
Update on the Classes

When you’re having fun, things and events seem to go fast. The Session #5 is coming up May 1st. We will spend half of our time about the 7 Influencers of a society and about some practical applications such as preparing a Project Proposal and Plan. In this session, students will learn how to identify needs, resources and how to mobilize volunteers. You don’t want to miss it.

It has been my intention to make my classes available online. The class at Martindale Church of Christ became our launching pad to publish the class online with the ArtSees Diner. Thanks to my friend Mary who have worked hard unconditionally to make it happen.

The teachings are now available via YouTube through Artsees Diner. We are still working on finding the right device for better sound. Please let us know if you have suggestions.

I am thinking of expanding my teachings that will span for a few months starting in Fall of 2013. Please pray for our team for the Lord’s direction. However, our next regular class may start as early as mid or late May.

For the meantime, I am offering personal coaching, mentoring and training to a few individuals who want to experience more on Living in God’s Dominion here one Earth. You can contact me to set up a for personal assessment via [email protected]

Don’t ask for a miracle; be the miracle!

Merlin GonzalesUpdate on the Classes
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Our awareness directs our action

In Genesis 28, Jacob was running away because of his lies in the past. He was at a low point in his life – in the desert both figuratively and physically. However, God reassured His promises even though Jacob knew that he messed up repeatedly. Jacob was in no position to earn God’s favor but God promised to be with him. This event marked the beginning of Jacob’s lifelong relationship with God. Since then, he operated his life at a higher level, he believed God even through the tough times in his life. He trusted God’s promise in the midst of being taken advantage of by his Uncle Laban over and over again. His awareness expanded beyond the physical realm.

‎”Our awareness directs our action and our collective action changes our culture.” ~Merlin Gonzales

We are aware of the benefits of exercise. How about eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep, living a less stressful life and the importance of education? All these are good information that everyone should know about. It could change how you feel, how you look and how you live. But they are only information; unless you act on them, they will remain in your head and they may not have a direct effect in your life.

Awareness directs our action but only when you act on it, then it will have impact on your life. You act on things that are important and according to your priority. A good example that all of us can relate to is breathing. Everything stops in your life until you have your next breath. If you are under the water and needing to breath, you don’t stop to think about the nice coral or fish next to you. All your energy, all your focus will be to swim above the water. The information of not breathing is good but until you act on it, you’ll die.

Our next step is to expand our awareness of the Kingdom so we can see what’s available to us and how we can act on it. If all the aspects of your life, your family, your work, your money, your business, your promotion and your future depends on the Kingdom of God, what would you do today, tomorrow or the rest of your life? How would your priorities change, how would you rearrange your schedule, where will your focus be?

My next Blog will be about simple steps to expand our awareness of the Kingdom.

Merlin GonzalesOur awareness directs our action
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The Next Step

Previously, I wrote the article about Missional Community and the most recent one was about taking the time to be intentional to have a transformational community.

I mentioned that I will be writing about the next step towards building missional community. In order for us to have lasting changes, we need to build a strong foundation. Our foundation is the Biblical Principles.

I am currently conducting a teaching series on “a study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth.” Here’s Session #1 Introduction to the Kingdom

Be blessed!


Merlin GonzalesThe Next Step
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Take the time and be intentional

Completed  illustration of the KIOM Video Trailer

Completed illustration of the KIOM Video Trailer

You are probably wondering what the heck the image above is. Well, check this video to see Take a fresh look at your communities.

In my previous Blog, I asked you to take a second look at your community. What did you see? Did you walk your neighborhood, did you talk to the people in your church or in your school or the Cashier at a grocery store?

If you were not able to, there’s grace for all of us. But if you did take the time to “explore the land”, you should notice some obvious things that became familiar or were neglected – in the physical, emotional or spiritual realm.

Two years ago, I found out that my cholesterol was high. I tried to eat healthy foods and I exercised regularly. However, the busyness in my ministry prevented me from following through what I’ve started. Last Saturday, I found out that my triglycerides was very high.  If I wanted to live longer and live a healthy life, I need to take the time to exercise and to be intentional to eat healthy foods. (I’ve started eating healthy foods and did some exercise last night and this morning – shoveling snow).

So the first step in order for us to have healthy neighborhoods, we will need to the take time to see what’s happening and we need to be intentional. In order for a change to happen, we need to know what needed changes. We need to find what the problem, then we can start finding the solution.

BTW, hope you liked the video trailer; please consider sharing it with others as we work towards missional communities.

Merlin GonzalesTake the time and be intentional
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Missional Community

One of FHL Food Pantries

One of FHL Food Pantries

Take a “fresh look” at your community. Yes, take a second look with your keen eyes and see what’s obvious.

Many times, the obvious gets neglected. Just look around you as you are driving to work, to your church or to your school. What do you see…I mean, look around with observant eyes. How’s the sidewalks, how’s the person driving the vehicle next to you or how’s your fellow student or your co-worker who has been indifferent. They are apparently present in our world and yet we miss them.

FreshLookOur society had become so enamored with the conveniences of modern living that made our lives complicated and we tend to become individualistic creatures. We are busy people. Many of us spend more time gazing at our smart phones than our spouses or our loved ones.

I would like to ask you to “take a fresh look at your community” again. What direction is your community going if you accept the status quo? Do you see deterioration, self-centeredness, residents are living in fear and oppression? How’s the environment? Or, do you see a Missional Community where the atmosphere is charged with vigor, joy, freedom, helping one another and caring for each other. Are the neighborhoods clean, safe and vibrant?

When you look again, do you see little things that can make huge impact? Do you see your neighbors getting involved in making it a better place for your family and for your community? What would the church at the street corner say if you offer your assistance to come alongside them to reach out to others? How would your employer or the principal of a school nearby react if you approach them to build a Missional Community – a place where residents are caring for each other, a place where all the sectors of the community come together to build safer and healthier neighborhoods?

Yes, I believe that together, we can build a society known for its hospitality, cleanliness and prosperous in any way possible. My next blog will provide you with practical steps that we can take to transform our neighborhoods together.

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales

Merlin GonzalesMissional Community
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