All posts tagged: FHL International Inc.

History of FHL Food Pantry

The early years of FHL Food Pantries

The early years of FHL Food Pantries

In the fall of 2006, Merlin Gonzales and a few volunteers agreed to do the first FHL Mobile Food Pantry. FHL partnered with a Hispanic business that allowed us to give the food in the grocery store. One of our partners owned one of the Latino newspapers in town and she did a half-page ad at no cost to us.

The pantry attracted almost 100 families. The first pantry had less than 10 volunteers but was able to give a lot of grocery items from a food bank and other sources. For the next 2 years, FHL food pantries were held in churches, schools and parking lots. FHL did not have problems in attracting recipients because of the follow up system.

After 2 years, FHL introduced prayers at pantries. The recipients seem open and soon it became a regular part of each pantry. Through the process of partnering with different organizations at different locations, FHL developed procedures overtime. The leaders learned how to interact with different denominations, ethnic groups and traditions. The Lord walked the organization through many on-the-job training that were vital to the development creative evangelism. The leaders learned more how to interact with the different segments of our society.

However, setting up and tearing down of food pantry sites at different location became a hindrance to serve more people and to share the Gospel. The idea of starting a food pantry at churches and other sites became obvious. FHL would be able to serve more people and would be able to share its experience with others.

The informal training and partnership emerged. Horizon Christian Fellowship Central was the first food pantry that FHL helped start. It is now a vital part of the Fountain Square neighborhood in Indianapolis.

Through prayers and hard work, God had birth the FHL Food Pantry Incubation. It is now that mission of FHL to incubate food pantries in central Indiana.

The FHL Food Pantry School became a work in progress document. In the class, you will learn that practical and spiritual application of the Bible. You will see that your friends and/or congregation can be a part of the tapestry of a food pantry. Young and old, rich and poor has a place in a food pantry such as the Outreach Team, Prayer Team and Community Relations Team.

An idea of feeding the hungry and reaching out to those in need had evolved to be a powerful tool to engage the community in sharing the love of God. The end result is that the hungry are fed, the Gospel is being shared and more people are becoming Christ-like in their communities. The food pantries are becoming missional communities.


Merlin GonzalesHistory of FHL Food Pantry
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A Few God stories

Here are a few stories how God used the FHL ministry to share the tangible expression of God’s love:
• In the past 6 weeks, we have received 5 donated vehicles; 3 were already donated to those in need.
• The largest single project (self-funded) during FHL Week is the 3 church build for Haiti (parts are gping to be bought and constructed in Noblesville FHL Area) plus 25,000 meals pack costing about $22,000+
• We are planning to have our biggest-ever Prayer Walk/Celebration on July 24th 3p at University Park. Please join us if you can, you will be blessed.
• We are planning to do foot washing and 500 shoes giveaway on July 30th 4p at HHOOT to the homeless
• We have planted a self-sustained Food Pantry at Boys & Girls Club at Troy Ave., Indianapolis. The pantry is open every 3rd Saturday from 2-4p. I would like to invite you to join us this month.
• We are now looking for creative ways to reach the hungry through a ‘village pantry’ model. We are aiming to start 2 of these pantries during FHL Week.
• 24/7 Prayer Room available at My Father’s House church in Broadripple during FHL Week.
• Our partnership with a non-profit organization for a 4-acre land Grassroots farm right in the Lafayette Sq Mall vicinity. We are expecting 7-10 different nationalities to farm.
• Check out my Podcasts to hear more how the Lord is blessing others through our ministry

God had given FHL grace to connect those in need with those who have resources. He is using us to mobilize hundreds of volunteers and to accomplish many projects and services with a small budget. Here’s what Indianapolis Mayor Ballard say about FHL.

God bless you!

Merlin GonzalesA Few God stories
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Sunday, Dec. 12 Speaking Engagement: Victory Christian Center

Sunday, December 12th I will be speaking at the Victory Christian on the Seven Cultural Mountains.  Please invite your family and friends to this service. I look forward to seeing you there.

When: Worship service begins at 10am. Bible Study is at 9am

Where: 1703 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46218-2604
(317) 926-0578 (map)

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,  and he will reign for ever and ever.” -Revelation 11:15b

God bless you,


Merlin GonzalesSunday, Dec. 12 Speaking Engagement: Victory Christian Center
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Amazing God Stories From FHL Week Leaders

Here are some amazing God stories I gathered from the FHL Week Leaders’ de-briefing on Tuesday, Sept 21st.

  • Our Noblesville area reported the continued collaboration of churches, ministries and organizations
  • The North side area is working continuously with several ministries and churches in ministry training and evangelism
  • Our East side & Urban area shared about the ever growing awareness of the churches in the urban area and the continued pursuit to work together through the FHL CAN (Community Action Network)
  • Our West side area shared the excitement of some projects during FHL Week. Through the ‘Movie Night’ project, FHL is planning to have ‘Joshua’ movie at the Georgetown Cinema during the Halloween Week to bring Christian movie in a secular theater.
  • The BroadRipple/Midtown are have coordinated a multi-church Night of Worship at My Father’s House in BroadRipple on Tuesday, Sept 28th 6:30p-8:30p.
  • The FHL Kindness Day on Saturday, Sept 25th was joined by 150+ volunteers from the churches, businesses and educational institutions who worked on several projects across the city.

Once again, FHL Week is not just ‘a week’ of service but it encourages the continued partnerships that create a snow ball effect mobilizing the collaborative effort the communities.

Merlin GonzalesAmazing God Stories From FHL Week Leaders
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