All posts tagged: backyardmissions

April 28, 2013: Sermon by Merlin Gonzales at Deer Creek Community Church, ArtSees Diner Radio

artseesdiner bannerListen to Merlin Gonzales, author of Kingdom in Our Midst, and founder of Faith, Hope and Love, International – Indianapolis on ArtSees Diner Radio this Sunday, April 28 at 10am

“Take a fresh look at your neighborhood” is the topic of Merlin’s message Sunday. Listen live at ArtSees Diner Radio.

Where: ArtSees Diner Radio

When: Sunday, April 28, 2013

9:00am CDT, 10am EDT


Selena Design BlessingsApril 28, 2013: Sermon by Merlin Gonzales at Deer Creek Community Church, ArtSees Diner Radio
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April 24, 2013: Kingdom In Our Midst Series #4 on ArtSees Diner Radio

artseesdiner bannerKingdom In Our Midst Series – Featuring Merlin Gonzales is a special presentation brought to you by ArtSees Diner Radio, and ArtSees Production. The week series with author, community activist and church leader Merlin Gonzales. Merlin founded Faith Hope and Love Intl., which collaborates with churches crossing denominational lines. He has developed the concept of “Mission Trips in Your Own Backyard” to unify the Body of Christ by bringing the love of God into the community. Merlin’s messages and teachings are about raising up a generation passionate for God to build a legacy of transformation.

7pm eastern time!

Where: ArtSees Diner Radio

When: Wednesday, April 24, 2013

6:00pm until 8:30pm CDT, 7pm EDT

Selena Design BlessingsApril 24, 2013: Kingdom In Our Midst Series #4 on ArtSees Diner Radio
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The Next Step

Previously, I wrote the article about Missional Community and the most recent one was about taking the time to be intentional to have a transformational community.

I mentioned that I will be writing about the next step towards building missional community. In order for us to have lasting changes, we need to build a strong foundation. Our foundation is the Biblical Principles.

I am currently conducting a teaching series on “a study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth.” Here’s Session #1 Introduction to the Kingdom

Be blessed!


Merlin GonzalesThe Next Step
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Take the time and be intentional

Completed  illustration of the KIOM Video Trailer

Completed illustration of the KIOM Video Trailer

You are probably wondering what the heck the image above is. Well, check this video to see Take a fresh look at your communities.

In my previous Blog, I asked you to take a second look at your community. What did you see? Did you walk your neighborhood, did you talk to the people in your church or in your school or the Cashier at a grocery store?

If you were not able to, there’s grace for all of us. But if you did take the time to “explore the land”, you should notice some obvious things that became familiar or were neglected – in the physical, emotional or spiritual realm.

Two years ago, I found out that my cholesterol was high. I tried to eat healthy foods and I exercised regularly. However, the busyness in my ministry prevented me from following through what I’ve started. Last Saturday, I found out that my triglycerides was very high.  If I wanted to live longer and live a healthy life, I need to take the time to exercise and to be intentional to eat healthy foods. (I’ve started eating healthy foods and did some exercise last night and this morning – shoveling snow).

So the first step in order for us to have healthy neighborhoods, we will need to the take time to see what’s happening and we need to be intentional. In order for a change to happen, we need to know what needed changes. We need to find what the problem, then we can start finding the solution.

BTW, hope you liked the video trailer; please consider sharing it with others as we work towards missional communities.

Merlin GonzalesTake the time and be intentional
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