All posts tagged: God

It’s not a coincidence

On September 01, 2013, my wife and several other people who are involved in the ministry of FHL, decided to set a table at a large Flea Market south of Greenwood, IN. This flea market attracts hundreds of people from 7a to noon. We were not going to rent a space in the flea market but rather we thought of walking around the flea market to pray and to give cold bottled water to people. Somehow, we ended up renting a space to put our table (Free Prayers & Water).

I was surprised to see how open people are for prayers at a market place such as this flea market. Our team got busy giving away free bottled water and praying for people.

At the end of our outreach, I found out from our prayer team that a couple whom they prayed for paid for the rent of our space. I was touched by their gesture and the story stuck to my mind for a couple of weeks.

On September 28th, our friends from out of town visited Indiana and invite my wife and I to have lunch with them and their Hoosier friends. We visited Carmel Art Festival and later ate at a famous burger joint in Carmel, IN. While eating, we exchanged stories our new friends. Later in the conversation, the husband said that he and his wife visited the flea market in the south side  just a few weeks ago. He said that a bunch of people at the flea market prayed for him and his wife. As soon as I heard his story, I almost fell out of my chair!

They were the same couple that our group prayed for on September 1st. Keep in mind that it was the first time that we did this kind of outreach-in a flea market.  There are hundreds of flea market in Indiana and there were hundreds of people in this particular flea market. All of us were amazed at the story and we became instant friends. We glorified God for connecting us once again.

Up to this moment, I still get goose bumps whenever I remember how God orchestrated the series of events. No one could have planned the occasion. God used our friends from out of state to have lunch with them and their new friends. Their friends who live in Central Indiana, happen to visit the flea market we visited on Sept. 1st. They were the ones we prayed for at the flea market.

There is more to the story but this is all I can reveal until the proper time. And No, It’s not a series of coincidence. God is on the throne and He is in control.


Merlin GonzalesIt’s not a coincidence
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Another Kingdom Class just started

It’s been a busy July with the FHL Week 2013 new format. We started with Prayer Celebration on July 21, 2013. The rest of the week included several Projects/Services such as the Project Blessing. Simultaneously, we did the first ever 24/7Indy non stop prayer and worship for 168 hours. We have seen God Encounters and miracles.

After a busy FHL Week, we started the 4th Kingdom Class in Anderson, Indiana on Aug 21st. Like all of the Kingdom classes, this class will end with a project. The project will be tied in with the 24/1 Prayer Worship in Anderson. The participants in this class are expecting big things to happen in their city in the near future. Stay tuned!

Merlin GonzalesAnother Kingdom Class just started
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No fear, be at peace

What happened next was the manifestation of God's love over His children

What happened next was the manifestation of God’s love over His children

Luke 10:21, “...I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to the babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.
It would be overwhelming to share with you all the stories I have received and still receiving. Here is a story of an 11-yr. old girl who came to the 24/7Indy with my friend Maria, her younger brother and her mother. At around 10:30p on 7/22, I was asked by Maria to pray and to anoint the family. Within a minute, I sensed that God was working on Ariana, so I asked what’s happening. She said that God spoke to her and said, “No fear, be at peace.”
Meanwhile, her mother told me that at the previous prayer meeting they had just before visiting the 24/7Indy, Ariana asked her how she can hear from God. Then I noticed that her hands were starting to shake. What you are about to view is the video and her narration after encountering God.
I was so blessed to witness God’s presence. The startling thing is that God had given Ariana an assurance to have no fear and be at peace because He was about to do something that she had never experienced before.
Don’t limit God with our logical thinking and miss what God is doing in our lives.
Are you a resource partner? Would you like to know more? 
Sign up to “My FHL” by Merlin Gonzales
Merlin GonzalesNo fear, be at peace
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The Kingdom living

Pioneer MBC and Mt. Sinai Life Church are sponsoring yet another class on the Kingdom based on my book, “The Kingdom in Our Midst” hosted at Pioneer MBC located at 2001 Yandees, Indianapolis 46202 and at every Wednesday night 7p EDT until July 17th. Since the cost of the teaching had been taken cared of, this is now open to public. If you decide to join us, just show up at Pioneer MBC on the 19th, purchase your book ($15/ea), invite others and be ready to join a group fired up for the Lord.

Many are the Christian casualties in the spiritual realm

        because they take Christianity casually here in our world.

                                                                                   – Merlin Gonzales


A Study on Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth

The purpose of this 6-week class is to help ignite your passion to live a life characterized by your relationship and faith with God. It is designed to be interactive, relational and conversational with Biblical teachings to encourage an atmosphere of camaraderie and support.

Spiritual discontent is sweeping the nation. People of different faith are looking for more. Although they cannot define “more”, they know that they are not yet operating their lives according to their calling. Some of them know their purpose but they do not know what’s the next step.

Luke 17:20-21, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” – Jesus

Don’t look for miracle; be the miracle! This study will:

·      Help you discover and affirm your higher calling

·      Encourage you to step out in faith in your daily walk with God

·      Increase your spiritual growth

·      Assist you in broadening your vision with Biblical principles

·      Challenge you to apply the Biblical teachings when you implement your “Practical Learning-in-Action” (PLA)

·      Make you more aware of living in God’s Dominion here on earth

·      Give you confidence in the promises of God


So if you have taken this class before and would like a refresher course, you have not completed the entire course or would like to re-take and invite others, you are welcome to join us. Don’t forget that you can join us virtually through 

What is possible if you are living in the reality of the Kingdom here on earth?


Hope you can join us. God bless

Merlin GonzalesThe Kingdom living
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