All posts tagged: fhlbackyardmission

Significance of spoken and written words

Governor of Indiana proclaimed the July 20-26, 2014 is Faith Hope and Love Week in the entire state

Governor of Indiana proclaimed the July 20-26, 2014 is Faith Hope and Love Week in the entire state

In 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 & Ezra 1:1-3, King Cyrus of Persia issued a Proclamation throughout his realm that the exiles from Israel be given safe passage back to their land so they can build the Temple of the Lord. The people of the land are to provide supplies, materials and food for the Israelites as well. Because of this proclamation, God’s people were able to start building the temple in Jerusalem.

The families were reunited after the 70 years of exile in Babylon and the neighbors provided everything they needed including goods and livestock. The families settled in their own towns. After seven months, they came back together again as one people to offer burnt and freewill offerings. This was the start of the process of rebuilding the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. God had used King Cyrus of Persia through issuing a proclamation that became like a law of the land.

God created the universe with His word. When He spoke the word, it never returned void. In the Old Testament, He used the prophets to speak His words. It was the prophet Jeremiah who prophesy that the exiles will return after 70 years of captivity. The prophet Isaiah prophesy of the coming of the Messiah. Jesus Christ proclaimed that those who believe in Him with all of his mind, might and being will become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was Jesus who spoke that the the believers will be filled with the Holy Spirit – the very same Spirit who filled Him while He was here on earth. Jesus said that the believers can do the things that He had done through the Holy Spirit living in them.

I believe that God speaks to His people. In 2005, I sensed the Lord spoke to me to ask for the Mayors of Central Indiana to issue a Proclamation for Faith, Hope and Love Day (soon it became Faith Hope and Love Week). After a few years, the Governor of Indiana proclaimed the same every year. And every year, countless people in Indiana celebrate the week through serving others. This year, all services and projects are focused on addressing hunger.

There is significance in our spoken and written words. For us Christians, it is even more powerful because as we speak words that are in alignment with the will of God, it will happen because we have the same Spirit who dwell in Jesus Christ while He was here on earth. What is the will of God – faith, hope and love. All of these three remain.

Be careful what you say and be watchful what you write. God had given us delegated authority including the power to create through our words.

Merlin GonzalesSignificance of spoken and written words
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No fear, be at peace

What happened next was the manifestation of God's love over His children

What happened next was the manifestation of God’s love over His children

Luke 10:21, “...I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to the babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.
It would be overwhelming to share with you all the stories I have received and still receiving. Here is a story of an 11-yr. old girl who came to the 24/7Indy with my friend Maria, her younger brother and her mother. At around 10:30p on 7/22, I was asked by Maria to pray and to anoint the family. Within a minute, I sensed that God was working on Ariana, so I asked what’s happening. She said that God spoke to her and said, “No fear, be at peace.”
Meanwhile, her mother told me that at the previous prayer meeting they had just before visiting the 24/7Indy, Ariana asked her how she can hear from God. Then I noticed that her hands were starting to shake. What you are about to view is the video and her narration after encountering God.
I was so blessed to witness God’s presence. The startling thing is that God had given Ariana an assurance to have no fear and be at peace because He was about to do something that she had never experienced before.
Don’t limit God with our logical thinking and miss what God is doing in our lives.
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Merlin GonzalesNo fear, be at peace
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What’s the role of a church…

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Merlin GonzalesWhat’s the role of a church…
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Pantry of Faith at Luz de Vida

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Merlin GonzalesPantry of Faith at Luz de Vida
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Kindness Day

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Merlin GonzalesKindness Day
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