All posts tagged: Kingdom in our Midst

Living in synchronicity

“‘Jesus gave them this answer: Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.‘” John 5:19

A Vision

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!”  was the focus of my meditation this morning. 

A plethora of angels filled the sanctuary, hovering in the room. An angel placed a glistening golden crown on my head. As soon as it touched my head, a regeneration process started.

The glow from the golden crown slowly flowed from the top of my head down to my feet. Another team of angels came from the right side with glorious intense bright light in front of them. The glory moves as the angels move closer. The glory in front of the angels reached me. 

Suddenly, I was consumed by the light and became one with the light. The light was so bright; all I could see was intense brilliance. I sensed the angels continued to move and the glory filled the entire sanctuary. Gradually, my eyes were transformed to see through the brilliance that filled the room. I saw multitudes of people receiving their golden crowns from legions of angels. They were all transformed as well. My vision became so vivid and saw everything surrounding me. Beautiful multi-colored flowers, tall trees that reach the blue sky above, mighty mountains and below me were liquid golden streets.

A new creature

The transformation that happened made me a new creature in Christ. The regeneration grace that flowed within me changed the wiring of my brain, my veins and arteries were cleaned as well as my stomach and intestines. My joints were lubricated and my skin was renewed. An overhaul of my soul, spirit and physical body revolutionized the way I experience my existence. Not only my eyesight had changed but my perception as well; my entire experience of the world shifted to another dimension. My internal processor was reconstructed and I became a new creature.

Dual reality

Somehow, I saw a glimpse when Jesus said that He only do what He sees the Father does and only say what He hears the Father says. Jesus lived in two different and opposing reality simultaneously. He acted on things based on what God is doing. Is this because He and the Father are one? The Scripture indicates that He is not the Father. Jesus had intimate relationship with God. His obedience made it impossible for Him to do anything separate from the Father. He was acquainted with the ways of the Father. He lived here on earth as the Father lives in heaven.

As new creature, would it be possible for us to concurrently live in two worlds, spiritual and physical? Could we exist in the heavenly and earthly dimension at the same time? Jesus said that we have the same Spirit who lived within Him. He also said in Ephesians 2:18 that we have access to the Father by one spirit. He also said in John 14:12 whoever believes in Him will do the works He had been doing and do even greater things because He is going to the Father.

Back to work

My experience that morning lingered throughout that day. On my way to my office, I had an exhilarating drive, smiling to everyone and noticed that my vision was much clearer – not so much about my eyesight but the perception of my surroundings. I felt light, content and joyful. At lunch my taste buds were more sensitive; the food was so incredibly delicious. I felt releasing love and receiving love from everyone in the office.

Could this be just my imagination or was the transformation that happened in the morning meditation was real? How can I be in perpetual awareness to my new self as a new creature and experience the dual reality at the same time? The opposing world – heaven and earth lived synchronized in the present.

Merlin GonzalesLiving in synchronicity
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Doing good is part of the pact

Many times Jesus led His disciples in doing good.

Action speaks louder that voice

Action speaks louder than voice

Acts 10:38, “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”

Our model

The early disciples knew that Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him. He was a promoter of outreaches. He did not stay in synagogue or places of worship but he went around to show everyone God’s love in every realm of their lives – spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, etc.

Jesus set an example for His disciples to follow – love others both in word and in action. He would normally go ahead of the disciples to show them how to help others, how to pray and how to be supernaturally natural – the basics of expanding the Kingdom.

Jesus did not stay behind a desk or in the temple and just gave instructions to His disciples to do the job. He did not just organize things, wrote the vision and the plan, nor just did the research and came up with a timeline for his disciples to implement while He evaluate their progress. Instead, Jesus presented the Gospel in its fullness.

