FHL City-Wide (Indianapolis) Prayer Initiative: Saturday, January 24, 2009


I’m writing to invite you to a very important time of prayer that is being held Saturday, January 24th from 7pm-9pm at Providence Ministries which is located at 1602 East 34th St., Indianapolis, IN 46218.

FHL International, Inc. (Faith, Hope, and Love International)
was established as a means to strengthen the work of the local church by providing opportunities for local congregations and ministries to lock arms in service to the city and communities of Greater Indianapolis. Today, we recognize and feel the urgent need to respond and join in with the Lord’s command to “pray without ceasing” and we are partnering with God and His people to do just that.
Jeremiah 29:7 says, “If there is no welfare (peace) in the city to which you have been exiled, pray for the welfare (peace) of that city, and you  too will have welfare (peace).”

Through various means over the past few years, God has initiated hundreds across this area to begin to pray for the welfare of our city and our nation.    As a result, prayer ministries have sprang up all over the city; giving believers multiple opportunities to come together in prayer. The FHL City-Wide (Indianapolis) Prayer Initiative is yet another small but critical piece to the ongoing work of helping to strengthen our city and push back the darkness through prayer. Our desire is to host a multi-cultural, multi-denominational, inter-generational prayer meeting on a monthly basis where various individuals, churches, ministries, and organizations come together under the banner of Jesus Christ to beseech God on behalf of our city. We recognize the power of corporate prayer and know that unity in prayer is the prerequisite for God releasing His justice and revival in our streets.
  1. Israel/Nations

  2. America

  3. Indianapolis Communities

  4. Indianapolis Culture/Society, Business (Marketplace), Education, Government, Family

  5. Indianapolis Churches, Ministries, Pastors/Ministers

  6. Personal people you know (lost, sick, hurting, ect…)

Do you have any specific prayer requests or suggestions for prayer covering? If so, we would love to hear from you do feel free to email those to me as well as to forward this announcement to those that you feel would be interested in participating. Will you join with us in changing the spiritual climate of our city, preparing our hearts, and ushering in the breakthrough of God for an entire region through prayer?
Your Servant,
Jonathan Tremaine Thomas
Interim FHL Prayer Director, FHL International, Inc.
Merlin GonzalesFHL City-Wide (Indianapolis) Prayer Initiative: Saturday, January 24, 2009

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