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Neighborhood Makeovers

Here we are in March and now talking about the neighborhood makeovers that will be happening during FHL Week on July 22-28, 2012. We have several communities who are interested in working together. These makeovers start with Town Hall meetings all around Central Indiana. We had 2 meetings already: Midtown and Martindale-Brightwood area. The next step is the formation of the leadership group. There will be Area Coordinators, Projects, Volunteers and other coordinators available at each community. Each area will start their planning meetings in March. Identification of needs is critical in conceptualizing projects and services to be performed during FHL Week. Next would be refining the realistic projects and then the gathering resources needed to accomplish the projects.
The beauty of this process is that we are training leaders to form their groups, formulate projects and services and getting connected with their respective communities. The end result would be relationship building and then the accomplishment of the projects. We have seen in the past that relationship one of the keys to have a successful neighborhood makeovers. Projects and services are tools to bring the community together. However, much is accomplished through the entire process.
It is exciting to see what could transpire when we are all communicating and working together.
The next Town Hall meetings (to explore opportunities to improve neighborhoods) are:
3/3 11a at FHL office (Hispanic community)
3/7 6:30p West Indy Town Hall at Cloverleaf Baptist 616 Mickley Ave.
3/8 7p Martinsville Town Hall at JK’s Cheesecake Cafe 110 E. Morgan St. 46151
March 19th at Southport IN City Hall 7p
March 28 at Beech Grove City Hall 7P

I hope you can join us at a meeting near you.

Merlin GonzalesNeighborhood Makeovers
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