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July 20-26: FHL Week 2014 – A decade of missions


It seems like years go by quickly when you are having fun. I vividly remember the first FHL Week in 2005. So, as a part of the 10th Annual FHL Week celebration (and to reminisce the past blessings), I am writing a series of short Blogs about the history of our organization  (see the very first FHL Week banner!). I hope you would be blessed as you read them; you have been a part of this magnificent journey.

In the past several weeks, I have been interviewing people about hunger. We have put together a comprehensive report about the pantries in selected townships. The findings would be used to help improve our food pantry operations and training manual. This report also helps us in defining the next FHL Week which is focused on addressing hunger.

During FHL Week (July 20-26) we are planning to help neighborhood food pantries through food drives, food distributions, repairing or building shelves, organizing, gardening, neighborhood cookouts and many other hunger projects. Please check our FHL Week official site  to find out more info.

Selena Design BlessingsJuly 20-26: FHL Week 2014 – A decade of missions
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The final separation

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” – Matthew 25:32

This verse resonated when I recently read 2 articles about large organizations focused on boys and girls. The first one was about a teenager receiving the highest award for coming out of the closet and the later for voting on a person for a national award but is a pro choice.

Just today, a friend of mine said that he was surprised to find out that an executive of a nation wide organization that was founded as a Christian organization is not a Christian! In addition, this same person was transferred to another region as an executive of the same organization.

When the Kingdom of God reached its fullness here on earth, there will be final separation. There will be no more lukewarm, wishy-washy and gray line. He will part the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat and the passionates from the lukewarm.

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” – Matthew 7:22-23


If you like this article, please share. Feel free to make a Comment or suggestions. Let me know what topics you would like to read in the future. God bless you! Merlin



Merlin GonzalesThe final separation
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Introducing…(your organization)

Introducing your organization takes planning and follow ups. Many organizations, including ours are challenged to find workable process to expand its reach and its network.

I have taken the privilege to borrow some of the ideas from Raising More Money book by Terry Axelrod. This will be an introduction to a workable plan that’s proven effective by many organizations.

The Entrance door

This is designed to introduce people to your organization. It is a door opener for people who have not heard of your mission or just know a little about it. Your board members, current donors or your advocates are your main players to invite their business partners, families, friends, church members, or neighbors. If your organization does not have an office to bring several people to, you can hold this event at a restaurant or a nice conference room. It is ideal to provide drinks and small meal or snack.

For example, if you have a friend who owns a restaurant or a building, ask him/her to consider sponsoring the informational meeting. It is important to let the guests know that this is an introductory  session about the organization and they will not be asked for donation but they will receive a follow up call to see if they have an interest to find out more.

Conversion Session

After the introductory session, follow ups are very important. This should be done within 5 days of the first session. The board members or the advocates are the best persons to follow up since they already have relationships with their guests.

Two ways to use this session:

  • Ask for financial donations or find out how the guests want to get involved
  • Ask them to be Table Captains for your future fundraiser event.

Table Captains basically those who buy-in to the mission of your organization and are willing to invite people who may be  interested in the organization.

I will be writing more about who is an ideal Table Captain soon.

PS. If you have comment or suggestions, please feel free to post below or email [email protected] Please Share this link on your social media if you think this is helpful. Let me know if you want other topics for my next blog.

Merlin Gonzales

Merlin GonzalesIntroducing…(your organization)
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