His generation

In order to get the message into the minds of people, Jesus told the story of a man who was going on a road less travelled from Jerusalem to Jericho – because it is a dangerous place where robbers and thugs hang out. He concluded that this man was attacked by robbers, took everything he had including his clothes and left him half dead. Then, a priest happen to pass by the same road, saw the man but passed by on the other side. Later, a Levite passed by and did the same thing.  Soon, a Samaritan passed by and helped the man immediately and made sure the man was taken care of afterwards. (Luke 10:25-37)

Our generation

Consequently, it’s not hard to locate places like that road from Jerusalem to Jericho in our cities. Last year, the former Indianapolis Mayor identified 6 most dangerous Indy-area neighborhoods. Recently, IMPD created an equation called Social Disorder Index to identify which areas have the most crime and which crimes are occurring in those areas. Similarly, the priests (preachers) and the Levites (those who assist the religious people) of our time would normally drive by these neighborhoods on a regular basis. But how many times have we seen clergies giving a cup of cold water to one of these little ones (Matthew 10:42) or praying for healing at street corners?

My experience working with leaders and pastors, reveal that the majority are very active in delivering persuasive speeches to influence the thought and conduct of an audience. They use many venues such as places of worship or different forms of media and the Internet. They come up with different trainings, conferences, religious jargons and fancy phrases. They are so compelling and yet, we can hardly see most of them in the hood. They are very good in casting visions and in creating plans for others to do. Although it is partially true, our generation has accepted the norm that leaders should lead, assess the situations and train others who in turn would implement his or her plan. The leaders were supposed to rally the people and get them excited but many of them stay behind a desk or a podium. They were to train and to equip their people but your can hardly see them model what they teach out in the mission field.

His ministry

Based on the examples of Jesus and on the action of the early disciples, the Gospel spread quickly, people received healing (both physically and spiritually) and the disciples were trained more effectively. By being hands-on and by putting what they learned in action immediately, the disciples were able to come up with what the society needs and better solutions to cope with the rapid growth of the movement.

Normally, while Jesus was busy doing good, the Pharisees and Sadducees were busy criticizing Him. One occasion Jesus told them “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3) Stop criticizing and analyzing; just to do it. Jesus may say, “You will learn more as you do the ministry and revelation will come as you experience My teachings.”

“But I have sermons to prepare, I have budget to balance and I have training materials I have to finish”, some leaders may say. But Jesus is saying to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Jesus did the unusual not because He wants to be different but because He was influencing the people to accept the dimension of the Kingdom – in words and in action. His prayer was “Thy Kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – doing and being. Doing is part of the pact!


Our “personal” ministry

It behooves me to encourage you to experience the blessings in serving in the field. This not to say that you are not but to continue to lift you up as you do ministry. Not only you would experience the favor that God has given you but also to witness the manifestation of your prayers. As you see miracles happen before your eyes, you would have more testimonial of the presence of the living God inside of you (not to dazzle people with you experience, but to exhort them in their faith). It would help you to evaluate your spiritual walk as you engage in “ministry” and help validate your personal ministry. You will see the true picture of your calling and you will be amazed how God collaborates with you as you do the stuff.


God bless you,



Merlin GonzalesDoing good is part of the pact
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Session 4: Signs of the Kingdom

Signs of the Kingdom are here with us

Signs of the Kingdom are here with us

Shiloh MBC Men's Choir

Shiloh MBC Men’s Choir

Session 4 started with worship from Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church! It was such a blessing to join the worship of a 7 – man choir. Thank you to Pastor Brian and his group. This week, our session will start with worship led by Najwa Loh and Tim Taylor, both from Midtown Vineyard community.

White board discussions

White board discussions

One of the Signs of the Kingdom is change. We watched this video from Andy Stanley about leadership and change. We learned that tradition could be a stronghold and an obstacle in experiencing the Kingdom. We also learned that the Pharisees and the Sadducees (basically the religious leaders with their tradition and unbelief) had more conflict with Jesus than the demoniacs and the sinners.

Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!” Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” – Matthew 15:1-3

Assignment for Session 5

You are a Time Changer

You are a Time Changer

Read pages 107 – 140 of “The Kingdom In Our Midst”and answer the Group Discussion Questions in Session 5.

Contemplation: Think about a project, service or event that you’ve wanted to do but have not taken the first step to start the process.

Experiential: Make intentional efforts to increase your faith by relying more on the Lord rather than your own strength and will.

Listen to Parts 1 and 2, 3 and 4

Part 1:

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 2

Part 3:

Part 3

Part 4:

Part 4

Merlin GonzalesSession 4: Signs of the Kingdom
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An unexpected downpour

There many things in life that do not make sense.

