FHL Update: New Prayer Groups, ESL Classes, and Kindness Weekends

A few weeks ago, during the Transform Indiana meeting, FHL shared an idea of forming and empowering prayer groups in Indianapolis. If we could agree to pray together and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts, Christians in Indy would be more open to work together. After only 2 meetings, several prayer facilitators agreed to work together to provide 24/7 prayer groups around the city. We feel that there will be more exciting news to come about this development . If you are interested in getting involved with this group, please contact [email protected]

Several months ago, Merlin Gonzales, FHL CEO, was approached by 21-year old volunteer of FHL International, Inc. regarding leading an English as Second Language (ESL) Class . He asked her to wait until the FHL Week (and the many FHL-related projects) were over. So she approached him again a few weeks later. After many prayers and much planning, the first ESL Class was launched on Thursday, Oct. 16th with 20 students.

The FHL Kindness Weekend in Castleton will be held on Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 18 & 19. There will be dozens of volunteers from various organizations who will be serving the community unconditionally. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact [email protected]

Faith, Hope, and Love, International, Inc. is dedicated to transforming our city, one neighborhood at a time.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Update: New Prayer Groups, ESL Classes, and Kindness Weekends

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