All posts tagged: #fhlweek2012

Significance of spoken and written words

Governor of Indiana proclaimed the July 20-26, 2014 is Faith Hope and Love Week in the entire state

Governor of Indiana proclaimed the July 20-26, 2014 is Faith Hope and Love Week in the entire state

In 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 & Ezra 1:1-3, King Cyrus of Persia issued a Proclamation throughout his realm that the exiles from Israel be given safe passage back to their land so they can build the Temple of the Lord. The people of the land are to provide supplies, materials and food for the Israelites as well. Because of this proclamation, God’s people were able to start building the temple in Jerusalem.

The families were reunited after the 70 years of exile in Babylon and the neighbors provided everything they needed including goods and livestock. The families settled in their own towns. After seven months, they came back together again as one people to offer burnt and freewill offerings. This was the start of the process of rebuilding the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. God had used King Cyrus of Persia through issuing a proclamation that became like a law of the land.

God created the universe with His word. When He spoke the word, it never returned void. In the Old Testament, He used the prophets to speak His words. It was the prophet Jeremiah who prophesy that the exiles will return after 70 years of captivity. The prophet Isaiah prophesy of the coming of the Messiah. Jesus Christ proclaimed that those who believe in Him with all of his mind, might and being will become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was Jesus who spoke that the the believers will be filled with the Holy Spirit – the very same Spirit who filled Him while He was here on earth. Jesus said that the believers can do the things that He had done through the Holy Spirit living in them.

I believe that God speaks to His people. In 2005, I sensed the Lord spoke to me to ask for the Mayors of Central Indiana to issue a Proclamation for Faith, Hope and Love Day (soon it became Faith Hope and Love Week). After a few years, the Governor of Indiana proclaimed the same every year. And every year, countless people in Indiana celebrate the week through serving others. This year, all services and projects are focused on addressing hunger.

There is significance in our spoken and written words. For us Christians, it is even more powerful because as we speak words that are in alignment with the will of God, it will happen because we have the same Spirit who dwell in Jesus Christ while He was here on earth. What is the will of God – faith, hope and love. All of these three remain.

Be careful what you say and be watchful what you write. God had given us delegated authority including the power to create through our words.

Merlin GonzalesSignificance of spoken and written words
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Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Mid-week FHL Week & 24/7Indy celebration at Creekside Ministries

Mid-week FHL Week & 24/7Indy celebration at Creekside Ministries


Reported by Facundo Cortez, FHL Anderson/Pendleton Area Coordinator

Today was an extraordinary day as we experience the supernatural pouring out of His Holy Spirit!!!!!!!

We met at WellSpring Church and had our group devo (devotional). We started the day soaking in God’s presence by being in His Word, praying, worshiping & praising the Lord! God’s presence was real! WOW!

Today we had two teams. One team went to Wheeler and another group went to Liberty Christian School to continue the painting project there.

The Wheeler team’s assignment today was to continue doing housekeeping at Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children in Indianapolis. They cleaned the dining room.

When they were done they went to Garfield Park to enjoy their sack lunch.

The Liberty team continued to make progress painting the women’s bathroom on the first floor. They decided to go to Taco Bell for lunch. While there, one of the team was able to talk to another guest at the restaurant and give her hope since she was going to a rough time. It’s amazing where God can give us opportunities to share the Word about faith, hope and love!

The teams then got together at the ice cream shop across the street from Liberty and eat ice cream together. Then we said goodbye to the Steve Wolverton from Michigan and his two granddaughters. We could not have do it without them.

Then the Holy Ghost Fireworks started!!!

Several churches and ministries from the Anderson/Pendleton attended the 24/7 Indy at Creekside Ministries. It was led by their deaf (ASL) worship team and it was AWESOME! The presence of the Lord was everywhere! The power of the Holy Spirit began to be poured out big time!

(Let me say that my religious/church background is not one that normally feels comfortable with magnification of the Holy Spirit. Some of you reading this may not believe or accept the things I am about to share but I ask that you read with an open mind and heart.)

