Session 1: Introduction to a study on Living in God’s Dominion here on Earth


Two nights before the first session, we were blessed by IHOPE ministry through leading a prophetic and intercessory worship.

Prophetic and Intercessory worship

Prophetic and Intercessory worship

Wonderful worship led by Tree of Life Ministries

Wonderful worship led by Tree of Life Ministries

Then, Tree of Life Ministries blessed us with their worship at the start of our first session!

For our Second session, Lirios de los Valles (Lilies of the Valleys church) will lead the worship. Worship is a part of this class.

Psalm 22:3, “Yet you are holy,
    enthroned on the praises of Israel.” 

All the class participants had the opportunity to introduce themselves and to get to know each other. The class is designed to be relational, interactive and conversational. It will also include group discussions, contemplation, assignments and practical/experiential application of the Biblical principles and values.

What would our neighborhoods look like if we could say, "The Kingdom of God is here"

What would our neighborhoods look like if we could say, “The Kingdom of God is here”

“We will challenge ourselves to be in situations where our only option is to rely on God.”

Our main Scripture for Session 1 was Luke 17:20-21, “Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’because the kingdom of God is in your midst.

Assignment for Session 2

Session Two

Session Two

  • Read pages 1-22 of “The Kingdom In Our Midst”
  • If you were given a chance of a lifetime, what would you do for your community? __________________________
  • What would our communities look like if we could say, “The Kingdom of God is here”

Contemplation: How does your awareness limit your experience of the Kingdom? ____________________________

Experiential: Begin a journal titled “My Spiritual Journey”

Listen to Session 1

Part 1: 

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 2

God bless you!


Merlin GonzalesSession 1: Introduction to a study on Living in God’s Dominion here on Earth

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