
FHL Week 2013: Heal the Land

We were blessed to work with Great Lakes Region INROADS Inc, for the first time to mobilize volunteers for this cleanup.  INROADS sent about nine of the twelve volunteers who participated in the neighborhood cleanup.  A local homeowner , who owns two homes in the area, helped with the cleanup for the first time as well.
Our thanks to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful for arranging to have a thirty yard dumpster placed in the cleanup area.  This dumpster is being used to store trash collected during the cleanup until the dumpster is removed from the area.
The following areas were cleaned:
   Graceland Avenue from 38th Street to 39th Street, sidewalks medians and street gutters;
   West 39th Street from Boulevard Place to Capitol Avenue, sidewalks and street gutters;
   Kenwood Avenue/Illinois Street alley, 38th Street to 40th Street, large items removed;
   Capitol Avenue/Graceland Avenue alley, 38th Street to 40th Street, large items removed.
The dumpster provided through KIB was filled to about two thirds of the dumpster capacity with trash collected during the cleanup.  Water and snacks were made available to all volunteers, who worked for about two hours to help to continue to clean this neighborhood.
There are at least two homes in this neighborhood that are being renovated.
We continue our relationship with the Tree of Life Church at 40th Street and Boulevard Place. The resident of the house that is adjacent to our meeting place came out of her home to see us and spend time with us.  We are thankful to serve her and other residents of this area.
After the cleanup was finished, the area where we had worked was checked for stray tools, trash bags or piles of debris.  None of these items were left behind by the cleanup crew.
It seems that I do not have have the words to adequately express my thanks to the Lord for all I have seen him do in this neighborhood.  Even so, I give Him my thanks.
 My THANKS!!!!!!!! to all who have supported this neighborhood through:  prayer, street ministry, local congregations, cleanups, city services and home renovation.
Bill Lamb
Faith Hope and Love
Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2013: Heal the Land
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07/22/13 Testimonial during the 24/7Indy

FHL Week 2013

FHL Week 2013

I pray that you will be blessed as you read this story that happened on 24/7Indy. This was from one of our partners, Patty. Send me your testimonial and any encouraging message.

God showed me to divide the time into one hour slots and each hour focus on different topics. We did 20 minutes of worship, 20 minutes of declaring along with a testimony regarding that area from a testimony book from supernatural school at Bethel and 20 minutes of soaking. The time just flew and the Presence of God came in a wonderful way.

When we were in the 3rd hour of praying a group of young people came in from the camp. So I explained to them what we were doing and that they could join us. We all worshipped together and then got in a circle to pray for the government. I shared a testimony of healing I had had and offered individual prayer for anyone who wanted it. Becky, who was praying with us saw us touching each one of them and saying a blessing over them. We had them get in a circle and then 6 of us went around the circle and touched each one of the young people and the 2 leaders and spoke words of blessing and prophesy from God. One young man was on his knees the whole time and was overcome by the presence of the Lord! We were getting some powerful words for him. He is the one who God touched later with the joy of the Lord and he saw Jesus tickling him! God was doing a mighty and glorious work in him.

Then most of them left except for 5 who came to us for more prayer. It was 3 young people and 2 leaders. They each got prayer for specific things and one young man had scoliosis and we saw him get talller and one young girl had back pain and she received healing! The leaders also got prayer and were  touched by God!

Jeri, Deborah, Becky, Kathy and Matthew from FHL prayed during this time. It was a wonderful and moving and exciting time with Jesus!

Merlin Gonzales07/22/13 Testimonial during the 24/7Indy
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No fear, be at peace

What happened next was the manifestation of God's love over His children

What happened next was the manifestation of God’s love over His children

Luke 10:21, “...I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to the babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.
It would be overwhelming to share with you all the stories I have received and still receiving. Here is a story of an 11-yr. old girl who came to the 24/7Indy with my friend Maria, her younger brother and her mother. At around 10:30p on 7/22, I was asked by Maria to pray and to anoint the family. Within a minute, I sensed that God was working on Ariana, so I asked what’s happening. She said that God spoke to her and said, “No fear, be at peace.”
Meanwhile, her mother told me that at the previous prayer meeting they had just before visiting the 24/7Indy, Ariana asked her how she can hear from God. Then I noticed that her hands were starting to shake. What you are about to view is the video and her narration after encountering God.
I was so blessed to witness God’s presence. The startling thing is that God had given Ariana an assurance to have no fear and be at peace because He was about to do something that she had never experienced before.
Don’t limit God with our logical thinking and miss what God is doing in our lives.
Are you a resource partner? Would you like to know more? 
Sign up to “My FHL” by Merlin Gonzales
Merlin GonzalesNo fear, be at peace
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Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Mid-week FHL Week & 24/7Indy celebration at Creekside Ministries

