All posts tagged: Inc.

The History of FHL Part 2

Building a church,  Costa Rica 2002

Building a church, Costa Rica 2002

After more than two years of trying and failing to go back to the mission field, I had the thought that there must be many people like me who have the heart to go on a mission, but who don’t have the time or money to go. I thought, why not do something similar to taking people outside the country?—Why not have a mission week in our own neighborhoods that would be available to many community churches in the area? The verses in Acts 1:8 made sense to me that we should reach out first to our own Jerusalem, then to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

In February 2005, I contacted 35 pastors in two communities and invited them to discuss and explore having projects all around the neighborhoods for one week. I met with about 15 of them individually and proposed the neighborhood missions. In April 2005, several leaders from 12 different churches came for our first group meeting. I was surprised to see how many were interested since an associate pastor in my church told me it would be impossible to bring churches of different denominations to work together. It seems strange, but that’s reality.

Seven pastors from different denominations committed to do a week of outreaches in our neighborhood. We met on a regular basis identifying needs and resources in our communities. Once we narrowed down the needs list, we developed projects and then asked our congregations and the surrounding businesses to provide the resources needed. We did not have any budget so we worked hard to find resources around us. Seven churches and 200+ volunteers performed 10 projects for the first Faith Hope and Love (FHL) Week in Indianapolis.

I was very happy to see a vision became a reality. By November of the same year some of the pastors who joined us called me and asked what we would be doing the following year. I told them I was done. However, they shared with me that their congregations had a great experience and were already looking forward to next year’s local mission. So I developed a plan of action how to share the concept with other communities in metropolitan Indianapolis.

After prayers and encouragement, I shared the vision with several pastors in greater Indianapolis and asked them to be the area coordinators in their communities. The idea seemed very workable and the Lord gave me favor to recruit four more communities to do what is now known as “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard.” The following year, we mobilized 50+ churches and organizations with 1,200 volunteers who performed more than 30 projects during the entire Faith Hope and Love Week.

To date, this ministry has worked with more than 200 different churches crossing denominational lines in central Indiana. FHL has year-round ministries such as planting self-sustained food pantries, Kindness Days and leadership training. It mobilizes more than 3,000 unique volunteers on an annual basis.

Update for FHL Week 2013:

FHL Week 2013 officially starts on Sunday, July 21 3p with Prayer Celebration at Creekside Ministries The Prayer Celebration is also the start of 24/7Indy More info to come regarding the FHL Week 2013, “The Year of Love”


Merlin GonzalesThe History of FHL Part 2
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FHL City-Wide Prayer: Refresh, Empower and Go!


*An All Day FREE Event: Refresh, Empower and Go!

Bart & Kim Hadaway with Caleb Lee Brundidge
of Patricia King’s Extreme Prophetic Ministry
Joins FHL Citywide Prayer this Saturday, May 16th from 9:30am to 9:00pm
at Church of Praise, 18686 Eagletown Road, Westfield, IN 46074

This will be an awesome time together with all ministries involved to encourage your heart.

Come and join us!

Faith, Hope and Love (FHL International, Inc.) & Extreme Prophetic Ministry

Saturday, May 16th

Church of Praise, 18686 Eagletown Rd., Westfield, In 46074
For Saturday’s event contact: (317) 896-9086 or [email protected]

Note: Meals are on your own.

8:30 am
Intercessors meet
. Please go to the registration table to sign up.

9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Refresh, Empower, and Go with Extreme Prophetic Ministry and worship by FHL team.

2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
from Extreme Prophetic Ministry will speak on intercession on all levels.
Question and Answer session: The panel will consist of FHL and Extreme Prophetic ministers.
Everyone is invited. This can be a really fun time to get to know each other and glean from the ministries. You will submit questions during the first session.

5:30 pm
Please go to the registration table for directions.

7:00 pm
FHL Citywide Prayer
with everyone. Worship by FHL team

Sunday, May 17th

Sessions with Extreme Prophetic ministering:

10:00 am at Bread of Life Ministries, 7510 E County Road 100 N Avon, Indiana 46123

6:00 pm at Body of Christ, 229 S 3rd Avenue, Beech Grove 46107

*Please Note: that if you are coming from the eastside to the Citywide Refresh , Empower and Go FROM the Eastside Saturday 431/KEYSTONE AVE exit, EXIT 33 is closed ahead and there isn’t a detour that is useable . From 465 north Go north on 31 or Meridian to Route 32IN-32/W MAIN ST. ( 176th st ) which is about 8 miles . Turn right into Eagletown and you will see the Eagletown rd. on your left right before you leave the little town . Turn left and go about 1 mile and you will see the Church of Praise on the left side 18686 Eagletown Rd., Westfield, In 46074 (317) 896-9086 Thanks!

