All posts tagged: God

A Study on God’s Dominion: Session 2

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Week Two: Signs of the Kingdom


Read The Kingdom in our Midst (KIOM) Part 2 and answer all questions on pgs. 99-103


Study Is. 35:5-6

And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind

and unplug the ears of the deaf.
The lame will leap like a deer,
and those who cannot speak will sing for joy!
Springs will gush forth in the wilderness,
and streams will water the wasteland.

~ Isaiah 35:5-6 (NLT)


Based on the verses above, what are the signs of the Kingdom that Jesus will bring to the earth?


‎”Our future is affected by our response and action today.”


Someone once said,  “I don’t regret the things I’ve done so much as I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” Have you found yourself saying, “I wish I would have, should have and could have”? What can you do now to live the life you meant to live?


Jesus taught the Kingdom of God through His ___________and ___________. Pg. 66


Jesus came not only to give us freedom from the ________________ but also to be “Christ-Like” in the world. Pg. 70

What is the main focus of FHL Week? Pg. 74


Jesus had more conflicts with the  ­­­­­______________ than the _____________ and  the ___________. Pg. 76 Why?


Based on Matthew 23:23, what are the things that the teachers of the law and the Pharisees neglected?

Why were the sinners attracted to Jesus? Pg. 79

Merlin GonzalesA Study on God’s Dominion: Session 2
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Where impact is made

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Merlin GonzalesWhere impact is made
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Awareness of hunger compel people to action

Awareness of hunger compel people to action

Deep inside all of us is the longing to experience the Bible in our lives. We want to see more of God collaborating in our daily activities. We’d like to talk to Him and hear more from Him. We need to challenge ourselves to be in situations where our only option is to rely on God. This is where faith meets your experience.

Luke 17:20-21, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

Many of us have been praying for revival but if we recognize and honor the God in us, then we carry the revival within us! Wherever the Kingdom of God is, there is revival. It may not look like what we think it should be. Don’t look for a miracle; we are the miracle sent by God through the power of the Holy Spirit. The greatest miracle is seeing someone accept Jesus as their Lord and change their physical and spiritual destiny for eternity. In a blink of an eye, a person’s life was changed forever.

‎”Our awareness directs our action and our collective action changes our culture.”~ Merlin

Awareness directs our action but we need to act on it, then it will have impact on our life. You act on things that are important and according to your priority.

Expanding your awareness of the Kingdom will change all the aspects of your life, your family, your work, your money, your business, and your future. How would your priorities change, and where will your focus be?

We know that there are many benefits in exercising, eating healthy foods, having enough sleep and living a less stressful life. This is good information to be aware of, it could change how you feel, how you look and how you live. But this is only knowledge; unless you act on them, they will remain in your head and they may not have a direct effect in your life. We need the awareness of the Kingdom high in our consciousness if we want to see more of heaven here on earth.

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men and women. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doings of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle.” ~ John F. Kennedy

What are your tasks that seem monumental? Pray for powers equal to your tasks. The ultimate power that we need is heavenly power, power from above, power from the Lord. That’s why we need to put our priority in knowing, believing and acting on God’s will.

Merlin GonzalesAwareness
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The Next 10/40 Window


The next 10/40 Window is just around the corner…look around

A few days ago, my wife and I had a lunch with a long-time friend. He is fired up for the Lord, which brought him to the Army and was deployed in Afghanistan in the past. During our conversation, he mentioned about the mortality of the soldiers in the battlefield, which keeps them prepared at all times. He also mentioned that the first three months and the last three months of deployment have the most casualties in the troops. They learn that complacency kills; apathy is not tolerated in the war zone.

We have heard a saying that when you become a Christian, you are automatically drafted in the army of God. In a sense, we are in a war zone all the time. Jesus said in John 17:18, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” Jesus was actively engaged in the Kingdom expansion. He knows the urgency of preaching, teaching, discipleship and to bring the tangible love of God. He models how a Christian should live their lives. He was in tune spiritually with God and He also knows how to reach out to the world. He operated in the spiritual and in the physical realm simultaneously.

My passion for the Kingdom of God to be tangible in our own lives propelled me to write the book, The Kingdom in Our Midst. Here’s an excerpt from the book: “The next 10/40 window is not hard to reach—it’s the absence of passion in the Christian world that prevents the Gospel from reaching our own backyards. This 10/40 window could empower governments to formally or informally prohibit Christian teachings. The next 10/40 will be marked by the apathy of Christians. Physically, it is right here in our own backyard. Our cities are waiting for the concerted action of Christians to take the land.”

I wrote a few pages on the topic – “The 10/40 Window in our own backyard”, how we got there, where we are heading if our conformity and apathy continue and what can we do now to reverse the trend. We will start a discussion on this topic soon at my website. You can order my book by calling 317-578-3370, email [email protected] or online Free S/H if you order before Dec. 15.

God bless you,

PS/ Remind others that complacency can have a sudden and long-term effect for individuals and for a city. Don’t get caught with your guard down. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Merlin GonzalesThe Next 10/40 Window
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FHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus

Saturday, July 28th started with working with the Ch 8 Religion in the News Staff at the There’s Hope Project. We did some painting and cleaning the surrounding areas around the trailer home. Later, our carpenter came to finish the flooring in 2 rooms with brand new linoleum.

My next and last stop for the day was at the Honoring Hometown Heroes at the Falls Park in Pendleton, In. This event has been planned in February this. Incidentally, the day before, there was a shooting in Pendleton that claimed 2 lives, a Anderson Policeman shot in the leg and a Pendleton Policeman. It was a timely event although a tragic incident happen. The Pendleton/Anderson area leaders worked hard to provide the First Responders (Policemen, Firemen & Emergency Personnel) a day with gifts for them and their family members, food, music and kids activities. My day ended with attending a wedding ceremony and a concert at The Prairie.

You may be wondering why there’s a “+” sign added to the Title of this Blog. It is because there were 2 more projects today, Sunday, the 29th. After visiting a participating church in Martindale-Brightwood area, I visited the Food Collection with Concert at Noodles & Co. at the Midtown area. Later, I supported the Play, “The Point” at Trinity Baptist.

It’s been an eventful week and so many blessings, it’s hard to record everything. In the coming days, I will be writing a Blog regarding the entire FHL Week 2012.

Merlin GonzalesFHL Week 2012: Day 7 Plus
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