FHL Week 2011 Update 6/17

The Coming of the Kingdom of GodLuke 17:20-21, 20 Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within[a] you.” – NIV

What a privilege we have in Christ. He has chose us to be distributors of the Kingdom treasures and blessings. It’s unfathomable that the Kingdom of God is within us.

Here are the Updates for the FHL Week:

  • Possible 24/7 Prayer Room in the Midtown area starting 7/24 (Midtown Area)
  • Several youth and adults from New Castle, Anderson & Pendleton, IN are planning to stay at a church parsonage during FHL Week for a Neighborhood Makeover near the d’town Indy (Pendleton/Anderson area)
  • The Official Kick off of FHL week is 7/24 at University Park and part of the celebration is Dance Your Shoes Off where hundreds of participants will dance to make God famous and will leave their shoes to be distributed for those in need (FHL Indiana)
  • FHL is partnering with several homeless ministries for the 7/30 Foot Washing and to give them the shoes that were collected on 7/24 (FHL Indiana)
  • On 7/28-30 will be feeding both of body and soul in the West side of Indy with unabashed worship, sharing of the Gospel to general public and possible clothing give away (West side Area)
  • FHL is now recruiting for “Citizen Reporters” who will be simultaneously reporting during FHL Week from different locations. Please sign up on FHL website Volunteer page to find out more about this new initiative (FHL Indiana)
  • “Hands for Haiti” in which we will construct 3 church buildings and pack 25,000 meals for the people of Haiti (Noblesville area)
  • Town Hall Meeting in Lamong, In to discuss the plans for the Neighborhood Makeover 6/23 7p at Lamong Christ Community Church (NW Area)

We have many larger projects that could keep many volunteers busy throughout the week. Please contact me if you have local missionaries who would like to join other areas such as d’town Indy, Westfield and ramp building around Mero Indy.

Psalm 115:1, “Not to us O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name be the Glory…”

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2011 Update 6/17

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