August 31, 2015
This morning, I woke up at 2am and could’t go back to sleep because I had an allergy attack. By 3:30am, I was still awake sneezing and blowing my nose. Then, I asked God if He has a message for me since I am staying awake.
I propped up my head with another pillow. I finally fell asleep – maybe around 4am. Then I dreamt.
My dream:
I found myself in a war zone. There were all kinds of noise and commotion. There were 3 enemy soldiers who were coming at me. I had a rifle in my hands; I aimed and pulled the trigger.

I fired at the enemy
“Bang”, the enemy went down. However, 2 more were coming at me but I didn’t know how to cock the rifle. The enemies were coming fast so I used the bayonet and killed both of them with it.
Soon, I ran away from that place to hide from the enemies. I saw buildings abandoned, streets were ravaged by bombs and total chaos all around. I found an abandoned building and tried to hide behind a wall while several people were passing by. There were a few other people hiding with me; they said that the people passing by are not enemies.
Next, I found myself in their camp. I saw an abandoned building where they house refugees – about 30 of them in the basement. I got to know some of the top leaders of the group. A man name Patel allowed me to see inside the building.
The refugees were children, parents and grandparents. They were all sleeping in beds made of ply wood, around 7 of them. Each bed is full of people lying in opposite directions to allow them to fit in the bed.
Later, I met an African American lady, she’s the refugees’ teacher. She comes on a regular basis to teach them for about an hour, then she goes back to her place. I later found out that she lives close by the building. Her place was the only one standing in an apartment-like building. Through the window, I saw that her place has electricity, a desk where she studies and a couch in the living room. However, the rest of the building was dilapidated.
As I was talking with Mr. Patel, the Lord showed me 3 images. I asked the Lord
what they represent. Towards the end of my dream, the answer was revealed.
Then, I saw Randy Clark was one of the leaders (Randy is a well-know apostolic Christian leader who has played a major role in bringing the Toronto blessings in the mid 1990’s when the Holy Spirit came in power upon a congregation calling out to the Lord.) I followed him and he showed me a large generator. There was some problem in it but he quickly fixed it. He commented that it seems like you have to do the mechanical things more than being a spiritual leader. It made me think – why did he say that?
We walked back towards the refugees’ building that seemed concealed. It is inside a compound with a large gate in the front. As you enter the gate, the entrance seemed like a quick sand. It was like a big mud hole and only small vehicles can go around it. From the look of it, I think the hard soil to the side of the gate is wide enough only for a motorcycle.
As we enter the building, we had to slide ourselves through a square hole on the side of the building since the door is impassable. I thought – how can the teacher go through that small opening? I thought that she was not fit and small enough to fit through it, but I was wrong.
I noticed that the enemies were marching on the side of the building but they didn’t seem to notice the building. An answer came to me – when the Glory of God is over you, the enemies cannot touch you.
This time, the refugees were awake. Mr. Patel instructed the leaders to line up the refugees in rows across the yard out side the building within the compound for the teaching of the day. It was a sunny day. He sat on a chair, grabbed a fresh donut in a box and he took a big bite. He said to have the refugees do the same. I was about to ask him “Why”, but he saw that I was going to ask it so he said that they should experience the enjoyment of eating a donut like the people in France during peacetime.
I saw that the leaders were so busy most of the time in the compound and I asked myself why they don’t raise new leaders to help them in running these band of people. I was about to offer my assistance to the leaders, but then I woke up.
I was still half awake in my bed trying to wake up. I asked the Lord what the 3 images represent. Quickly, I got the answer – CHURCH, SCHOOL and MONEY. We need to have those during calamities. As I was starting to type this dream, I wondered why food and water were not listed. My answer was delivered to me right away – the Lord will provide. Then I was reminded of the Israelites when they crossed the desert – although they had bread and livestock when they left Egypt, those were not enough to last them all through the 40 years of wandering. It was through the powerful hand of God that they received manna and water in the desert.
Next, I will share with you what we think is the interpretation of the dream.
God bless you,