All posts tagged: politics

Find your passion, and then do it well

Taken at #ET13 conference

Taken at #ET13 conference

My wife and I were so blessed this past few days attending a technology conference #ET13 sponsored by ExactTarget. More than 6000 thousand people from around the world attended it. I did not know what to expect but it was first class all the way. It was held at a 5-Star hotel in Indianapolis, high-tech presentations and cutting edge break out sessions, good food, great Speakers and over the top entertainment at the end of each day.

The Keynote Speaker for the ending of the event was the Former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. She reminded us of the old phrase that goes similar to this, “Find your passion and then do it well.” You probably have heard this phrase in other versions but the meaning is still the same. And, you probably have read or heard that this is not a good advice.

At the end of the conference, we were provided lunch. I happen to sit next to an older man. I started a conversation with him and shared with him that I agree with Condoleezza Rice to find your passion and then do it well. I told him that I found my passion in my ministry, I just need to be better in leading it to continue the exponential impact we have in our communities.

My passion is to help those who are less fortunate, to encourage those who have not yet find their passion and then train others to do the same. I founded Faith Hope and Love not by design but because of the circumstances that presented themselves while doing what I am passionate about. However, like many entrepreneurs, I did not abandon my job immediately. I worked in the same place for the next 2 years after founding the ministry to support my family financially. Then after much prayers and discussions with my family and trusted friends, I quit my job and decided to pursue my passion.

I think human beings live a more exciting life if they are engaged with what they love to do. As I am writing this, I was reminded of another great phrase, this one from the movie Braveheart, “Every man dies, but not every man really lives.”

Let me ask you a few questions that hopefully, would stimulate your thinking. What really matters at the end of your life here on earth? Did you live fully or just half-way because you chose not to pursue your passion? Did you live a very safe life and took the safe road? When you look back in your life, would there be a lot of “I should have followed my passion”?

I love what I do now but it is never easy. However, I welcome challenges in my life, they make grow and make my life more exciting. I know it’s not going to be a walk in the park when you follow your passion but I know that you got to walk on clouds while doing what you love to do.

Back in early 2005, I did not see myself as the founder of a ministry that reaches to thousands of people every year. Maybe you are at the same situation right now as I was 9 years ago. It seem almost impossible to pursue your passion. But maybe, you just need to step on it and see the deeper reality of what you were called for.

You will live fully when you follow your passion. Just aim to be better at doing it and you will realize a fulfilling life. So, I challenge you to find your passion, and then do it well.

Merlin GonzalesFind your passion, and then do it well
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Missional Community

One of FHL Food Pantries

One of FHL Food Pantries

Take a “fresh look” at your community. Yes, take a second look with your keen eyes and see what’s obvious.

Many times, the obvious gets neglected. Just look around you as you are driving to work, to your church or to your school. What do you see…I mean, look around with observant eyes. How’s the sidewalks, how’s the person driving the vehicle next to you or how’s your fellow student or your co-worker who has been indifferent. They are apparently present in our world and yet we miss them.

FreshLookOur society had become so enamored with the conveniences of modern living that made our lives complicated and we tend to become individualistic creatures. We are busy people. Many of us spend more time gazing at our smart phones than our spouses or our loved ones.

I would like to ask you to “take a fresh look at your community” again. What direction is your community going if you accept the status quo? Do you see deterioration, self-centeredness, residents are living in fear and oppression? How’s the environment? Or, do you see a Missional Community where the atmosphere is charged with vigor, joy, freedom, helping one another and caring for each other. Are the neighborhoods clean, safe and vibrant?

When you look again, do you see little things that can make huge impact? Do you see your neighbors getting involved in making it a better place for your family and for your community? What would the church at the street corner say if you offer your assistance to come alongside them to reach out to others? How would your employer or the principal of a school nearby react if you approach them to build a Missional Community – a place where residents are caring for each other, a place where all the sectors of the community come together to build safer and healthier neighborhoods?

Yes, I believe that together, we can build a society known for its hospitality, cleanliness and prosperous in any way possible. My next blog will provide you with practical steps that we can take to transform our neighborhoods together.

God bless,

Merlin Gonzales

Merlin GonzalesMissional Community
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