
Transformational Living: Don’t Just Learn It…Experience It Luncheon at the Bonefish Grill

bonefishDon’t Just Learn It…Experience It Luncheon at the Bonefish Grill with guest speaker, Isaac Randolph, Executive Director of Indiana Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Isaac will speak on the theme: “Out of our intimacy with God, there is strategy, provision and transformation.” Proceeds invested in FHL transformational activities and events.  Downloadable Registration form in PDF format.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
11:30am – 1:00pm
Bonefish Grill
4501 E. 82 Street
Indianapolis, IN


Merlin GonzalesTransformational Living: Don’t Just Learn It…Experience It Luncheon at the Bonefish Grill
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FHL’s ‘Don’t just learn it; Experience it’ Luncheon at Outback on 3/25

A Message From the President of Faith, Hope and Love, International- Merlin Gonzales

“The Hope within You, Living from the Inside Out” is not just a pretty phrase. It is real! With the nation’s economic challenges also come the false hopes that many instill in the minds of people. Many are told that hope is found in the government, companies or other external sources. Although these have influences in our society, you and I can have an even greater impact by transforming our communities. John 17:22-23, “I have given them (the disciples and the generations to come) the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” This means that we have the Spirit of God within us, and we have the most powerful thing at our disposal: Love. 1 Corinthians 13: 13, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Everything will disappear in this world, but no one can take away the love within you and me. The God within us is our hope, and the Love within us can change the world.

You and I are given the tremendous opportunity to transform this generation through sharing the hope within us and by Living from the Inside Out“.

Community needs are growing while community resources are dwindling…

The weakening economy has created increasing hardship for many people from all walks of life. Your financial support for this Luncheon will help over 500 families that FHL International, Inc.regularly serves throughout the year. Your participation in this luncheon will help the FHL Mobile Food Pantry and you will also enjoy some delicious food yourselves provided by the Outback Steakhouse. While you are with us at the Outback, you will hear an extraordinary testimonial of hope from Al Gibson, President of Crown Coating.

Please come join us! Thank you, Merlin

WHY: To raise awareness of the ‘Hope within us’ and to benefit the Mobile Food Pantry serving 500+ families in metropolitan Indianapolis.

WHERE: Outback Steakhouse 86th/Michigan St Indianapolis

WHEN: Wed. March 25 11:30a-1p


For more information, please visit our Facebook Event page

Merlin GonzalesFHL’s ‘Don’t just learn it; Experience it’ Luncheon at Outback on 3/25
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