FHL Announcements: September 2009 Volunteer Opportunities!!

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Opportunities to get involved and to volunteer as of September 2009:

Prayer at the Circle on 8/30/09 3pm

This prayer group will have a brief worship, communion and prayer for Indianapolis

FHL Kindness Days

  • on 8/29/09 :00pm

at 10th St & Rural, Indianapolis; There will be 4 Groups reaching out: Passing out cold drinks, picking up trash, street evangelism and Prayer Tent.

  • on 9/11/09

There will be several projects at Martindale-Brightwood area (clean up, light construction) and in Castleton. We are expecting more than 60 volunteers to come together in serving our communities.

  • on 10/17/09

This day will be focused on Cars of Clay Ministry. More details to come.

FHL Refugees & Farm Ministry

FHL has (3) farms that have been producing food for the community. A church in Greenwood, IN is donating 20 acres land for farming. There will be vision-casting luncheon at Midwest Food Bank on Saturday, September 12 from 11am to 1pm; Lunch is provided. There are opportunities to partner and to volunteer. Contact Wili de la Rosa at [email protected].

Street Evangelism 9/26/09

Meet at Cornerstone Baptist Church located at 952 N. Pennsylvania at 11am to 3pm. Please contact Bill Lamb 317-549-5238 for more info.

FHL Mobile Food Pantry on 9/26/09 3:00pm-4:30pm

Experience the blessing around the city!

Volunteer from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Contact Ethan Crane (317) 578-3370 for more info.

Citywide Prayer 9/27/09

Citywide Prayer/Worship.  Contact Donna Cherry at 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

Jehoshua House, LLC

Offender, Re-entry ministry. Contact Bob Irvin at 317-578-3370 or [email protected] | Jehoshua House.org

Cars of Clay

Car Ministry. Contact Jim Raftery at 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

FHL Corporate Office
Located at 8383 Craig Street, Suite 335, Indianapolis, IN 46250.

Exciting and rewarding volunteer positions available. Contact Merlin Gonzales at (317)578-3370 for more info.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Announcements: September 2009 Volunteer Opportunities!!

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  • minister Teresa Sutton - August 4, 2010

    God Bless you! Merlin Gonzoles my name is minister Teresa Sutton Family Bible Church 2425 E. New York st. 632-3914 I met with some of your staff on July 27,2010 at Phillips Temple on 34th.st. I believe the work that you guys are doing is a blessing from God to his people out in the streets. I would like to see if i can get your group to come and have a neighborhood clean up with my neighborhood association or you guys to speak at our community day at the church. If possible could someone get back with me soon with the details i need so we may be blessed by your organizations presents at our event. Thank you and i will be praying that your vision and mission continues to grow. god bless.

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