The ministry that I founded, Faith Hope and Love Community celebrated it’s 11th “Mission Trip in Your Own Backyard” during the last full week of July through a week of community services with churches and ministries. Through food pantries, block party and other outreaches, hundreds of people were blessed.

A day after the week of missions, my wife and I were at a restaurant overlooking a lake to celebrate what God had done. Suddenly, we saw the dark heavy clouds moving in our direction. Just a few hours before this happened, my wife and I checked the forecast and there was no trace of rain for the day! The wind picked its speed and the waves got higher. Within a few minutes, we saw an incredible amount of rain poured like waterfall from the sky. It was amazing to see that kind of rain over the lake.

As we were mesmerized by the nature, we remembered that our office is in a flood zone and my 2 vehicles were parked near a creek. We rushed to our office while battling the downpour. By the time we reached our office complex, the parking lot looked like a rushing river. I saw both my vehicles in the flood path and decided to rescue them.

An unexpected downpour

An unexpected downpour

I was able to start my truck and moved it to a higher ground. My van started but stalled after driving several feet. After letting it dry for a week, my friend and I changed the engine oil which was mixed with water. We tried several ways to start it but finally gave up. The van had high mileage and it has only third party insurance coverage which means that we lost a good running vehicle from a flood.

I asked God why He allowed it to happen, we just blessed hundreds of people and cannot afford to buy a replacement vehicle. We checked the forecast and we blessed the vehicles before this unfortunate incident happened! So many things ran through my mind. Maybe I should have just left it in the flood and let it dry later or I should have not left my vehicles in that parking lot! Maybe God will replace it and He is about to bless us with a nicer and newer vehicle.

It took me a few weeks to let it go and to stop asking why. I finally accepted that it happened and there’s nothing else I can do to bring back my van.

I was now looking forward to perform the marriage of one of our friends!

My wife had been busy for several months in the preparation of the wedding since she was the wedding planner. The bride and groom got us a nice hotel room for 2 nights so we could be close to the venue. Since the wedding started at 6pm, I had time to visit the town and to exercise at a gym. I stopped by Walmart to purchase weight lifting gloves.

I had a great time at the gym; I felt stronger and had more endurance. I went back to my hotel room, took a shower and had lunch at a fast food. Afterwards, I went back to the hotel and worked on my message for the wedding and reviewed the flow of the ceremony. I felt good!

It was now time to get dressed and go to the wedding venue. After putting on my clothes, I noticed that I was not wearing my wedding ring and my cross ring. I looked around the room and checked with the front desk! I called the gym and checked the room again but no one had seen my rings!

I was devastated to find out that I lost my rings – they represent my commitment to my wife and to the Lord! This loss was more than my van, not financially but emotionally! How could God allow this happen especially just before I officiate the wedding of my friends!

God gave me the grace to temporarily forget the lost rings during the wedding and the reception. WeddingIt was a beautiful wedding and a magical night.


There are unexpected things and events that happen to us. Things that are good and things that are bad. We live in the tension between light and darkness, good and evil, choices and decisions. It is through those events that our faith is tested. Whether we think what’s happening to us is good or we perceive it as bad, our faith should be unwavering.

Think about Abraham, the father of faith. He left his home town to go to an unknown place. Joseph who had good intentions was sold as a slave by his own brothers and was put in a dungeon for doing what the right things. John the Baptist who proclaimed the coming of Jesus and was beheaded.

Hebrews 11:1-2, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

Please be encouraged that no matter what your situation is, God is still Sovereign, He is in control and He is God! Unexpected things happen to all of us and we do not have the answers to all of them, however, God does NOT cause bad things to happen. He is for us, not against us. Perhaps He would give us answers to all the unanswered questions we had here on earth when we see Him in the fullness of time.

PS. I will be doing a Book Signing on Saturday, October 17th from 11am to 2pm at The Living Truth bookstore located at 17665 Cumberland Rd, Noblesville, IN 46060. If you are in town, please come and visit me; I’d like to meet you in person and sign my book for you.

PPS. Let me know if you are interested in participating to “Living in God’s Dominion Here on Earth” class based on my book, “The Kingdom In Our Midst“; I will keep you posted as the class develops.