All of sudden, people began to be filled with the Spirit Holy, slain in the Spirit, shaking uncontrollably, speaking in tongues, laughing for no reason! Some became so drunk in the Spirit that they had to be driven home! Some people were crawling to the altar! Some were healed of physical sickness! Others were healed of broken relationships and broken hearts! Others were set free from bondages, generation curses and so much more!! As people walked thru the prayer tunnel they were also slain in the Holy Spirit. To put it mildly, it was wild!! All of us received the power of the Holy Spirit to do what He wants us to do: Be his witnesses! To proclaim boldly the Good News!

If you weren’t there don’t worry The Holy Spirit is coming to a neighborhood near you! I believe that as the momentum continues we will continue to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like in the day of Pentecost! Revival is here NOW! The manifestation of God with signs and wonders is happening NOW! And they will continue from this day forward! To God be the glory!

Merlin GonzalesOutpouring of the Holy Spirit
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9th Annual FHL Week, a Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard

The Official start of FHL Week

The Official start of FHL Week

Indianapolis, IN – Indianapolis will once again host the Annual FHL Week “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard” from July 21-to July 28. Since 2005, many churches and various organizations come together for a week of unconditional service in their local communities. It’s like a mission trip without leaving home.

Faith Hope and Love (FHL) has been gathering different denominations, cultures and social status together through projects and services that are developed by the local communities. Merlin Gonzales, the Founder of FHL said, “On Dec. 12, 2012 (12/12/12), I had an impression that in order to bring deeper revelation of the unity in the Body of Christ here in Central Indiana, we should have extended Prayer, Worship and Praise together.” In addition to projects and services, this year’s FHL Week will include 24/7 non-stop prayer/worship from July 21st 3p to July 28th 3p (Eastern time).

There are many projects and services that are in the planning stage, such as minor home renovation, neighborhood clean ups, providing toys for the children of distressed families, food drives, possible oil changes, and many more.

For more information or to interview Merlin Gonzales regarding the 2013 FHL Week, contact 317-578-3370 or [email protected]

Merlin Gonzales9th Annual FHL Week, a Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard
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A Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth

KIOM Bookmark Front 2.25x8.25

Many are the Christian casualties in the spiritual realm because they take Christianity casually here in our world.” ~ Merlin

My next blogs will be focused on assisting you in your spiritual growth through a Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth.

This purpose of this 4-week class is to ignite your passion to live a life characterized by your relationship and faith with God. It is designed to be interactive, relational and conversational with Biblical teachings to encourage an atmosphere of camaraderie and support.

Spiritual discontent is sweeping the nation. People of different faith are looking for more. Although they cannot define “more”, they know that they are not yet operating their lives according to their calling. Some of them know their purpose but they do not know what’s the next step.

In John 15:1-2, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” Branches that are not bearing fruits are cut off so the vine can bear even more fruits.

This study will:

  • Help you discover and affirm your higher calling
  • Encourage you to step out in faith in your daily walk with God
  • Rapidly increase your spiritual growth
  • Assist you in broadening your vision with Biblical principles
  • Challenge you to apply the Scripture in your “Practical Learning Application” (PAL)
  • Make you more aware of living in God’s Dominion here on earth

More to come!

Merlin GonzalesA Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth
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A Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth

KIOM Bookmark Front 2.25x8.25

Many are the Christian casualties in the spiritual realm because they take Christianity casually here in our world.” ~ Merlin

My next blogs will be focused on assisting you in your spiritual growth through a Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth.

This purpose of this 4-week class is to ignite your passion to live a life characterized by your relationship and faith with God. It is designed to be interactive, relational and conversational with Biblical teachings to encourage an atmosphere of camaraderie and support.

Spiritual discontent is sweeping the nation. People of different faith are looking for more. Although they cannot define “more”, they know that they are not yet operating their lives according to their calling. Some of them know their purpose but they do not know what’s the next step.

In John 15:1-2, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” Branches that are not bearing fruits are cut off so the vine can bear even more fruits.

This study will:

  • Help you discover and affirm your higher calling
  • Encourage you to step out in faith in your daily walk with God
  • Rapidly increase your spiritual growth
  • Assist you in broadening your vision with Biblical principles
  • Challenge you to apply the Scripture in your “Practical Learning Application” (PAL)
  • Make you more aware of living in God’s Dominion here on earth

More to come!

Merlin GonzalesA Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth
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