Journey Through the Tunnel: Pathway to Promotion

A tunnel to promotion…

This past year, I have been crying out to God for many hours every day. I’ve prayed, worshiped, read the Word, and soaked in sermons; I worked hard as well. I sought the Lord with all my heart, and just as David did, I have strengthened myself in Him. I’ve experienced dark times before, like when I was betrayed by one of FHL’s partners. It was a season filled with despair, but God turned it around.

Running away

In 1 Samuel 22, we see King David hiding in a cave, fleeing from King Saul, though David had done nothing wrong. Saul’s jealousy drove him to try to take David’s life. Yet, amid this trial, David found strength in the Lord.

King David hiding from King Saul

David went hiding and his family and many others joined him—those who were in distress, debt, or discontented—and he became their commander. “All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” – 1 Samuel 22:2 (NIV)

To the darkest cave

The organization I founded, Faith Hope and Love Community is in some kind of distress and debt and discontented. It has been challenging but God has a way of bringing transformation from the darkest caves, and I believe I am about to see that transformation unfold.

The experience I am dealing with currently is nothing compared to King David’s. I can only imagine the immense stress and persecution David must have endured from every side. In his desperation to escape from Saul, he found refuge in the land of the Philistines—Israel’s enemy. Despite this, David’s loyalty earned him the trust of Achish, the son of the King of Gath. As a result, Achish gifted David the city of Ziklag. Together with his army, David fought many battles for the Philistines, achieving great victories (1 Sam. 27-28).

Moments of rejection

But then came the moment when the Philistines prepared for war against Israel. David and his men were ready to fight, but the majority of the Philistine leaders rejected him, fearing that David might turn against them in battle (1 Sam. 29). In an instant, David found himself rejected—not just by Saul and his own country, but now even by the Philistines.

When David and his army returned to Ziklag, what they found shook them to their core. Smoke filled the air over their city. “David and his men reached Ziklag on the third day. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it, and had taken captive the women and everyone else in it, both young and old. They killed none of them, but carried them off as they went on their way 1 Sam. 30:1-2, (NIV). David’s men were so devastated that they even talked of stoning him. But, in the face of despair, “David found strength in the Lord his God 1 Sam. 30:6 (NIV).

Victory Awaits Those Who Believe

I urge you to do the same—to continue strengthening yourself in the Lord, as David did countless times. And just as David inquired of God, you too must seek Him for guidance. 1 Samuel 30:18-19 says, “David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken… Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back.

FHL’s journey, like mine, is filled with testimonies of God’s unwavering faithfulness. There were times I went without a salary for six months, on the brink of losing my home and facing bankruptcy—but God always made a way.

About David… after all the trials, rejections and even on a brink of mutiny, the next scene of his life was becoming King. And if you read further, the foundation of his kingdom was built by the”mighty men of David”who in the past were distressed, in debt and discontented.

You are on the Pathway to Promotion

It is our obligation to encourage one another. Though you’ve been on your Journey Through the Tunnel of challenges, God has been using this time to strengthen you so you can carry the weight of the promotion that’s coming. You may need to adjust—not according to your own plans, but to God’s. No matter what, do not lose heart! God’s promises never fail—for each one of us. Your breakthrough is coming. Strengthen yourself in the Lord! The question is, “Do you believe?”

Merlin GonzalesJourney Through the Tunnel: Pathway to Promotion

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