FHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus

Saturday, July 28th started with working with the Ch 8 Religion in the News Staff at the There’s Hope Project. We did some painting and cleaning the surrounding areas around the trailer home. Later, our carpenter came to finish the flooring in 2 rooms with brand new linoleum.

My next and last stop for the day was at the Honoring Hometown Heroes at the Falls Park in Pendleton, In. This event has been planned in February this. Incidentally, the day before, there was a shooting in Pendleton that claimed 2 lives, a Anderson Policeman shot in the leg and a Pendleton Policeman. It was a timely event although a tragic incident happen. The Pendleton/Anderson area leaders worked hard to provide the First Responders (Policemen, Firemen & Emergency Personnel) a day with gifts for them and their family members, food, music and kids activities. My day ended with attending a wedding ceremony and a concert at The Prairie.

You may be wondering why there’s a “+” sign added to the Title of this Blog. It is because there were 2 more projects today, Sunday, the 29th. After visiting a participating church in Martindale-Brightwood area, I visited the Food Collection with Concert at Noodles & Co. at the Midtown area. Later, I supported the Play, “The Point” at Trinity Baptist.

It’s been an eventful week and so many blessings, it’s hard to record everything. In the coming days, I will be writing a Blog regarding the entire FHL Week 2012.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus

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