God bless,


Merlin GonzalesUnexpected
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The Interpretation of my dream

This exercise reminds us that God speaks to us in dreams. If you read my dream from my last posting, you would notice the details and the vividness of events. I would like to encourage you to keep a dream journal next to you so you can capture God’s messages more accurately. Don’t wait for several hours to write them, otherwise, you may forget some important details.

Most of the dreams are personal. The dream I had (posted previously) is personal but it also include some messages about the ministry that I founded. This is very important for me because God had shown me some of the events that will transpire (many of the events already transpired as I was writing this blog).

I am sharing some of the interpretation of my dream but since most of it is about my personal life and ministry, I deleted most of the interpretations. However, I left some of it so you can see that God’s instructions can be very detailed and we need to pay attention to what He’s saying.

It is my prayer that this dream and it’s interpretation would inspire you to ask the Lord for answers. He speaks to us in many ways and one of them is through our dream.

God bless you, Merlin


Merlin’s Dream – The 3 Images – August 31, 2015

Dream Date 8-31-15

Eight is the number of man’s ability to transcend limits of physical existence; resurrection power, to make fat; the teacher; new birth or beginning; abounding in strength; circumcision Ps. 119.

Thirty one is the number of divine perfection; offspring the name of God; deity.

Fifteen means energy of divine grace; resurrection in the glory; deity; rest; mercy delivered from death; the bride of Christ; reprieve and pardon.


People in Dream:

Merlin – self

3 enemy soldiers – represents attacks from satan (the enemy); things coming against you

Patel – a man of India decent – represents Merlin

refugees – children, parents, grandparents – no relation – represents those in your life looking for your guidance and protection

African American lady – teacher – represents Holy Spirit

Randy Clark – a Christian Apostolic Leader – represents the Lord who gives wisdom and is our shield


Before the Dream and Symbolism

This morning, I woke up at 2 am and couldn’t go back to sleep because I had an allergy attack.

Two is the number that means separation; division; contrast; split; war; testimony from a witness and support; blessing; judgment; ruin multiplication of death; revelation; harmony, incarnation; the Living Word.

By 3:30am, I was still awake sneezing and blowing my nose. Then, I asked God if He has a message for me since I am staying awake. I propped up my head with another pillow. I finally fell asleep – maybe around 4am. Then I dreamt.

4:00 is the time that spiritual doors open to bring revelation knowledge to dreamers. Morning is considered to be from 3:00 to 6:00 am. These dreams are from a divine or godly origin and bring the incense of heaven. We are able to gain inspiration from divine revelation outside of the constraints of earthly time.

The Holy Spirit can reveal things from the realms of eternity past, present or future. This is the best time to present yourself before the Lord to hear revelatory instruction, words of wisdom and gain redemption.

Jesus made a practice of awakening while it was still dark. The revelation God brings to our spirit will enhance our total life. The Holy Spirit shows us how to achieve and exceed our greatest potential. The Spirit of Truth guides our daily decisions and develops strategies to defeat every enemy and destructive force.


The Dream and Symbolism

I found myself in a war zone. There was all kinds of noise and commotion. There was 3 enemy soldiers who were coming at me. I had a rifle in my hands; I aimed and pulled the trigger. BANG, the enemy went down. However, 2 more were coming at me but I didn’t know how to cock the rifle. The enemies were coming fast so I used the bayonet and killed both of them.

A war zone is where we receive wisdom, strategy, instructions for planning battles and warfare through prayer and heavenly communication.

The enemy always tries to make a lot of noise to bring confusion.

There are three specific things you are fighting:

One you are able to kill off at a great distance because you know how to shoot an assault rifle. A rifle often represents a goal you have set your sites on; hitting the mark; focusing on reaching a high distant aspiration; to sort through a lot of information or thought processes.

But you need to become more familiar with the weapons of your warfare as you were not able to reload to take out the other two enemies. This allowed them to move into your territory at a close proximity instead of keeping them at a safe distance.

Hand to hand combat places you at risk even though you took them out with the bayonet. A bayonet is a short sword on the end of a gun that represents a frontal attack with stabbing, jabbing words that cut and wound while one is trying to defend one’s beliefs.


