Here’s what’s happening

My last written Blog was in early August. You are probably wondering what’s been happening beside what’s on my Podcast. We had some pretty awesome interviews, real time reporting, and Podcast about FHL’s plan in Food Pantry Planting Movement.

So, in the past 6 weeks, FHL trained and mobilized volunteers for the Food Pantry Planting. The launching (9/22) was simple. There were about 30 volunteers who worshiped and prayed together at the FHL office. By Monday 9/24, we had mobilized around 40 volunteers who passed out about 750 grocery bags to several neighborhoods encouraging them to donate non perishable food items for 3 food pantries. Our fearless volunteers also visited several businesses to encourage them to participate in food collection. In particular, Noodles & Co located at 3450 W. 86th St. 46268 is partnering with 2 of FHL Food Pantries to collect food on Saturday, Sept. 29 from 5p-9p. They are also donating 25% of sales during the hours of collection through FHL referrals. Please drop by and bring some canned goods on the 29th.

FHL had mobilized around 90 volunteers from IUPUI and New Hope Presbyterian Church during the last 2 Kindness Days at 38th/Illinois. The next Kindness Days are on Oct 8th to help a person in yard work, minor construction and house clean up. This project is sponsored by Southport Presbyterian Church. They are bringing their Youth for a short-term mission in our own backyard. On Oct 13-14, FHL is partnering with Northview Christian Church who will be sending around 400 volunteers for FHL’s Heal the Land Project.

On Oct 5-6, will FHL Disaster Preparedness Seminar. Thanks to our Project Manager, Donna Cherry for putting this together. For more info, please visit

My plan was to slow down a little bit to catch up on admin and update our websites and social media outlets. Thanks to our great IT Director who kept up in our technical needs while the rest of our staff were busy out in the streets. Id’ like to also thank Bill Lamb, our Food Pantry & Kindness Day Director, Susannah Francis, my Executive Asst. who is great not only in helping me put procedures on paper but also in many administrative training and operations. Most specially, I am very thankful for our full-time Art Director volunteer, my wife Annie, for helping me run and maintain the FHL office.

I have more stuff to share with you but this one getting long. So until then, keep the faith…in our Lord Jesus Christ!

Merlin GonzalesHere’s what’s happening

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