Merlin GonzalesFHL City-Wide Prayer: Refresh, Empower and Go!
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A Great Week For FHL: ESL Classes, Lamb’s Farm Planting, City-Wide Prayer, Mobile Food Pantry and FHL Week 2009 Planning


Hello everyone,

It’s been a great week.

We had the Fishers Area churches (FHL Week 2009) meeting at Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, NW area and Greenwood areas. They were attended by several churches and are now planning to meet again in the next few weeks. The week of 3/22, Nora-Castleton and Carmel areas will meet for FHL Week 2009 vision-casting.

The FHL Lamb’s Farm was cultivated and we planted seeds on several gardelambsfarm11n plots. The Burmese Refugees adopted the gardens. Later the same day, the Lord provided almost 30 jobs for these refugees at Heartland Growers through FHL connections. It is possible that we may have a few more acres to raise vegetables in the near future.

FHL’s ESL (English as a Second Language) has expanded to a Chic-Fil-A restaurant located in the Clearwater area. We will be teaching basic English to the employees at 86th St restaurant starting the first week of April.

team1On the 21st of March, FHL Mobile Food Pantry was held at Arlington High School.  We had more than 100 volunteers including the Arlington High School Baseball Team.  We served more than 150 families from several different nationalities including Iraquis, Burmese, and Hispanics. Food was abundantly shared with people but the main focus was the relationships we built with each other.  To help these ones build a relationship with their heavenly Father, we also had a ‘Prayer Tent’ inside the building.

Next weekend, 3/28, we will have a ‘Prayer Tent’ at a vacant lot at 10th/Rural from 10a-2p. Through April 2 – 4 is FHL’s Kindness Weekend at Bread of Life in Avon, IN.  We will be giving away clothes provided by the church. On 4/4, the 3rd FHL city-wide prayer meeting will be held at Bread of Life starting at 7:30pm.

I am so blessed to be part of this ministry. I have the privilege of witnessing what God is doing in our community. Thank you so much for coming alongside FHL in serving the least, the lost and last.  If you have not been to any of the FHL events, try to come to the next few; you’ll witness what God is doing through FHL ministry.

Hope to see everyone at the Outback Luncheon on 3/25; it’s going to be awesome!

God bless,

Merlin GonzalesA Great Week For FHL: ESL Classes, Lamb’s Farm Planting, City-Wide Prayer, Mobile Food Pantry and FHL Week 2009 Planning
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2008-the “Year of Love” for FHL International, Inc. and its Mission to our City

nativity3FHL International, Inc. has opened its heart to allow the Lord to work through us in lavishing Indianapolis with love throughout the 2008 year. Through the Mobile Food Pantry, Kindness Days, ESL, Alpha Classes and FHL International Inc.’s signature event-‘FHL Week’, thousands of individuals were served.

God is doing mighty things through FHL International, Inc. in spite of the current economic conditions. I think the Lord birthed Faith, Hope and Love, International, Inc. during the boom in 2005 as part of our preparation for the current recession.

As I was sharing a vision with one of our partners about using their facilities as a storehouse, someone mentioned how the Lord had used Joseph during the famine in Egypt. Please read Genesis Chapter 41 to see how God prepared Joseph to build store houses around Egypt. This has been the vision of FHL-not to build a conglomerate ministry but a network of centers to work together towards the common good for local areas and their needs. This is what I mean about “building communities of faith, hope, and love around the world.”

Please read Acts Chapter 2, also. The current economic condition is a wake-up call to our churches and ministries to bannerimagelgstart working more closely together (See our future article: 2009 is the ‘Year of Hope’.) With the addition of Cars Ministry and the employment of Bill Farrar as Missions Director, FHL is now poised to expand instead of shrink in these tough economic times, leveraging our god-given resources and talents in serving others rather than using them for self-preservation. Jesus said, to “seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and everything will be added unto you.”

We just need to be reminded of the second Greatest Commandment – love God and others, Mark 12:29-31, “30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[b] 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'[c]There is no commandment greater than these.”

