to be in situations where our only option is to rely on God.”

Our main Scripture for Session 1 was Luke 17:20-21, “Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’because the kingdom of God is in your midst.

Assignment for Session 2

Session Two

Session Two

  • Read pages 1-22 of “The Kingdom In Our Midst”
  • If you were given a chance of a lifetime, what would you do for your community? __________________________
  • What would our communities look like if we could say, “The Kingdom of God is here”

Contemplation: How does your awareness limit your experience of the Kingdom? ____________________________

Experiential: Begin a journal titled “My Spiritual Journey”

Listen to Session 1

Part 1: 

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 2

God bless you!


Merlin GonzalesSession 1: Introduction to a study on Living in God’s Dominion here on Earth
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Remember the Fire?

Remember when you first commit your life to Jesus Christ?

Remember when you first experience God?

Two months ago, I posted about a house fire that happened to a Pastor who is friend of mine. Many people have helped him in terms of some donated money, furniture & appliances and most of all, prayers. I have been helping him in finding out the best solution for the future of the house that was burned. I have a sense that this tragedy will end up to be a blessing for him and his family. I kept encouraging him and praying for him in the past several weeks.

Last Monday, we heard news about the house and we did more negotiations. We were confirmed that there’s nothing else we can do, so we settled for what was agreed upon. Tonight, I received a message to call the main person regarding the house. We received great news; something that we did not expect!

In these past several months, God has been showing me things that are beyond my imagination. The unexpected things such as the pallet shelving, the launching of one-of a kind food pantry, the $70k walk-in freezer donation and many more.

There is another huge thing that has fall on my lap just 2 weeks ago. I ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment on my part. This one could impact thousands of people and may be an integral part in this particular community for years to come.

God is awesome! I would like to invite you come alongside with me in experiencing the goodness of God. Some people are experimenting with God to see what happens when you trust Him. I would like to invite you to journey with me in fully trusting God in every aspect of our lives.

There’s a difference between making Jesus as our Savior and making Him as our Lord. Our lives reflect who our Lord is – the way we conduct ourselves, react on situations, make decisions and our habits. Our reality is mostly based on our experience. I think many of us have knowledge of God but do not have much of experiencing life with Him – that’s why sometimes we find out selves asking ” where is God in this situation?” Unless we experience Him intimately, His reality in our lives would be fragmented.

Remember when you first experience God and felt that He is involved in your life? If you are like me, I was on fire! It seem like God is so close to me… not only during Sunday but every day of the week! What if we fully trust that every aspect of our lives is connected with our relationship with God…our finances, our relationships, our health and our spiritual life? This may be a silly question: “What if all of our life experience is directly interconnected with our relationship with God?” How would we cope with our failures and celebrate our success, treat our  families, work with our associates and deal with our neighbors? If God is ever present in our consciousness, what would our lifestyle be, how would we react with every situation – good or bad, and what would be our perspective in life.

Here’s what I have in mind. I will share with you my experience with Him. Similar with what I have been writing before, I will continue sharing with you what God has been doing in the ministry of FHL. This time, I will be more intimate and share more of my personal experience with Him such as frustrations, praises and prayers, requests and dreams, questions and answers and, my experience. I would like to encourage you to share your stories as well, make comments, prayers and praises. Let’s experience God and share our stories to encourage and to uplift one another.

I hope you would consider joining me in learning more about ourselves and our relationship with the God that we profess – our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ. What’s your story and what has God been doing in your life? Remember your passion for Christ when you were a new Christian? Remember the fire in your heart?

Merlin GonzalesRemember the Fire?
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Another Kingdom Class just started

It’s been a busy July with the FHL Week 2013 new format. We started with Prayer Celebration on July 21, 2013. The rest of the week included several Projects/Services such as the Project Blessing. Simultaneously, we did the first ever 24/7Indy non stop prayer and worship for 168 hours. We have seen God Encounters and miracles.

After a busy FHL Week, we started the 4th Kingdom Class in Anderson, Indiana on Aug 21st. Like all of the Kingdom classes, this class will end with a project. The project will be tied in with the 24/1 Prayer Worship in Anderson. The participants in this class are expecting big things to happen in their city in the near future. Stay tuned!

Merlin GonzalesAnother Kingdom Class just started
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The Kingdom living

Pioneer MBC and Mt. Sinai Life Church are sponsoring yet another class on the Kingdom based on my book, “The Kingdom in Our Midst” hosted at Pioneer MBC located at 2001 Yandees, Indianapolis 46202 and at every Wednesday night 7p EDT until July 17th. Since the cost of the teaching had been taken cared of, this is now open to public. If you decide to join us, just show up at Pioneer MBC on the 19th, purchase your book ($15/ea), invite others and be ready to join a group fired up for the Lord.

Many are the Christian casualties in the spiritual realm

        because they take Christianity casually here in our world.

                                                                                   – Merlin Gonzales


A Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth

The purpose of this 6-week class is to help ignite your passion to live a life characterized by your relationship and faith with God. It is designed to be interactive, relational and conversational with Biblical teachings to encourage an atmosphere of camaraderie and support.

Spiritual discontent is sweeping the nation. People of different faith are looking for more. Although they cannot define “more”, they know that they are not yet operating their lives according to their calling. Some of them know their purpose but they do not know what’s the next step.

Luke 17:20-21, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” – Jesus

Don’t look for miracle; be the miracle! This study will:

·      Help you discover and affirm your higher calling

·      Encourage you to step out in faith in your daily walk with God

·      Increase your spiritual growth

·      Assist you in broadening your vision with Biblical principles

·      Challenge you to apply the Biblical teachings when you implement your “Practical Learning-in-Action” (PLA)

·      Make you more aware of living in God’s Dominion here on earth

·      Give you confidence in the promises of God


So if you have taken this class before and would like a refresher course, you have not completed the entire course or would like to re-take and invite others, you are welcome to join us. Don’t forget that you can join us virtually through 

What is possible if you are living in the reality of the Kingdom here on earth?


Hope you can join us. God bless

Merlin GonzalesThe Kingdom living
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