Soon, I ran away from that place to hide from the enemies. I saw buildings abandoned, streets were ravaged by bombs and total chaos all around. I found an abandoned building and tried to hide behind a wall while several people were passing by. There were a few other people hiding with me; they said that the people passing by are not enemies.

The enemy’s job description is to kill, steal and destroy. You notice the destruction of a chaotic city that has taken place due to the ravages of war and bombs. You go into hiding in an abandoned building behind a wall.

People are passing by which can indicate you feel hidden or that advancement or opportunities are passing you by because you are walled in.

There are other people with you who are in the same situation and looking for community or escape from the enemy.

Judges 9:51-52 But there was a strong tower in the center of the city, and all the men and women with all the leaders of the city fled there and shut themselves in; and they went up on the roof of the tower.

Buildings represent oneself or the body; a church; a corporation; attributes of personality and functions. Positive progress, awareness, and understanding is being made if one is on upper levels.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.

Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.

Psalms 143:9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies; I take refuge in You.

The name Patel is found primarily in people of India descent. It is derived from the word Patidar, “Pat” which refers to a piece of royal land. “Patel or Patil” refers to one who was tasked with taking care of or farming that piece of royal land.


The refugees were children, parents and grandparents.

Refugees in dreams represent a need to rest in God; place other’s needs before your own, being generous and benevolent is of utmost importance because you will reap what you sow. We are told to bless the foreigner. Refugees can also indicate one is trying to escape instead of confronting issues especially if basements are involved in the dream. The person may be feeling socially rejected, emotionally isolated or that they do not belong. (Amos 9)

Children: the future or next generation; a person between birth and puberty, juvenile, offspring, increase, prosperity, joy, spiritual inheritance or fruit, blessings, childlike or immature, a son or daughter, a descendant, someone or something for which you are responsible, spiritual inheritance.

Parents and Grandparents speak of multiple generations of families.

They were all sleeping in beds made of plywood, around 7 of them.

The number seven means completeness; wholeness; fullness; spiritual perfection and development; purification; consecration; weapons of self defense; the number of days of creation; forgive 70 x 7 seals and trumpets; the priest trumpeted at the walls of Jericho for seven days.

The beds represent of place of rest or intimacy in close quarters.

There being made of plywood can speak of a need to be flexible or pliable in a difficult situation. Build something new to honor the Lord from your spiritual inheritance of leadership and wisdom. God is your high tower and support for the new structure. Plywood is a standardized structur­al member used to build and construct facilities.

Each bed is full of people lying in opposite directions to allow them to fit in the bed.

People are trying their best to ‘fit in,’ even if it means they have to lie or do something that is uncomfortable or opposite to the norm.


Later, I met an African American lady, she’s the refugees’ teacher.

In dreams women often represent the Holy Spirit or the Church who is sent to comfort and teach.

She comes on a regular basis to teach them for about an hour, then she goes back to her place.

This movement can represent the move of the Spirit.

As I was talking with Mr. Patel, the Lord showed me 3 images. I asked the Lord what they represent. Towards the end of my dream, the answer was revealed.

Three is the number of the Holy Spirit; perfect witness & testimony; union; approval; completeness; fullness; kindness; entirety and Divine perfection. Spirit life, resurrection and the Godhead’s mighty acts. Jesus ministered for three years. The time dimensions of past, present and future.


Then, I saw Randy Clark was one of the leaders (a well-know apostolic Christian leader)

The name Randy means guarded shield.

Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.

The name Clark means enlightened spirit of a scholar.

James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

I followed him and he showed me a large generator.

A generator is a machine that coverts mechanical energy into electrical energy to generate vapor or gas. Vapors often speak of the Holy Spirit who is source that generates all power.

There was a problem in it but he quickly fixed it. He commented that it seems like you have to do the mechanical things more than being a spiritual leader. It made me think – why did he say that?

Most people function in the natural or carnal realm rather than moving by the Holy Spirit and power. Randy is known for his healing ministry that fixes broken people and puts them back together again so they can be powerful once more.


We walked back towards the refugees’ building that seemed concealed.