Mid-week FHL Week & 24/7Indy celebration at Creekside Ministries


Reported by Facundo Cortez, FHL Anderson/Pendleton Area Coordinator

Today was an extraordinary day as we experience the supernatural pouring out of His Holy Spirit!!!!!!!

We met at WellSpring Church and had our group devo (devotional). We started the day soaking in God’s presence by being in His Word, praying, worshiping & praising the Lord! God’s presence was real! WOW!

Today we had two teams. One team went to Wheeler and another group went to Liberty Christian School to continue the painting project there.

The Wheeler team’s assignment today was to continue doing housekeeping at Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children in Indianapolis. They cleaned the dining room.

When they were done they went to Garfield Park to enjoy their sack lunch.

The Liberty team continued to make progress painting the women’s bathroom on the first floor. They decided to go to Taco Bell for lunch. While there, one of the team was able to talk to another guest at the restaurant and give her hope since she was going to a rough time. It’s amazing where God can give us opportunities to share the Word about faith, hope and love!

The teams then got together at the ice cream shop across the street from Liberty and eat ice cream together. Then we said goodbye to the Steve Wolverton from Michigan and his two granddaughters. We could not have do it without them.

Then the Holy Ghost Fireworks started!!!

Several churches and ministries from the Anderson/Pendleton attended the 24/7 Indy at Creekside Ministries. It was led by their deaf (ASL) worship team and it was AWESOME! The presence of the Lord was everywhere! The power of the Holy Spirit began to be poured out big time!

(Let me say that my religious/church background is not one that normally feels comfortable with magnification of the Holy Spirit. Some of you reading this may not believe or accept the things I am about to share but I ask that you read with an open mind and heart.)

All of sudden, people began to be filled with the Spirit Holy, slain in the Spirit, shaking uncontrollably, speaking in tongues, laughing for no reason! Some became so drunk in the Spirit that they had to be driven home! Some people were crawling to the altar! Some were healed of physical sickness! Others were healed of broken relationships and broken hearts! Others were set free from bondages, generation curses and so much more!! As people walked thru the prayer tunnel they were also slain in the Holy Spirit. To put it mildly, it was wild!! All of us received the power of the Holy Spirit to do what He wants us to do: Be his witnesses! To proclaim boldly the Good News!

If you weren’t there don’t worry The Holy Spirit is coming to a neighborhood near you! I believe that as the momentum continues we will continue to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like in the day of Pentecost! Revival is here NOW! The manifestation of God with signs and wonders is happening NOW! And they will continue from this day forward! To God be the glory!

Merlin GonzalesOutpouring of the Holy Spirit
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The Unexpected happened again

FHL Office

FHL Office

I was very excited this morning since our organization, FHL, will be opening the 13th food pantry today (in less than 3 years). As my wife and I parked our vehicle in front of our office, I noticed that my plants including my large banana tress were knocked down to the ground! I thought there must be some high winds last night. As I was getting closer to the office, I found out that someone broke into our office!

As I hurriedly enter the front office, everything seemed ok but later I found out that our laptop was stolen. Later, I noticed that the intruder took our DVD player and our cash box. The pattern of how things had transpired was very similar to the first time we were broken into about 3 to 4 years ago. The person who did it knew exactly what to take, a big plasma TV.

Here’s an opportunity for you: Join us as we pray for this person for his/her deliverance from the grips of satan. We forgive this person and we are willing to assist in finding help for him/her. I’m asking you to share this message to others and let’s expect miracles to happen.

While on the cross, Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34 I pray that the Holy Spirit will invade the thief’s heart with His power and love, In Jesus Name.

Let’s expect the unexpected to happen again…from heaven’s perspective.

Merlin GonzalesThe Unexpected happened again
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