FHL Week

9th Annual FHL Week, a Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard

The Official start of FHL Week

The Official start of FHL Week

Indianapolis, IN – Indianapolis will once again host the Annual FHL Week “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard” from July 21-to July 28. Since 2005, many churches and various organizations come together for a week of unconditional service in their local communities. It’s like a mission trip without leaving home.

Faith Hope and Love (FHL) www.fhlinternational.org has been gathering different denominations, cultures and social status together through projects and services that are developed by the local communities. Merlin Gonzales, the Founder of FHL said, “On Dec. 12, 2012 (12/12/12), I had an impression that in order to bring deeper revelation of the unity in the Body of Christ here in Central Indiana, we should have extended Prayer, Worship and Praise together.” In addition to projects and services, this year’s FHL Week will include 24/7 non-stop prayer/worship from July 21st 3p to July 28th 3p (Eastern time).

There are many projects and services that are in the planning stage, such as minor home renovation, neighborhood clean ups, providing toys for the children of distressed families, food drives, possible oil changes, and many more.

For more information or to interview Merlin Gonzales regarding the 2013 FHL Week, contact 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

Merlin Gonzales9th Annual FHL Week, a Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard
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24/7 in Indianapolis July 21-27

I pray this message will reach you well.

In the past 8+ years, the Lord had guided me to meet numerous people from all walks of life. Through the annual FHL Week in Indianapolis, I had the privilege to interact with many leaders for the “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard” also known as FHL Week in Indiana. Because of our deadline (every last full week of July), everyone who committed to participate, works hard to bring the community together through projects & services and, prayer & worship. We have seen dozens of churches come together, many businesses come to serve and to provide resources, both the local and the state government proclaim FHL Week, educational institutions and local neighborhoods are mobilized to serve people unconditionally and to spread the love of God in our communities.
Throughout the years, the projects and services accomplished were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most specially, many people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Relationships began and has deepened in central Indiana. With the grace of God, division walls are being broken down.
FHL Week projects/services focus was very beneficial for those who receive services and for those who serve. We have seen outreaches and ministries birthed through the unity during the missions week. There are groups of churches in Greenwood, IN and also in Noblesville, IN working together on a regular basis. It is to the glory of God. Truly, our journey together is better than what is being accomplished. A legacy of transformation is evident and alive.
The Lord is leading us to deeper relationship with Him and with each other. We all know that without prayer and worship, we will not be able to attain deeper knowledge of God and of our role in the expansion of His Kingdom. Each of us has a part to play in this mandate.
The passion I have to see unity in the Body of Christ and to continuously pursue Him in the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth, and after fervent prayers, I would like to invite you to consider coming together for the 24/7 Prayer/Worship during FHL Week 2013, July 21 3pm to July 27 3pm. We will still do the projects/services simultaneously.
You can help bring God’s presence through the unity of the believers by praying for us and/or joining us during the 24/7. We will divide the 168 hours by 12-hr segments. Each segment will be facilitated by 14 Coordinating Teams from different churches, ministries, localities, nationalities, etc. This model will bring more of the unity in the Body of Christ  since many groups are invited to work together instead of one church/organization coordinating all the scheduling and preparations. Many rivers of Living Water John 7:38, “as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them,” will converge together for a powerful week of prayers, worship and works of service.
Through my years of experience working with the different FHL Week Area Coordinators and Christian leaders in central Indiana, this model brings unity, accountability and deeper relationships with God and with others.
We will start speaking with potential Coordinator Teams next Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of this monumental vision. You may reply to this Blog or call us at 317-578-3370. I will keep you posted through my Blogs. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you in advance for praying with us for the sake of the the Body of Christ in Indianapolis Eph 4:11-13,  ”So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unityin the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
I will send you more information as we continue to move in step with the Spirit. For the meantime, please pray for this vision and feel free to forward this message to those whom you think have the same vision of bringing unity in the Body of Christ through unabashed 24/7 Prayer/Worship. I am asking you on behalf of the Church in Indianapolis.
And Jesus prayed for the unity of all believers – John 17:20-21 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
God bless you,
Merlin Gonzales
Indianapolis, IN USA
Merlin Gonzales24/7 in Indianapolis July 21-27
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What’s next after FHL Week

My last written post was about the last day of FHL Week. I hope you enjoyed following some of the activities during that action packed week. We saw miracles, challenges, wonders and the unexpected happen. That’s to be expected when you mobilize 100+ organizations, more than 800 volunteers, 30 some projects sustained for 7 days with zero budget and lots of faith.

Imagine if a group of people ask you to come up with a plan to bring churches, businesses, neighborhood associations, government, etc., to work together for an entire week on all various projects without any guarantee of working capital and a support team. That’s crazy!

In 2005, I never thought an organization could do just that. All I wanted was to introduce the concept of unifying churches through local mission – “A Mission Trip in their Own Backyard”

After 7 years of pouring my life into it, FHL has evolved to be an organization that connects, facilitates and coordinates volunteers to identify needs and to come up with resources to bring hope in our communities.

