
Beyond the busyness

After Thanksgiving, things seem to accelerate in our lives. From work, to home and to the marketplace, most of us are rushing to get things done. Let’s slow down for a few minutes; hope the stories below would bless you.

Remember the church I wrote about in September? They were at a crossroads of selling the property or giving it back to the bank? The new congregation moved in a few weeks ago and they had their first service last night. Together with the reduced monthly payment, increase giving and rent from the new congregation, they are able to implement simple plans that are workable and effective.

This all happened because God had already put things in place. We were able to plug in with His divine plan and watched how things unfold before our eyes. We are truly God’s co-laborers and ambassadors 2 Cor. 5:20, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

Today, Nov. 29, 2014, I visited my office to meet someone who is interested in buying one of my vehicles (2000 Nissan Maxima). After meeting him, the mailman came. In the mailbox, is a small white envelope.  I opened the envelope and was surprised to see what’s in it. A check for an entire year pledge to the ministry! This donor made a pledge in Nov. 2013 to contribute on a monthly basis. However, after the first month, we were not able to process the monthly donation. He also had a hand-written note saying that he would like to continue to give on a monthly basis.

In April, 2012 we had a donor who pledged to give to the ministry. However, we did not receive any since then. Just 2 weeks ago, we received a check from her! With the check was a copy of the pledge card that she filled out in 2012.

Three days ago, a donor stopped by our office. He was so excited to hand us a Christmas gift! He was so stirred that he cannot wait till Christmas to give his gift to us! It was a baking pie plate with “Faith Hope and Love” printed on it!

I don’t know about you but I have been guilty of unfulfilled promises. I thought that my pledge for an organization would not make a difference – WRONG! God is making His appeal to us to let your Yes be yes and your No be no.  My hats off to the 3 people who honored their words beyond the busyness of the season and, during the busiest shopping month of the year!

I pray that during this season, we become more in tuned with the Kingdom reality rather than the world as we know it.


God bless,



Merlin GonzalesBeyond the busyness
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Co-create with God

Last week, I shared with you a few amazing stories that I have witnessed in the past several weeks. It is fascinating to see when you become more aware of the supernatural, the greater reality that is beyond our physical senses. You and I are a part of the divine plan. But most of the time, we are not connected in the spiritual dimension. Generally, we are disconnected and thereby miss some pretty astounding events that can directly affect our worldview of reality and can change the course of lives of others and the history of a community.

If the greater reality is beyond our natural senses, how can we tune in with what’s going on in the spiritual realm? The answer is to train ourselves to be more conscious about the correlation between the natural and the supernatural, the physical and the spiritual. How do we do this?

We will start with a simple step and example based on a phenomenal story that just happened yesterday. I wrote from my previous Blog that another opportunity had landed on my lap. My organization has the opportunity to acquire a property worth more than half a million dollars with no cash involved on our part. As a Consultant, I come across some pretty interesting situations, this is one of them.

God has bigger plan

God has bigger plan

A Pastor and his wife came to my office several weeks ago asking to help them decide about the future of their church. The church building sits on a 7-acre land. It has 2 houses, a youth building that is not being used currently, a playground, a community center, a detached garage and a large pond. Back in the 80’s, the church had more 400 attendees. Throughout the years, and with many reasons, the church continuously dwindled down in number. Currently, it has less than 20 attendees. Needless to say, they cannot continue to pay the bills including the mortgage.

Simultaneously, I am helping a Hispanic church to find a site for their food pantry. I just trained them to start their own pantry and this is the last piece to get them started. I introduced them to the Pastor that I am consulting with. They visited the place and fell in love with it. The Hispanic Pastor gathered her leaders and we had a meeting. They asked for my advice and guided them in the decision-making process. They decided to rent a portion of the church!

Suddenly, I found myself in the middle of 2 churches who needed my advice. This put me in an awkward position so after prayers and several conversations with my wife and friends, I decided not to have an interest in the property.

We had a few meetings with the Pastor who owns the church, we prayed together and discussed the best option for them. We looked at the sources of their income and the list of expenses. They agreed to follow the plans and strategy that I presented to them. I showed them that they can actually keep the property even with just one renter. Yesterday (Sept. 23, 2014), I also negotiated with their mortgage company to skip the Principal payment for 12 months until they get back on the black. In addition, I also negotiated to spread out the payment for the last 2 unpaid monthly mortgage bills.

Through prayers (spiritual) and through meetings and evaluations (physical), we have solved the potential loss of a beautiful property. Both churches will be working to maximize their impact in the community and to utilize the property in greater way. This is an example of becoming more aware of our spiritual surrounding. It is through our communion with the Lord that we can hear more of His voice. We will develop our spiritual senses as we tune in with the greater reality.

