FHL Week 2009
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for coming to the (FHL Week 2009 Launching) meeting. We had many new potential Area Coordinators! Here are the meeting minutes for the January 15th meeting on Thursday:
- The Vision of FHL International, Inc. and the FHL Week (It’s about Relationships)
- Identification of NEEDS and RESOURCES in our neighborhoods and MOBILIZE our community to serve
- Projects, services and events are tools to reach out to the community
- We plan for all our events and projects but we are flexible to the leading of the Holy Spirit-He runs this ministry
- We are planning to have at least 10 Area Coordinators from the following areas:
o Nora/Castleton
o Urban-North
o Urban South
o Noblesville
o Fishers
o Carmel
o Westfield
o Zionsville
o Greenwood
o West
o Avon/Brownsburg/Plainfield
o Fortville/McCordsville
o East
- The Area Coordinators’ (AC) Training meeting is on Thursday, Feb 5th, 8a-10a at the FHL office. Please RSVP by Thursday, Jan 22nd by calling 317-578-3370 or by responding to [email protected] . Bring your potential ‘Apprentice’ and leaders
- Please see your email for the ‘Invitation Letter’ to your area churches. You can fill in the blanks for your first area meeting. If you let me know in advance, I could come and assist you in casting the vision. Here is the One-Page ‘Save-the-Date’ brochure
- Together with www.fhlinternational.org these Links will provide you and your prospective area church partner with multi-media marketing and presentation:
FHL International,Inc.’s Splashcast Video Channel
FHL International,Inc.’s YouTube Channel
FHL International,Inc.’s Facebook Page
FHL International,Inc.’s Wiki Page
- Pastor Paul Backer of Central Christian Church in Carmel will be our AC Consultant. He had been an Area Coordinator for Carmel/Westfield area from 2006-2008 averaging 500+ volunteers every FHL Week
- Paul Bechtold is the Metro Indy AC Coordinator and will assist you for the FHL Week
- FHL Int’l., Inc. has several ongoing ministries such as the Mobile Food Pantry, Kindness Days, Prayer Teams, English as a Second Language, etc.
- The FHL e-newsletter will give you updates on a monthly basis. I will send you another email with the e-news
- You are invited to come to the FHL Prayer Team launching on January 24 7p-9p at: Providence Ministries, Indianapolis, Indiana 46218. I will send you another email regarding this event. Hope to see you there.
During these tough economic times, our churches need to work closer together in serving those in need. I would like to encourage you to continue to talk to other churches regarding this ministry that was birth in our own city.
God bless,
Merlin Gonzales
President, FHL International, Inc.