I give glory to God who provided FHL International, Inc. so much. As you have read and heard on the news, countless food pantries are drying up but FHL International, Inc. is now receiving much more than any other time in its existence. God’s economy cannot be explained by human intellect and reasoning. This is the time to have more faith and to rely more on God’s provision rather than men’s wisdom and intellect. (Psalm 146:3)

christmas-boxSomeone said “You cannot out-give God” and it has resonated through FHL International, Inc. throughout the 2008 year. 2009 is the Year of Hope. As vessels of hope, you and I can be conduits of God’s grace and come along side Him in giving hope to our neighbors. As 2008 come to a close, it is not too late to bless others through your prayers and tax deductible contributions. When you consider your year-end giving, please keep FHL International, Inc. in mind.

Please send your contribution to:

FHL International, Inc.
8383 Craig St Ste. 335,
Indianapolis, IN 46250

On behalf of FHL International, Inc., its staff and volunteers, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year.

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales

President, FHL International, Inc.

Merlin Gonzales2008-the “Year of Love” for FHL International, Inc. and its Mission to our City
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FHL Call Out: Volunteers Needed To Shelter the Homeless + Update

*The following is an Update to the original message below:

God bless y’all!
Last Monday, I went to meet Mr. Ed Figueroa at Lowe’s in Franklin, IN. We purchased several building materials, paint and an electrical box for his house. This is the same house that housed more 500+ homeless in the past few years. Attached is the picture of the bare kitchen floor that needed attention.

It is not too late to bless the homeless through fixing the things that need attention in the house. Ed said that he already fixed the gutters, insulation and I believe some of the roofing issues. We still need an Electrician, handyman and a carpenter and any volunteer to help in the house. My assessment is that we still need ceiling materials, flooring for the kitchen, carpet for the basement, tiles for the bathroom and paint for the rest of the house.

The weather is still nice and we would like to finish this in 2 weeks before it gets cold.

If you are looking for an opportunity to have an immediate impact in the homeless population, please consider donating your time, materials and/finances through:
Faith, Hope and Love International, Inc. (FHL)
Rivers of Living Water
8383 Craig St. Ste 335
Indianapolis, IN 46250

317-372-0371 [email protected]

Please pray for the Figueroa’s who are in the frontline and are continually pouring out themselves in helping those in need. FHL is posting $500 donation towards helping the homeless through the Rivers of Living Water. 100% of your donations will go to this effort. FHL is a non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible. Please feel free to forward this email to those who might be able to help the Rivers of Living Water.

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales

*The following is the original request:


I pray that this message finds you well.

A couple of weeks ago, I had an opportunity to visit one of the organizations in Metro Indy whose main purpose is to help and/or house the homeless. The Rivers of Living Water in Franklin, IN had house 500+ homeless people in the last 5 years. They use their own resources including their house to help those in need.

Because of their radical generosity (Ed & Jena Figueroa), their house is now in need of upgrade and some minor repairs. The rain in the Spring caused flooding and some water damage on the ceiling of the basement (see attached). The kitchen needs floor and the inside of the house needs painting. The house was built in the 60’s and I found out that the electrical box is still the original box which had caused a few problems in the past.

There are a few more maintenance that need attention but below is the immediate needs:

· Fuse Box (Needs licensed Electrician)

· 200 sq ft. flooring (preferably tiles)

· 200 sq ft ceiling

· Paint and paint supplies

· Handyman to help in flooring, painting and minor repairs

If you are looking for an opportunity to have an immediate impact in the homeless population, please consider donating your time, materials and/finances through:

Faith, Hope and Love International, Inc. (FHL) Rivers of Living Water 8383 Craig St. Ste 335 Indianapolis, IN 46250 317-372-0371 [email protected]

When I visited Ed & Jena and heard from them the stories of hope, I was humbled and speechless to actually be in a place that housed 500+ homeless people. Please pray for the Figueroa’s who are in the frontline and are continually pouring out themselves in helping those in need. FHL is posting $500 donation towards helping the homeless through the Rivers of Living Water. 100% of your donations will go to this effort. FHL is a non-profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible. If you are available to volunteer, please respond to this email how you could help. We need painters, carpenters, handyman, plumber and electrician. Please feel free to forward this email to those who might be able to help the Rivers of Living Water.


Merlin Gonzales

Merlin GonzalesFHL Call Out: Volunteers Needed To Shelter the Homeless + Update
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