God is our hiding place those who run into Him are safe and concealed from the enemies view.

It is inside a compound with a large gate in the front.

Gate: entrance; threshold; passage from one chapter of life to another; increased levels of maturity, power and authority; entering destiny; something new and different; holds within; hindrance; Hell. Gateway to Heaven; portal Ps 24:7, 122:2, 100:4, 107:16; oppor­tunity; cities; kingdoms; promotion; life; salvation; death. Gen 19:1; Heb 13:12; Mt 16:18.


Small Vehicle: represents a personal ministry or church; light and easy yoke; cramped and in need of expanding ministry.

From the look of it, I think the hard soil to the side of the gate was wide enough only for a motorcycle.

Motorcycle: an ability to go off road, escape the reg­ular paths of life to experience adventure, freedom and to explore the unknown. Youthful drive, motiva­tion and ambition, an ability to quickly out maneuver those around, physical energy, restlessness, daring, adventurous, demonstrates an ability to stay in con­trol, fast acceleration propelling you past others; lon­er; personal, quick moving ministry; rebellion; pride. 1 Kings 12:18; 2 Kings 2:11–12, 10:16; Ps 104:3; Acts 8:28–38; 17:28a; 1 Thes 2:18. (Harleys, Hogs, Choppers, etc. and sport bikes) a great ability to overcome obstacles and physical skill to go off road to out of the way places; or maneuver through traffic on highways and byways; to feel the Holy Spirit wind and follow His leading.)

Mr. Patel being seated upon a Chair represents a comfortable place of rest; enables a person to communicate from a relaxed position; joining in or fellowshipping with; an invitation to lead, as in chair­ing a meeting; a position of authority; seat of office, favor or position. Ps 107:32; 2 Sam 23:8.


I was still half awake in my bed trying to wake up. I asked the Lord what the 3 images represent. Quickly, I got the answer – CHURCH, SCHOOL and MONEY. We need to have those during calamities. As I was starting to type this dream, I wondered why food and water were not listed. My answer was delivered to me right away – the Lord will provide.

Church: community of Christian believers; the eccle­sia; an assembly; Body of Christ; Bride; five–fold ministry; called to serve; moral belief system; fellowship; relationship with God. Mt 16:18; Gal 1:13; Ep 1:22; 5:27. Church building: can indicate you are acting in a religious structured or legalistic manner instead of moving through life full of love acting as the living temple of God. Jesus said he would build His church on revelation. Mt 16:18.

School: preparing for a test; school of the Holy Spirit; place of promotion from lessons learned; student or teacher of the Word. Spiritual teaching and ministry training; discipleship; instruction in a skill or business; college, institution or university; higher learning; planned curriculum for years; educational; “the school of hard knocks;” “of the old school;” “tell tales out of school;” “old school tie;” “well–schooled;” aquatic animals (especially fish) swimming togeth­er. You are in the need of knowledge and wisdom; place of learning and acquiring skills and talents to succeed in life; anxiety from feeling insignificant or inadequate. It is time to overcome childhood insecu­rities or performance challenges; walking out the les­son of life or acquiring anointings and learning how to operate spiritual gifts and abilities; skipping class: means you are not open or receptive to the philosophy that is being taught; learn from past mistakes and failures. Mt 11:29; Acts 19:9.

Money: favor being given if money increases or favor lost if money is taken; inheritance; prosperity; bless­ings; saving; investment; power; fear of loss or theft; greed. Power; prestige; wealth; medium of exchange; measures value; property and assets; precise, “on the money”; finding money: small troubles will result in happiness and change; to steal: danger of lack and deceit; roll of dollars



Merlin your dream is a call to prayer and intercession. Ask God for wisdom and His end time ministry strategy. You are called as a leader in this difficult time to bring comfort to those who feel lost or abandoned due to the chaos and confusion that is shaking the world right now. God will supply all of your needs according to His riches in Glory.

The Lord is reminding you to know your spiritual weapons and put on the full armor of God so that you can be prepared for all circumstances whenever the enemy comes against you.

The 3 Images represent a focus on the body of Christ, discipleship and the Lord’s Provision through relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Merlin GonzalesThe Interpretation of my dream
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