Deuteronomy 16:15

As we are getting closer to the Annual FHL Week (July 24-30), anticipation is building up. It is not so much about what we will accomplish and do but it is more of the alignment of our thoughts, faith and spirit. This is the Year of Faith for the FHL and do we go through God’s refining fire. Many of the city’s leaders are now preparing for FHL Week. Phone calls, emails, FB and other forms of communications are being used, visiting places, meeting new people, finding resources and volunteers, rehearsals for the dance and hundreds of other things that needed attention.

Have you find yourself praising God passionately when things are going your way? During challenging times, have you find yourself lethargic and even doubting the possibilities? Can you still have the joy from God?

The Bible says that no one nothing can take that joy away from you unless you allow that to happen. It’s about you and the choices that you make.

I would like to encourage you that God’s promises are real. When God called you to a task or mission, He will make sure that He will take care of you; it’s His Name that’s at stake. Notice I said, “take care of You”, not necessarily the “task” He had given you. He can do things Himself or through others; He wants your heart and He wants to train you to find joy in obeying Him.

For 7 days or more in July, we will celebrate the privilege of working alongside God and others in Central Indiana. “For seven days celebrate the festival to the LORD your God at the place the LORD will choose. For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.” We will find that our greatest reward is in God and not in our accomplishment; it’s about our relationship with Him and with others…then our joy will be complete.

Thank you in advance for coming along side us in Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Unconditional Love of Christ.

Listen to my Daily Podcast about the expansion of the Kingdom of God in Indiana and how you can plug and play. Visit our FaceBook for more updated info. God bless you, Merlin

Merlin GonzalesDeuteronomy 16:15

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