All posts tagged: FHL

The History of FHL Part 2

Building a church,  Costa Rica 2002

Building a church, Costa Rica 2002

After more than two years of trying and failing to go back to the mission field, I had the thought that there must be many people like me who have the heart to go on a mission, but who don’t have the time or money to go. I thought, why not do something similar to taking people outside the country?—Why not have a mission week in our own neighborhoods that would be available to many community churches in the area? The verses in Acts 1:8 made sense to me that we should reach out first to our own Jerusalem, then to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

In February 2005, I contacted 35 pastors in two communities and invited them to discuss and explore having projects all around the neighborhoods for one week. I met with about 15 of them individually and proposed the neighborhood missions. In April 2005, several leaders from 12 different churches came for our first group meeting. I was surprised to see how many were interested since an associate pastor in my church told me it would be impossible to bring churches of different denominations to work together. It seems strange, but that’s reality.

Seven pastors from different denominations committed to do a week of outreaches in our neighborhood. We met on a regular basis identifying needs and resources in our communities. Once we narrowed down the needs list, we developed projects and then asked our congregations and the surrounding businesses to provide the resources needed. We did not have any budget so we worked hard to find resources around us. Seven churches and 200+ volunteers performed 10 projects for the first Faith Hope and Love (FHL) Week in Indianapolis.

I was very happy to see a vision became a reality. By November of the same year some of the pastors who joined us called me and asked what we would be doing the following year. I told them I was done. However, they shared with me that their congregations had a great experience and were already looking forward to next year’s local mission. So I developed a plan of action how to share the concept with other communities in metropolitan Indianapolis.

After prayers and encouragement, I shared the vision with several pastors in greater Indianapolis and asked them to be the area coordinators in their communities. The idea seemed very workable and the Lord gave me favor to recruit four more communities to do what is now known as “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard.” The following year, we mobilized 50+ churches and organizations with 1,200 volunteers who performed more than 30 projects during the entire Faith Hope and Love Week.

To date, this ministry has worked with more than 200 different churches crossing denominational lines in central Indiana. FHL has year-round ministries such as planting self-sustained food pantries, Kindness Days and leadership training. It mobilizes more than 3,000 unique volunteers on an annual basis.

Update for FHL Week 2013:

FHL Week 2013 officially starts on Sunday, July 21 3p with Prayer Celebration at Creekside Ministries The Prayer Celebration is also the start of 24/7Indy More info to come regarding the FHL Week 2013, “The Year of Love”


Merlin GonzalesThe History of FHL Part 2
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The only one of its kind

As I was looking today at the FHL web responses that we recently had from around the country, and after researching, I found out that FHL is the only one of its kind that intentionally incubates self sustained food pantries in the US.
Here’s how FHL does it:
  • Identification of food pantry sites
  • Classroom and onsite classes (8 sessions)
    • Based on:
      • Acts 6 – Organized food distribution
      • Mark 16 – Sharing the Gospel
      • Matthew 28 – Discipling the nation
  • Provides training and grocery items to the pantries for up to 6 months to help them become self-sustained
  • In most instances, the food pantries experience more salvations during the food distributions than when the church (a food pantry site) hold their weekend services. For example, one of FHL food pantries, Luz de Vida, (a church with less than 20 members) had 3 salvations in February, 6 in March, 1 in April and 1 in May of this year!
I have written in detail how the “Grassroots Movement in the Kingdom” in my book, The Kingdom in our Midst. I will share with you the details next week.
With the gas prices that continues to increase, more food assistance are needed in our cities. Unfortunately, the poor gets hit the hardest. The income/wages remains almost the same in the past few years, so when you divide the household pie (income) there’s less for food and for other necessities due to increasing fuel prices that jacks up the prices of mostly all commodities.
This year’s FHL Week (July 21-28) theme is “Help feed the hungry in your own backyard”. Below is a list of simple things you can get involved with:
  • Food Drives/Collections – Your church or your places of work and/or business can do food drives/collections during FHL Week. Another way to be a part of food collection is to help us get your neighborhoods involved. By hanging food collection bags on the door knobs, you can address hunger in our city.
  • Urban Garden starts or maintenance – FHL partners with organizations who are directly involved in gardening. During FHL Week, you can come alongside us to do some gardening.
  • Volunteer at a food pantry – You can support some of our pantries through volunteerism or through your financial support.
  • Volunteer at other food organizations – FHL connects volunteers, resources and needs; you can get involved in serving the FHL food partners and sponsors.
John Mott, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner once said, “The person who does the work is not as productive as the one who multiplies the workers.” Faith Hope and Love is an organization that multiplies not only the workers but also the resources. I am appealing to you to help us answer the hunger problem by partnering with FHL in incubating self-sustained food pantries. By the end of July 2013, FHL should have planted 13 food pantries altogether. Currently, FHL is directly supporting 5 food pantries.
Please consider contributing or sponsoring a food pantry that provides physical and spiritual food to the least, the lost and the last. You can respond to this Blog or email [email protected] to find out how you can be a part of this innovative approach to feed the hungry.
Merlin GonzalesThe only one of its kind
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The Power of Unity: Day 2 of FHL Week 2012

FHL Week 2012

Although It was hard to get up this morning after a long and hot day yesterday, I got up with great expectations. Something about FHL Week that charge up the environment with positive and encouraging consciousness.

My wife Annie and I visited the Martindale-Brightwood area with mostly new FHL Week Partners. The morning started with worship and devotion at Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church. We were joined by the youth and their chaperones from Ohio and Illinois through our partnership with Week of Hope, Their projects were to refurbish the host church and cleaning up the surrounding neighborhood.

Here are the interviews at Martindale-Brightwood area: Part 1 and Part 2

Our next stop was in front of the Indianapolis Main Library to give away cold bottled water to the pedestrians and passers by. We found ourselves busy giving away cold water since many homeless go in the Library to cool down during a near 100 degree weather.

Our last stop was at a Nursing Home for Ice Cream Social in the West side of Indy. I met resident who just had her 100th birthday. It was a great outreach for the youth and for the older volunteers during the heat of the day.

On the way back home, I received amazing news from a few FHL areas: Pastor Tad of the Anderson/Pendelton area had a backpack outreach yesterday. They gave away 70 backpacks and 50 people accepted Jesus in their heart. Several pictures were sent to me by Shannon Suttles, our Area Coordinator in Martinsville during their 3 on 3 basketball tournament. it’s a way for them to bring the neighborhood youth. 20 kids ended up accepting the Lord!

Tonight, I spoke with Angie White, a recipient of services “There’s Hope” project. She reported that a large dumpster was delivered this morning,  volunteers worked on clearing tree branches at the front entrance of her driveway and Mr. Quick provided and installed 3 ceiling fans.

What a great day! Indeed, the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Merlin GonzalesThe Power of Unity: Day 2 of FHL Week 2012
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Donated Veicle

On May 31st, 2011, Merlin received an email from one of the partnering ministries – Catholic Charities, informing him that someone would like to donate a mini van. A week later, Merlin and his wife Annie picked up the mini van and today, it was Titled.

Once FHL receive the Title, the mini van will be donated to a Refugee family. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of the multiplication of blessings in our communities, please contact us at 317-578-3370 or email Merlin Gonzales at [email protected]

Merlin GonzalesDonated Veicle
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Pantry of Hope

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Merlin GonzalesPantry of Hope
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