It’s a monumental task to bring churches together let alone encourage them to work together. FHL has worked with numerous Christian denominations and even non-Christians since then. I have seen different reactions from people of different walks of life, from positive to negative, condemnation and praise, love and judgment.

There’s a price to pay to follow Christ and continue the calling that He has for each of us, especially if you do not have the entire picture and the details that go along with an outstanding plan. I’ve written a Blog “God wants our faithfulness, not our success.” Through walking in faith with Him, we start to gain more revelation along the way. The next step has been revealed. Some people may call it miracle. Unless we experience Him in our lives, it would be hard for our faith to develop.

Many times, revelation comes when we obey Him no matter how absurd the plan. It usually requires us to step outside our comfort zone. The next step is shown after we take the initial step. The next door opens after we walk through the previous one.

FHL Week has taught many groups of people to trust one another, to watch their backs and to rely on each other. No one has the complete answer and the resources needed to accomplish all the projects. Through the process of walking alongside each other, brainstorming and coming up with a plan, a team is born. Once people start trusting each other, their relationships grow and things are accomplished.

In the end, it’s not about the projects, it’s about having relationships with each other. Confidence with others and within ourselves can change the dynamic of a community. For example, many Noblesville churches (Serve: Noblesville) are now working regularly together because of their experience with FHL since 2006. It’s not that other churches were not working together before, but FHL was a catalyst that led them to work even closer together.

FHL Week, “A Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard”, has taught us that it’s ok to venture with others to serve and to trust the God in us. It may not look great but deep inside, seeds of unity are being planted. As Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 4:12 & 13, “equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Paul also added that we grow to become a mature body of  Christ by working together and performing our part as we build up each other in love.

Now that you have read the inside scoop about FHL Week, you don’t need to wait until next July. Why not entertain having FHL Week all year long? Not as big and intensive as the annual “Mission Trip in your Own Backyard”, but something small and tangible that your neighborhood can do together to build each other up in love? Next month and in October, FHL will be mobilizing between 300-500 volunteers for the “Heal the Land” project at 38th/Illinois area. Consider joining us if you are available. You can be the miracle that others have been waiting for.

How about planting Food Pantries all around our cities through the resources within the local neighborhoods? My next Blog will discuss this in detail.

Merlin GonzalesWhat’s next after FHL Week
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FHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus

Saturday, July 28th started with working with the Ch 8 Religion in the News Staff at the There’s Hope Project. We did some painting and cleaning the surrounding areas around the trailer home. Later, our carpenter came to finish the flooring in 2 rooms with brand new linoleum.

My next and last stop for the day was at the Honoring Hometown Heroes at the Falls Park in Pendleton, In. This event has been planned in February this. Incidentally, the day before, there was a shooting in Pendleton that claimed 2 lives, a Anderson Policeman shot in the leg and a Pendleton Policeman. It was a timely event although a tragic incident happen. The Pendleton/Anderson area leaders worked hard to provide the First Responders (Policemen, Firemen & Emergency Personnel) a day with gifts for them and their family members, food, music and kids activities. My day ended with attending a wedding ceremony and a concert at The Prairie.

You may be wondering why there’s a “+” sign added to the Title of this Blog. It is because there were 2 more projects today, Sunday, the 29th. After visiting a participating church in Martindale-Brightwood area, I visited the Food Collection with Concert at Noodles & Co. at the Midtown area. Later, I supported the Play, “The Point” at Trinity Baptist.

It’s been an eventful week and so many blessings, it’s hard to record everything. In the coming days, I will be writing a Blog regarding the entire FHL Week 2012.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus
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FHL Week 2012: Day 6

St. Paul United Methodist at Martindale-Brightwood was my first stop. The Pastor of the church just started 2 weeks ago and he was very happy to host the day. Several churches and ministries were present such as Impact Movement, Habitat for Humanity and Youth/Children Ministries.

I had a chance to call back our Pendleton/Anderson Area Coordinator, Facundo Cortez. He reported that there was shooting in Pendleton that involved an Anderson and Pendleton Policemen. It was a tragic event that took 2 lives and a K9 police dog. The “Honoring Hometown Heroes” today at 11am, Saturday, July 28th is expected to draw more media because of the incident.

I have been following the progress of “There’s Hope” project and they are coming along very well with the installation of siding on the garage. It’s humbling to see that I am a part of a task that could change the perspectives of a family through the practical expression of God’s love for them.

My next stop was at the Storehouse Ministries where they already constructed several movable shelving for future growth. You can hear the live conversation with Paula, this ministry’s leader.

On my way to the Living Water Project in Franklin, the much needed rain poured down. It has been so hot and dry in Central Indiana that the down pour was appreciated by everyone. At this homeless ministry, I was given a tour of the progress of the project. They have already installed the cabinets that were donated to them late last week.

I received a report from our West side Area that the Firemen Outreach went well. They gave them gifts and thanked them for their services. Lastly, our Martinsville area had their evangelistic concert, Ignite and reached the local neighborhoods for Christ.

This has been an eventful day! What we do matters and can impact people’s lives.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 6
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