All posts tagged: fhlbackyardmission

Simple living

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Merlin GonzalesSimple living
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Needs to know: Prepare for the coming “Winter” II

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Merlin GonzalesNeeds to know: Prepare for the coming “Winter” II
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Prepare for the coming “Winter”

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Merlin GonzalesPrepare for the coming “Winter”
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What can the faith community do

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Merlin GonzalesWhat can the faith community do
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Garden of Hope

In February 2009, FHL received an invitation to attend the 2nd year anniversary of Midwest Food Bank in Indianapolis. While speaking with John, the Operations Director, Merlin noticed a vacant land next to the building. He asked John if they had a plan for the 1-acre land. John said that they would like to have a garden there but they need volunteers to till the land and take care of the flowering plants and vegetables.

FHL has been operating a Mobile Food Pantry and had been providing food to the refugees on a monthly basis. Merlin spoke with Wili, FHL’s refugees coordinator to see if they would be willing to volunteer to till the land and in turn, they will also have some share in the harvest.

Within a few weeks, the vacant land was tilled and the refugees started to work with Midwest Food Bank to get the garden started. Before the end of summer that year, the land produced several thousand pounds of vegetables.

I had the privilege to visit it again on Monday, Jun 18th. (See the picture). It is literally weedless and the flowers and vegetables are very healthy.  Now, the Garden of Hope is a place of refuge for the volunteers at Midwest Food Bank and still a source of thousands of pounds of vegetables to the community. It is now fully self-sustained, managed and maintained by Midwest Food Bank through the help of the loyal volunteers.

This concept was duplicated in Avon and in Greenwood (12 acres of land) in 2010. If you have a vacant land, FHL might be able to help you get connected with volunteers who could plant and maintain the garden. Please contact Merlin Gonzales at 317-578-3370 or email him at [email protected]. – Connectiing, facilitating and mobilziing!

Merlin GonzalesGarden of Hope
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