Giving and Serving from the hands of God

If you were given a chance of a lifetime, what would you do for your neighbors and for your city? This question has been in my heart even before the Lord had birthed FHL in 2005. It is now happening right in front of our eyes.

This coming FHL Week (July 24-30), our city will see the unconditional love of God through the unselfish acts of kindness from the all sectors of our society.  A national-chain restaurant providing thousands of dollars worth of food for the volunteers, ministries who invest their own money even though they are not in their “line item” or in their budget, our local government providing resources to the neighborhoods and individuals taking the entire week as their vacation to serve those people that they don’t even know. All these testimonials are blessings to hear but they are extra blessings for those who are serving. Literally, God gives through hands and He takes care of His people through the “Local Missionaries”.

In Hebrews 11:2, “This is what the ancients were commended for.” I would like to mention that the people who serve unconditional will be commended by God for their ‘faith in action’.  As one Bible commentary says, “True Bible faith is confident obedience to God’s Word despite circumstances and consequences.” “The circumstances may be impossible and the consequences frightening and unknown, but we obey God’s Word just the same and believe Him to do what is right and what is best.”

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all of you for serving others unconditionally. You are a part of the history of the transformation of our city. I am privileged to work alongside you in the declaration and the demonstration of God’s love.

Please contact us at 317-578-3370 or [email protected] Sign up Online to volunteer and participate.

Ephesians 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,”

May the Lord bless you abundantly and be a blessing to others,


Merlin GonzalesGiving and Serving from the hands of God

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