Mercy Missionaries

Jesus of Nazareth reaching out to Peter

Jesus Christ of Nazareth reaching out to Peter

I love the sculpture on my desk. Jesus looks very calm and loving during a critical and emergency time in Peter’s life (Peter sinking fast in a turbulent lake). I’d like to send you this short message that I believe is critical. No, it’s not about the sub zero temperatures and snow. Although these are critical as well, there are looming disasters and crises that are so subtle that make us feel they are not emergencies. These are already taking a toll in our communities.

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a 2.5 days Disaster and Crisis Relief training in Evansville, IN. Immediately after the training, I found out why I was supposed to be there. I felt God told me that we don’t need to wait for disasters and emergency to come (as we know it). In a sense, some of our neighborhoods are already in crisis and in emergency state. For example, hunger is on the rise. While you are reading this article, thousands of people in metro Indy will not have 3 square meals and many more are starving from spiritual food. Our communities are experiencing some of the greatest challenges in recent years.

At the training, I also heard the term “Mercy Missionaries.” They are ordinary people who have big hearts and faith that can move mountains. At FHL Food Pantries, our focus is the people, not the food. Ironically, more people are being fed, more volunteers are reaching out and relationships are established. Our mercy missionaries are encouraged to model the life of Jesus to reach out with our hearts and to bring the compassion of God. The Holy Spirit is raising up passionate missionaries for this critical hour.

Starting on February 25th, FHL will hold a Food Pantry Class. This one of a kind class consists of 3-session classroom teachings, 2 field trips and (if qualified) 6 months on-the-job training.  Topics include developing missional communities, ministering to the poor (physically & spiritually) and how to become mercy missionaries.

For more information regarding the FHL Food Pantry Class and how to become Mercy Missionaries, visit or 317-578-3370

Merlin GonzalesMercy Missionaries

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