All posts tagged: #fhlintdy

Giving through receiving – the paradox of the Kingdom

Shofars start the celebration

Shofars start the celebration

So many things had transpired since I last wrote my last blog 3 days ago. This blog will be a little different in a sense that I will use YouTube links to tell you what had happened at the official start of FHL Week and the different projects. This way you can feel and hear the passion and emotions of the people involved.

The FHL Week normally starts with the Blowing of shofars. It was followed by welcoming the partners, volunteers and recipients of services. Then the declaration of the Kingdom through praise and worship.

Thanks to California Closet for allowing us to use their truck to move supplies to the storage place provided by CertaPro. Thanks, CertaPro!

Thanks to California Closet for allowing us to use their truck to move supplies to the storage place provided by CertaPro. Thanks, CertaPro!

We had many portions of the Prayer celebration such as a drama about the 10 virgins, different leaders praying for the major influencers of a society, drum circle and the vision casting of 24/7Indy and many more.

Cleaning, shoveling and weeding

Cleaning, shoveling and weeding

Today, we have the major remodel going on by clearing the rooms for flooring, tearing the kitchen cabinets and clearing bushes. We had 30 youths from different parts of the country who worked on moving some of the FHL supplies to storage room and by cleaning a church workshop and a creek.

I would like to encourage you to follow us on Twitter and FaceBook for updated reporting of the mission trip right here in our own communities.

It’s not too late to sign up for projects; call 317-578-3370 or email me at [email protected]

Merlin GonzalesGiving through receiving – the paradox of the Kingdom
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