FHL Week 2009: Prayer Walk Around Indianapolis

by Merlin Gonzales

OpenDay7_19Yesterday, we were baptized spiritually and physically. We accomplished what we were supposed to do…bringing His Presence and proclaiming His Name at the center of the state.

FHL Week Update: The Prayer coach will be at:

* 10th and Rural today
* Unleavened Bread Cafe on Tuesday.
* Johnson County Fair Grounds on Wednesday.
* Elizaville on Thursday.
* Saraga International Market 38th/Lafayette & Marion County on Saturday.

This week’s schedule, area-by-area, can be seen at FHLinternational.org on Facebook (see the links at the bottom of the page)! Come get involved!

Read more about the opening day of FHL Week: “Service Missions Close To Home” in The Indianapolis Star: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2009907200353

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2009: Prayer Walk Around Indianapolis

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