All posts tagged: God

Lord, what have I got myself into Part II

Similar to the sign, the girl's experience a backstage.

Similar to the sign, the girl’s experience was a backstage.

As I took the picture above, I wondered how many people are taken advantage of on the side of the highway. The Backstage billboard on the road reminded me of behind the scene activities that are happening just around the corner.

Let’s continue with the young woman’s story:

I’m so tired“, she said. “I have a little baby. She’s with a friend right now“, the young woman muttered. I continued to drive so I could drop her off as soon as possible because I was on my way to meet my son who was helping me move my daughter. The road was clear but it was a cloudy day.

The young woman told me that her fiancee kicked her and her baby out of their apartment to make room for his boyfriend. She continued, “That’s why my baby is with my friend and I am homeless right now! My daughter and I stayed at a place for a few nights and caught bed bugs there.” 

I asked her if she asked for help from churches in the area. I was startled when she said, “So many people think I am dumb! I have been to every church in the area and they would not help me except for food for me and diapers for my daughter! There was a church here that threatened to call the police if I did not leave their property! They would not give me any money that I could use to go to Tennessee to start a new life with my aunt. I don’t know what to do!” Then suddenly she said, “Turn right here and then left to the next street.”

As I followed her direction, my mind was processing different thoughts. What if she’s taking me to a crack house or if this trip is a set up of some kind? While arguing silently with myself, I heard her say to turn right in what seemed like an office complex. There were no cars around since it was Saturday. My eyes started to search the surrounding area and then I saw behind the office complex was an established subdivision or housing addition. At that time I was able to breath normally.

At the entrance of the subdivision, she pointed to her right and said, “That’s where I am going to sleep.” Across a small man-made lake (similar to many lakes in Indiana) was a small gazebo. It had beautiful flowers surrounding it and behind it was thick bushes and small trees. I looked around thinking that some people may see me drop her off and may think that I was her customer, especially since I was driving my truck with ministry logos all over it!

I asked her, “May I pray for you, Miss…” “Kristine. My name is Kristine and my daughter’s name is Leila”, she answered with no hesitation. She held my hand and I prayed for her and her daughter. I asked that the Lord would bless her and guide her. I asked for protection and grace over her life.

After we prayed, she asked if I had some money so she could buy some food for herself. I slipped my hand in my pocket and found out that I did not have any money but a few coins. “I am very sorry but I do not have money with me“, I replied. “I heard you have some coins in your pocket; anything will help me right now“, Kristine said. I gave her all the coins I had in my pocket.

Kristine, got out of my truck, picked up her purse and her old Bible and proceeded to walk to the gazebo. I turned my truck around. As I was passing by her, I saw her reading her Bible while walking towards the gazebo. She looked to me and waved her hand with her face sending a message of a big Thank You!

I thank God that He used me to minister to her even for just a few minutes. This experience has given me many things to ponder. As I continued to drive to my daughter’s apartment, I was still in a state of shock. It was hard for me to believe that I was just ministering to a broken person, abused and in an extreme state of disaster.

I thought of going back there to bring her food or help her get connected with community resources. But after 3 hours of loading my truck with my daughter’s household items I never made it back. My truck was full to the brim and my son was right behind me with his car also full of clothes and kitchen stuff.

Please pray for with me for Kristine and Leila that they would find people who will help them. Also, that they will receive God’s grace and protection.


God Bless,



Merlin GonzalesLord, what have I got myself into Part II
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I’m ready to quit now…

“…but I can’t“, says one of the Pastors I met this morning.


As soon as he entered the office, I saw that he needed encouragement and prayer. “Something bothering you?”, I asked. He said that his hip has been hurting but I also see in him that he is discouraged. I have been discipling him for several years and we are now good friends. He trusts me and I trust him.

The reward is out of this world

I told him that serving God is the best thing we can ever do in this life but it will cost us everything. It is not easy but quitting is not an option. Sometimes, we struggle with relationships, finances, spiritual and physical ailments. However, we have to endure because the reward is out of this world…literally.

God said in John 14:1-4Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” – NIV

I remember when God used me to negotiate on his behalf regarding the house that he was renting to own. The detached garage caught in fire and damaged one side of the house. God put in my heart to help him. After a series of conversations, the landlord gave him the house plus a few thousand dollars to repair it!

After I reminded him that he will not be paying house payment soon, he perked up. Before he left the office, my wife and I prayed for him. He left the office encouraged and felt

the joy in the Holy Spirit.

Full of promises

Today is a new day full of promises. The Bible says, dwell in the things of heaven rather than the world’s because our final destination is eternity with Jesus.

If you feel discouraged or defeated, I would like to encourage you to speak with someone; you’re never alone. If you want to know more about the promised eternal life, speak to a Pastor or contact me at 317-578-3370.

Quitting is not an option.

God bless,


Selena Design BlessingsI’m ready to quit now…
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Beyond the busyness

After Thanksgiving, things seem to accelerate in our lives. From work, to home and to the marketplace, most of us are rushing to get things done. Let’s slow down for a few minutes; hope the stories below would bless you.

Remember the church I wrote about in September? They were at a crossroads of selling the property or giving it back to the bank? The new congregation moved in a few weeks ago and they had their first service last night. Together with the reduced monthly payment, increase giving and rent from the new congregation, they are able to implement simple plans that are workable and effective.

This all happened because God had already put things in place. We were able to plug in with His divine plan and watched how things unfold before our eyes. We are truly God’s co-laborers and ambassadors 2 Cor. 5:20, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

Today, Nov. 29, 2014, I visited my office to meet someone who is interested in buying one of my vehicles (2000 Nissan Maxima). After meeting him, the mailman came. In the mailbox, is a small white envelope.  I opened the envelope and was surprised to see what’s in it. A check for an entire year pledge to the ministry! This donor made a pledge in Nov. 2013 to contribute on a monthly basis. However, after the first month, we were not able to process the monthly donation. He also had a hand-written note saying that he would like to continue to give on a monthly basis.

