It’s not what you think

I woke up last night at midnight and can’t go to sleep. After 2 hours of tossing and turning, I decided to get up and read the Bible. As I was reading the first part of 1 Kings, the famous verse caught my attention; 1 Kings 3:9, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern…” It seemed to me that my heart leaped as I was reading the verse and immediately spoke to me with regards to the FHL Ministry and my role as the founder and leader.

Currently, FHL is going through financial challenges and I’ve been praying and interceding to the Lord to provide resources and guidance.

After dwelling on the verse for a few minutes, I decided to go back to bed, content and relaxed. It took me no time at all to fall asleep while still thinking about the verse.

There are times in our lives to just ask for a discerning heart to hear what God is communicating to us. Most of the time, it’s not what we think; it’s what God is saying to us.

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Merlin GonzalesIt’s not what you think