There are more to the story but I would like for you to share yours. Do not think that your story is not worth sharing. God does not look from man’s perspective. Remember when Jesus fed the 5,000 through the little boy who had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? His disciples did not think that the food they will eat later would come from a child with only a handful of food! God is not bound by our reality, He is beyond time and space, He is infinite, He is the God of all creation.

This is the opportunity that lie in front of us – we can co-labor and co-create with God. Be aware of your spiritual space, tune in to the supernatural and see more of heaven here on earth. I am looking forward to hearing from you!


God bless,



Merlin GonzalesCo-create with God
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Remember the Fire?

Remember when you first commit your life to Jesus Christ?

Remember when you first experience God?

Two months ago, I posted about a house fire that happened to a Pastor who is friend of mine. Many people have helped him in terms of some donated money, furniture & appliances and most of all, prayers. I have been helping him in finding out the best solution for the future of the house that was burned. I have a sense that this tragedy will end up to be a blessing for him and his family. I kept encouraging him and praying for him in the past several weeks.

Last Monday, we heard news about the house and we did more negotiations. We were confirmed that there’s nothing else we can do, so we settled for what was agreed upon. Tonight, I received a message to call the main person regarding the house. We received great news; something that we did not expect!

In these past several months, God has been showing me things that are beyond my imagination. The unexpected things such as the pallet shelving, the launching of one-of a kind food pantry, the $70k walk-in freezer donation and many more.

There is another huge thing that has fall on my lap just 2 weeks ago. I ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment on my part. This one could impact thousands of people and may be an integral part in this particular community for years to come.

God is awesome! I would like to invite you come alongside with me in experiencing the goodness of God. Some people are experimenting with God to see what happens when you trust Him. I would like to invite you to journey with me in fully trusting God in every aspect of our lives.

There’s a difference between making Jesus as our Savior and making Him as our Lord. Our lives reflect who our Lord is – the way we conduct ourselves, react on situations, make decisions and our habits. Our reality is mostly based on our experience. I think many of us have knowledge of God but do not have much of experiencing life with Him – that’s why sometimes we find out selves asking ” where is God in this situation?” Unless we experience Him intimately, His reality in our lives would be fragmented.

Remember when you first experience God and felt that He is involved in your life? If you are like me, I was on fire! It seem like God is so close to me… not only during Sunday but every day of the week! What if we fully trust that every aspect of our lives is connected with our relationship with God…our finances, our relationships, our health and our spiritual life? This may be a silly question: “What if all of our life experience is directly interconnected with our relationship with God?” How would we cope with our failures and celebrate our success, treat our  families, work with our associates and deal with our neighbors? If God is ever present in our consciousness, what would our lifestyle be, how would we react with every situation – good or bad, and what would be our perspective in life.

Here’s what I have in mind. I will share with you my experience with Him. Similar with what I have been writing before, I will continue sharing with you what God has been doing in the ministry of FHL. This time, I will be more intimate and share more of my personal experience with Him such as frustrations, praises and prayers, requests and dreams, questions and answers and, my experience. I would like to encourage you to share your stories as well, make comments, prayers and praises. Let’s experience God and share our stories to encourage and to uplift one another.

I hope you would consider joining me in learning more about ourselves and our relationship with the God that we profess – our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ. What’s your story and what has God been doing in your life? Remember your passion for Christ when you were a new Christian? Remember the fire in your heart?

Merlin GonzalesRemember the Fire?
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Blog Talk Radio: Living In God’s Dominion On Earth

Current Christianity Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with ArtSees Diner Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Author Merlin Gonzales returns to ArtSees Diner, Be InSpired, Be Transformed for this personal interview focusing on his book, “Kingdom In Our Midst” with Host Mary E. LaLuna. Joining Merlin and Mary will Donna Cherry, Facundo Cortez, and Ke’tre Dickens to share with our listeners the power of the message found in Merlin’s work.

Merlin founded Faith Hope and Love Intl., which collaborates with churches crossing denominational lines. He has developed the concept of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” to unify the Body of Christ by bringing the love of God into the community. Merlin’s messages and teachings are about raising up a generation passionate for God to build a legacy of transformation. He is an Advisory Council Member for the State of Indiana Office of the Faith-based and a co-host for Religion in the News. Merlin speaks at churches, businesses, government, educational institutions and faith based organizations to encourage people to live out their faith. He is a church consultant helping pastors reach out in their communities to raise and train leaders. Merlin and his wife Annie live in Noblesville, Ind.

Selena Design BlessingsBlog Talk Radio: Living In God’s Dominion On Earth
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