In April, 2012 we had a donor who pledged to give to the ministry. However, we did not receive any since then. Just 2 weeks ago, we received a check from her! With the check was a copy of the pledge card that she filled out in 2012.

Three days ago, a donor stopped by our office. He was so excited to hand us a Christmas gift! He was so stirred that he cannot wait till Christmas to give his gift to us! It was a baking pie plate with “Faith Hope and Love” printed on it!

I don’t know about you but I have been guilty of unfulfilled promises. I thought that my pledge for an organization would not make a difference – WRONG! God is making His appeal to us to let your Yes be yes and your No be no.  My hats off to the 3 people who honored their words beyond the busyness of the season and, during the busiest shopping month of the year!

I pray that during this season, we become more in tuned with the Kingdom reality rather than the world as we know it.


God bless,



Merlin GonzalesBeyond the busyness
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Remember the Fire?

Remember when you first commit your life to Jesus Christ?

Remember when you first experience God?

Two months ago, I posted about a house fire that happened to a Pastor who is friend of mine. Many people have helped him in terms of some donated money, furniture & appliances and most of all, prayers. I have been helping him in finding out the best solution for the future of the house that was burned. I have a sense that this tragedy will end up to be a blessing for him and his family. I kept encouraging him and praying for him in the past several weeks.

Last Monday, we heard news about the house and we did more negotiations. We were confirmed that there’s nothing else we can do, so we settled for what was agreed upon. Tonight, I received a message to call the main person regarding the house. We received great news; something that we did not expect!

In these past several months, God has been showing me things that are beyond my imagination. The unexpected things such as the pallet shelving, the launching of one-of a kind food pantry, the $70k walk-in freezer donation and many more.

There is another huge thing that has fall on my lap just 2 weeks ago. I ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment on my part. This one could impact thousands of people and may be an integral part in this particular community for years to come.

God is awesome! I would like to invite you come alongside with me in experiencing the goodness of God. Some people are experimenting with God to see what happens when you trust Him. I would like to invite you to journey with me in fully trusting God in every aspect of our lives.

There’s a difference between making Jesus as our Savior and making Him as our Lord. Our lives reflect who our Lord is – the way we conduct ourselves, react on situations, make decisions and our habits. Our reality is mostly based on our experience. I think many of us have knowledge of God but do not have much of experiencing life with Him – that’s why sometimes we find out selves asking ” where is God in this situation?” Unless we experience Him intimately, His reality in our lives would be fragmented.

Remember when you first experience God and felt that He is involved in your life? If you are like me, I was on fire! It seem like God is so close to me… not only during Sunday but every day of the week! What if we fully trust that every aspect of our lives is connected with our relationship with God…our finances, our relationships, our health and our spiritual life? This may be a silly question: “What if all of our life experience is directly interconnected with our relationship with God?” How would we cope with our failures and celebrate our success, treat our  families, work with our associates and deal with our neighbors? If God is ever present in our consciousness, what would our lifestyle be, how would we react with every situation – good or bad, and what would be our perspective in life.

Here’s what I have in mind. I will share with you my experience with Him. Similar with what I have been writing before, I will continue sharing with you what God has been doing in the ministry of FHL. This time, I will be more intimate and share more of my personal experience with Him such as frustrations, praises and prayers, requests and dreams, questions and answers and, my experience. I would like to encourage you to share your stories as well, make comments, prayers and praises. Let’s experience God and share our stories to encourage and to uplift one another.

I hope you would consider joining me in learning more about ourselves and our relationship with the God that we profess – our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ. What’s your story and what has God been doing in your life? Remember your passion for Christ when you were a new Christian? Remember the fire in your heart?

Merlin GonzalesRemember the Fire?
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Lessons on tendering a garden


A small 16ft by 4ft plot can yield many kinds of vegetables

A small 16ft by 4ft plot can yield many kinds of vegetables

During early spring of 2014, I turned a part of my lawn into vegetable plot. I have written how I started my vegetable garden and documented some of my experiences.

Since then, I took care of my garden almost every morning before going to work and almost every evening as soon as I get home. I weed it, water it, prune it, fertilize it and aerate it. It has become my habit and started to enjoy the process. I would look at the flowers and observe the growth of the cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, etc.

My appreciation grew deeper in the uniqueness of every plant and specie, their character and design, and the different fragrance that they emit in the atmosphere.

One morning, I was looking at a plant. I was admiring how the shoots are so long and then, a thought came to me. I enjoyed looking at it although there are no flowers on it. “Of course“, I said to myself, it is not their nature to bear flowers. They have uniqueness in themselves and they are beautiful in their own way. That’s the way the Creator created them. I cannot expect flowers from them because they are not suppose to have flowers.

I know that my argument with myself seems crazy but if we apply this same observation with our families, friends, volunteers, employees, etc. they make a lot of sense. How many times have we catch ourselves expecting others to become just like another person? How can we expect a donkey to run like a thoroughbred and a chihuahua to grow bigger than what they’re suppose to be? Then why do we expect John to be like Paul?

If we can learn how to appreciate the uniqueness of each individual, we can avoid the stress of trying to change other people. What if we slow down and observe others and learn about them for the first time again?

God had created us to be different from each other and to realize that our differences complement one another. As the famous saying goes, “slow down and smell the roses” is very true – to see the importance and the value in each of us. This is also a reminder for ourselves to learn more about ourselves, to appreciate who we are and to celebrate how God had created us.

– Merlin

Merlin GonzalesLessons on tendering a garden
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